All-field Godly Wish System

C1745 Final Time Reiya Chapter 13

C1745 Final Time Reiya Chapter 13



Alice, who was in the sky, saw this scene with tears streaming down her face. The Prophet sighed and was speechless.    


Now all hope was on Yang Ling.    


Below, reiya tightened her grip on the sword in her hand. She looked at the fallen body of the Hero King and silently walked forward again.    


Suddenly, intense footsteps sounded behind her!    


Aaron, who was covered in blood, held a heavy sword in his hand and charged towards her without caring about anything!    


"Female Demon!!"    


He shouted angrily. It could be seen that he was extremely angry at the Hero King's death!    


"Come back!"    


The Sword Saint in the distance cried out in alarm, but Aaron, who was already beyond his rage, had already thrown caution to the wind!    


Reiya looked at Aaron, who was rushing over, and looked at the blood-stained Longsword in her hand. She seemed to want to lift it up, but in the end, she sighed and only lightly stretched out a finger.    




Aaron's heavy sword was actually blocked by one of her fingers.    


No, to be precise, it was the fingernail of the pinky!    


In his rage, aaron slashed wildly at Reiya, but without exception, all of it was blocked by that tiny nail. His broadsword was not even comparable to a nail clipper.    


Reiya did not seem to want to kill him. With a flick of her finger, she deflected the broadsword and grabbed Aaron's throat.    


Aaron was nothing in front of Reiya. At this moment, he was powerless to break free. He could not even speak. All he could do was glare at the female devil in front of him.    


"Sunset Snow Shirt..."    


Reiya retracted her gaze from Aaron's cloak and calmly said, "You are quite lucky and your talent is also very good. Since he gave you this dress, I will also give you a present."    


As she spoke, she gently tapped Aaron's forehead. A strange Longsword symbol appeared on his forehead and disappeared in a flash.    


This was the cultivation technique of the Sword Flight. Not only did Leiya not kill Aaron, she also gave him a fortuitous encounter just like Yang Ling!    


Aaron felt a splitting headache. Before he could say anything, his vision turned black and he fainted.    


Reiya threw him to the side. Looking at the unconscious youth, she said calmly, "Perhaps you will become the next Hero King, but it has nothing to do with me anymore."    


After saying that, she once again walked forward. A terrifying aura emanated from her body, and almost all living creatures were unable to get within ten steps of her.    


A moment later, in the basement of the palace.    


In the dark basement, reiya tapped her fingertip, and a wall collapsed, revealing a secret room hidden behind the wall.    


In the middle of the secret room was a strange altar with dense golden dragons engraved on it. They constantly moved and changed on the altar, as if they were alive. It was both magical and somewhat sinister.    


This was the altar that the Heaven Rending Si Clan had secretly sneaked into the palace. No one in the palace could detect anything unusual with her cultivation base.    


Standing alone in front of the altar, reiya's eyes were filled with sadness. She gently turned around and turned back into her long black hair, wearing a white fairy robe.    


In the last moments of her life, she hoped that she would leave the world as her father liked.    


Her body gently floated up, and she slowly laid in the center of the altar, chanting an incantation.    


In the next moment, a pure white bead floated out of her body. The moment this white bead appeared, the surrounding space began to fluctuate. It seemed as if even the rules were going to be distorted.    


This was the origin of the Eternal Heaven Body!    


She needed to completely activate this altar with the origin of the Eternal Heaven Body. Then, with this altar as the center, all the altars that covered the entire Ka Lan Star would be activated, and the Ten Thousand Dragon Realm Great Immortal Arts would be activated!    


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