All-field Godly Wish System

C2671 Family Meeting Confirm Guidelines

C2671 Family Meeting Confirm Guidelines

Although Yang Ling had become an immortal, he was still a down-to-earth person. He was celebrating with the people.    


This process lasted for an entire month. Most of the time, he celebrated with everyone around the world. His main purpose was to collect a wave of Wish Value.    


Now, the power of desire that the System could collect had been greatly enhanced. There were a total of 14 billion people in the human world now. They had to make good use of this.    


After a month, Yang Ling had obtained 70 million Wish Value, and he returned home with satisfaction.    


That night, in the entertainment room of the Yang Family's palace.    


The girls were playing games. There were those who read books, those who ranked, those who wore helmets and entered the world of Xianxia, and those who did all kinds of things. Yang Ling was teaching Ruo'er the meaning of the terrifying laws when Qi Lina walked over. She whispered, "Master, the appointed time is up."    


Yang Ling smiled and said. "Little Na, how many times have I told you not to call me master? You can call me Ling, husband, or anything."    


"We don't have a master and servant system in our family."    


Qi Lina's face turned red. After clearing her throat, she gently said, "Husband, it is time for the meeting."    


Ruo'er and the others around started to laugh. Yang Ling got up and pinched Qi Lina's face. He was in a very good mood.    


The war had ended. He had fulfilled his long-cherished wish and the promise he made to all humans. He had never felt so relaxed before.    


Now, he could finally do some of his own things.    


He said with a faint smile: "Alright, let's have a meeting."    


After a while, in the entertainment room, there were girls sitting on the bed, chairs, and carpet... It was hard to imagine that they were a group of Creators.    


Yang Ling saw that everyone was present. Other than Leiya who was in solitary confinement, kelly who was in secluded cultivation, Rainbow Fairy and Faang Yuwei who were cultivating somewhere, and Shi Yanran, Yu Zimi and Yang Xue (Kalan Xing), everyone else had arrived.    


Even the two younger daughters had arrived. Yang Ling smiled and said. "How about this, let's have a family meeting."    


"First of all, the first thing."    


"Which madam would like to pour me a cup of coffee?"    


When he said this, everyone was stunned, and then burst into laughter.    


The 2B who stood at the door very consciously went to make coffee. The girls all chuckled, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.    


Su Qiling lightly laughed and said, "Darling, what do you want to say? Hurry up. The server is being maintained at two o'clock at night. There is still a boss that hasn't been fought yet."    


"Good, good! I will make it short."    


As the head of the family, Yang Ling did not dare to offend any of the husbands in the family. This was his respect for them.    


Receiving the coffee from the 2B lady, Yang Ling smiled and said, "Then I will say it."    


"First, did you guys relax too much?"    


"You guys play games and watch TV all day. You don't need to practice anymore, do you? Do you know that you are an Artisan? "    


"The Tribulation Realm is very difficult. Even I can't help you. You can't be careless!"    




When these words came out, the faces of the girls in the house turned slightly red. Hearing what Yang Ling said, it was true that during this period of time, their self-control was somewhat poor...    


Liu Muhan gently said, "Alright. Everyone knows about this. Tell me the second thing."    




"Then I'll say the second thing."    


Yang Ling took a sip of coffee and said, "Let me tell you about our next goal."    


"The first thing is that you will be able to break through the Fate Tribulation smoothly and reach the Heavenly Immortal Realm, so that we can join the Immortal Destiny. This is the first thing we need to do."    


"The next thing we need to do is to build a universe fleet."    


"If we want to expand the strength of our family and obtain more resources so that we can finally break through to the Immortal Venerable Realm, an invincible fleet is essential."    


"This is a private fleet belonging to our family. I don't want to use the people of the group or even our family."    


"What do you all think?"    


As usual, he raised his hand to vote.    


Ruo'er, Yurou, and the others had always been like Yang Ling. Even if they reached the Artisan realm, it would still be the same. A wise man would help a wise man, and they would not have any opinions.    


Su Qiling also raised her hand to express her agreement. When she raised her hand, Yang Xiaoxuan and the other girls also raised their hands.    


Su Qiuxia asked curiously, "Ling, do you want to separate the fleet from the family? Do you want to separate from the family head?"    


Yang Ling nodded and said. "That's right. It's not separating, but separating."    


"Our family's development is very good, but it's still a secular Power. As our cultivation increases, it's actually very different from theirs."    


"After all, our family's cultivation is still shallow. They were born wave after wave, leaving us one after another. However, our lifespans are incomparably long, and it's unavoidable for us to break away from them."    


"After a period of time, I will also give up the position of clan head."    


The girls looked at each other. Although they knew that what Yang Ling said was the truth, they felt a little uncomfortable when they thought about how they would gradually distance themselves from the family members.    


After seeing everyone's expression, Yang Ling said gently, "Even if we didn't cut off the connection between us, there will always be a difference between Immortal and Mortal. Perhaps in the next life, their cultivation base will reach the peak and they will be able to keep up with us."    


"That's a piece of good news for us to rekindle our familial ties."    


Liu Muhan sighed slightly and nodded, "There is still a huge gap between us and Xian Fan. Perhaps it's not a bad thing for us to break the connection between us."    


Yang Ling looked at his wife and said with a faint smile. "If we really severed our ties with the Immortal World, given our character, we will regret it."    


"Time is a good medicine to cure wounds. Time flows slowly, and everything will calm down."    


Everyone nodded and raised their small hands.    


Regarding the matter of breaking off ties with the family, everyone passed.    


Yang Ling smiled and said, "Then this matter is settled. We don't need to say anything openly, we will gradually disappear. It will be fine as long as we are in their line of sight. "    


"Next, I plan to build a planet that belongs to us, and move all of our palaces and forces there"    


"Make that planet our base camp"    


Yang Ling thought that everyone would have a heated discussion, but he didn't expect that everyone would pass very quickly.    


Liu Muhan smiled faintly and said, "This is the trend of the general trend."    


"It is not just us who think so. Nalan Family, chen Family, and other major families are preparing to build or occupy a planet to use as their base camp."    


"This is not dissociating themselves from the humans, but expanding their living space."    


Yang Ling laughed. "That's right, expanding the space for survival."    


Mu Wanying asked curiously, "Then where should we move the headquarters to?"    


"Ka Lan Xing or Tian Yue Xing?"    


Yang Ling smiled and shook his head. "Planet Karan is a mix of fish and dragons. It can be used to occupy planets to collect resources and consecrates. It cannot be used as a base camp."    


"Planet Heavenly Yue is very suitable, but I plan to leave it for my family to use as a base camp."    


"With the protection of the low-speed Black Region and the abundant resources on Planet Karan, it is the best planet."    


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