All-field Godly Wish System

C1768 How dare You Set Me Up!

C1768 How dare You Set Me Up!

Reiya said angrily, "You mentioned Mengyao just now, didn't you? And you said she was very obedient!"    


"Dad, if you don't come back for dinner, will you be with her? The beauty has an appointment, hmph!"    


Yang Ling looked at Reiya in surprise when he heard that. It turned out that this lass had said so much to get him to speak!    


What a clever and smart daughter!    


"You little bastard dare to plot against me!"    


Saying so, she pretended to hit him again. When Reiya saw that her butt was hurting, she hurriedly jumped up but hid behind Yang Ling instead. She hugged his waist and said: "I don't care. Anyway, I won't let you flirt with girls!"    


It was the perfect time to think of something. Yang Ling really could not hit her at that moment.    


Helpless, he rolled his eyes and said, "Let me tell you something. Sticking to girls is not considered flirting. I don't have the energy to flirt with girls either."    


"That's enough. If you have something to say, say it. If not, I'm going to sleep!"    


Because she was afraid that her little butt would suffer again, reiya tightly hugged Yang Ling from behind and said with grievance, "Alright, say it!"    


"Little Tian said that the Ancient Devil Clan didn't come here to compete with you for the world. They are here to capture me and Kalier, and then use the blood of an Innate Stage Human Race virgin to activate the Blood Devil space-time formation. They want to return to the Devil World!"    




Yang Ling was shocked, "The blood of a Human Race virgin can still activate the space-time formation?"    


"There is such a magical formation in this world!"    




Reiya was stunned at first, but then she got angry and said angrily, "Dad! You were shocked in the wrong place!"    


"You should say that this group of scum actually dared to have designs on my precious daughter, they must be killed, not this bullshit space-time array!"    


"My god, how did a straight man like you manage to catch up to so many beautiful aunts!"    


"Ding! You have shattered Reiya's wish to make you angry because of yourself. Attribute Point + 8."    


Yang Ling nodded and said, "Indeed, these people must die. But before that, I need to get the blueprint of this space-time array."    


Reiya knew that her father's mind was very clear, so she did not care about whether the array was important or her daughter. Her beautiful eyes rolled, as if she had thought of something, but her expression changed.    


She giggled and said: "Father, I have a plan. I can definitely annihilate this group of demons easily!"    


Yang Ling said with a smile that was not a smile, "You want to let Carly be the bait, and then we will secretly set up a grand formation to catch turtles in a jar, right?"    




Reiya was stunned once again. After she reacted, she did not care about the burning pain on her butt. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Yang Ling's neck from behind. "Know your daughter better than your father. As expected, your father is the one who understands me the most!"    


"We will use this plan to break the bandit army tomorrow. What do you think?"    


It was obvious that Reiya was trying to use her official means to get revenge for her own personal gain. She wanted to teach Calier a lesson.    


Yang Ling shook his head. "She's not a fool. She won't be fooled so easily. Rather than catching a turtle in a jar, it's better to let the tiger return to the mountain."    


"Let the tiger return to the mountain..."    


Reiya's eyes lit up after she took a closer look. She giggled and said: "Father has great foresight. I am not even one ten-thousandth of you!"    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Reiya's wish of having a better method, Wish Value + 8."    


Yang Ling smiled faintly and said: "Your butt doesn't hurt anymore?"    


"Go back and sleep. Get up early tomorrow. Go."    




Reiya's small face was somewhat red as she said, "Who knows that after I go to sleep, will you have a date with that whatever Mystic Mengyao?"    


"No, from today onwards, I will be staring at you twenty-four hours a day, including sleeping!"    


I understand, I understand everything.    


Looking at Reiya's shy and evasive eyes, Yang Ling finally understood why this girl had come to denounce him. It turned out that she was looking for an excuse to stick to him!    


After a moment of silence, Yang Ling said in a strange manner, "Daughter, you can't be a father-con, right?"    




Reiya's small face became even redder. However, she was not XuanMengyao. Although her face was red, there was nothing that she could not say.    


"Yes, I am not only a father, I am also a mother!"    


"If you find your mother, I won't stick to you anymore. Otherwise, I will stick to you like sticky candy or a bug. What can you do to me? Hmph!"    


It's over...    


Yang Ling's first reaction was that he couldn't get rid of his daughter...    


If she was really determined to stick to him, there was really nothing he could do on this Kalan Star...    


But once he returned to Earth, he would definitely be fine. He slept with Liu Muhan. She couldn't have followed him here, could she?    


After figuring this out, Yang Ling angrily said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Sleep!"    


After saying that, he turned off the light and laid down on the bed. With his back facing Reiya, he closed his eyes and slept.    


When Reiya saw this, a proud smile appeared on her face. She leaned over and hugged Yang Ling from behind. She said softly, "Father's back is so wide. He won't have insomnia tonight."    


"Right, dad, don't hit me so hard next time..."    


As she spoke, her voice became weaker. Soon, there was a soft snoring sound.    


She fell asleep just like that?    


"'Ding... you have fulfilled Leya's wish to not be lonely and insomnia at night, Wish Value + 8. '"    


"'This child is insomnia...'"    


Hearing the notification from the System, Yang Ling felt a little stifled in his heart. After a while, he gently turned around and looked at Reiya's sleeping face and sighed slightly.    


According to Reiya's own description, she had accidentally fallen into a wormhole when she was very young and arrived at the Calan Star. Although her mind was far beyond her peers, and she had inherited many divine abilities and Physique, her safety was not a problem. But in the end, she was still just a child...    


Without her parents accompanying her, as time passed, her temperament became a little awkward. It was understandable for her parents to instinctively want to stick to her parents.    


This was a child that caused one's heart to ache and pity, but at times, it also made one's teeth itch from anger.    


Generally speaking, other than being more respectful to her parents and aunt, she was extremely cold to others. She would even pinch some people who she did not like to see to death without a care.    


To be frank, she was a bad child who was afraid of her parents...    


However, she was still her biological daughter. Yang Ling helped his daughter stroke her messy hair. He smiled slightly and picked up the sleeping Reiya.    


The next morning, reiya slowly woke up. The first thing she did was to touch her body, but it was empty.    




She hurriedly got up and saw Yang Ling sleeping on another bed beside her. She was currently on a new bed made from Divine Vine. She heaved a sigh of relief and pouted.    


She climbed onto Yang Ling's bed barefooted. She shook her father and said, "Dad, you're up. Are you so unwilling to sleep with me?"    


Obviously, after sleeping soundly last night, Yang Ling took out a new bed from his space and carried his daughter to the new bed to sleep separately.    


"Ding! You have shattered Reiya's wish to not sleep separately with you, Attribute Point + 8."    


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