All-field Godly Wish System

C1716 Collecting the Divine Lightning the Long-awaited Intimacy Level Evaluation

C1716 Collecting the Divine Lightning the Long-awaited Intimacy Level Evaluation

Reiya turned her head to look at Yang Ling and winked at him. Then, she said, "Qing Tian, eternal Heaven God Realm, and Immortal Reverent Samsara are all from Pan Gu Super Continent. Why did they put the blame on your Zi Wei Super Continent?"    


Mo Xiyan said with a faint smile, "The Human Race of the two Super Continents share the same root. In the distant past, they were both under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court. Their bloodline similarity has almost reached 100%. They are the same batch of ancestors."    


"Even the Human Race of the Black Yellow Super Continent only has a bloodline similarity of 98%."    


98% was 98%. Although there was a 2% difference, there was still a huge difference. They were almost two different species.    


The bloodline similarity between humans and gorillas was almost 90%.    


"Heavenly Court..."    


Yang Ling remembered this in his heart, while Reiya giggled. "Mo Xiyan, which Immortal Venerable is the most popular among you?"    




Mo Xiyan was stunned when she heard this. She said with a slightly red face, "Many of the Immortal Venerables have fallen. But if you want to say if you like it... "    


"Girls like Qing Tian and Tai Yi, the two male Immortal Venerables. According to legend, they are the best friends, and they even went into seclusion together for thousands of years. In the end, the Dao Companion of Tai Yi Immortal Venerable, zi Wei Immortal Venerable, got angry and smashed the cave abode to drag him back!"    


As she spoke, she laughed lightly, as if she had imagined the scene at that time. Her eyes carried a trace of longing, and then she sighed slightly. "Rumor has it that these two Immortal Venerables have already reincarnated. They should be in some corner of the universe right now..."    


Reiya giggled. "Perhaps they are by your side?"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Yang Ling pinched her arm. She stuck out her tongue playfully and asked, "Which Immortal Venerable is the most popular among the male cultivators?"    


Mo Xiyan answered matter-of-factly, "The Immortal Venerable of Zi Wei! She was powerful and beautiful. Our North Pole Super Continent is named after her. "    


"Actually, we all respect her more than anything else. If we were to talk about the goddess in our dreams, she would definitely be the Eternal Heaven Immortal Venerable and my Ancestral Master's grandmother, the Samsara Immortal Venerable..."    


She said longingly, "The Eternal Heaven Immortal Venerable is the number one Immortal Venerable in the universe. Even Celestial Sovereign can't beat her! She is also the number one beauty!"    


"The Reincarnation Immortal Venerable is beautiful and moving. I heard that she has a gentle and quiet personality. She belongs to the same category as the sister next door. I really admire her!"    


Yang Ling nodded his head repeatedly in agreement. "Yes, she's really beautiful, gentle and quiet. Moreover, she looks very pretty when she's shy. I really admire her!"    


"Huh? Shy?"    


Mo Xiyan instinctively took a few steps back and said with a look of disgust, "Brother Yang, why would my ancestral grandmas be shy in front of you? Can you not tell me what happened in your dream? "    


"Ding! You have shattered Mo Xiyan's wish of not treating her Ancestral Master as a fantastical object. Attribute Point + 1."    


"Pfft! Hahahaha!"    


Lei Ya laughed so hard that her flowers were shaking. Yang Ling knew that he had said something wrong. He touched his nose and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that the flower ball was no longer shaking. The current had calmed down!    


The two girls also felt the change. Reiya waved her hand and put away the epiphyllum. The three of them looked forward at the same time.    


The water in the distance was muddy, but Yang Ling opened his Heavenly Eye and found that all the oceanic soul beasts had their bellies raised and fainted!    


"It's done!"    


He laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go!"    


A moment later, outside the underwater stone mountain, mo Xiyan looked at the twitching sea soul beasts and the floating golden light. She sighed and said, "Brother Yang, you are really amazing. I admire you so much that I prostrate myself in front of you."    


Reiya said proudly, "Of course my dad is amazing!"    


"Dad, what do we do now? Do we want to go inside the stone mountain or collect the Evil Warding Golden Lightning?"    


Yang Ling said in a deep voice, "Collect the lightning first! Watch me! "    


After saying that, he pointed his finger and a lightning bead slowly formed outside the light shield. A magnetic field began to spread out, and the surrounding golden electric arcs started to gather towards the lightning ball!    


"Good move! This little sister has never heard of Brother Yang's control of lightning being so precise!"    


Mo Xiyan praised while Reiya giggled. She giggled and clapped her hands.    


The principle was actually very simple. The positive and negative poles attracted each other. Even primary school students knew about it.    


Of course, because of the Evil Warding Golden Lightning, some of them were positive and some were negative, which meant that Yang Ling's lightning control skill had reached level 10. With the Deductive Proficiency, he could quickly change the attributes of the thunder balls according to the situation. No one else could do this.    


After the thunder balls had all turned golden, Yang Ling held his shield and came to the other side of the sea not far away. He started to do the same thing. At the same time, he said in a deep voice, "Reiya, I need to focus on collecting the thunder balls. Carefully sense the surroundings and alert me immediately if you find anything unusual."    


"Don't worry, leave it to me!"    


Reiya formed a hand seal. In the next moment, a faint light flickered in the depths of her eyes!    


"Heavenly Eye?"    


Yang Ling was shocked. His daughter also had Heavenly Eye. In the future, she would also use the Clear Eye Spiritual Liquid to wash her eyes!    


Heavens, she basically knew everything she knew. The entire mini version of Yang Ling, this daughter was way too amazing!    


However, this way, he would be able to use the thunder balls and Deductive Proficiency more freely, and the speed at which he could collect the golden thunder would be even faster.    


Half an hour later, all of the golden thunder were collected. Looking at the ten floating golden thunder balls in front of him, Yang Ling couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.    


These were condensed from the source of the Divine Devilbane Lightning, not the kind of lightning that was released. After absorbing the two balls of golden lightning, they could form Divine Talisman in his body, and now there were ten balls of them!    


It was enough for five people to refine it!    


Yang Ling pointed his finger, and two balls of golden thunder balls floated in front of Mo Xiyan. He laughed and said: "Miss Mo, anyone who sees will have a share. No need to thank me!"    


Mo Xiyan took a deep breath and gave an ancient bow to Yang Ling. She said with a smile, "I would never dare to look forward to Brother Yang giving me a treasure. If I have any assignments in the future, I will not hesitate to go through fire and water!"    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Mo Xiyan's wish of getting the Evil Warding Golden Lightning, Wish Value + 1."    


"Ding! Detected that Mo Xiyan has met all the requirements and triggered the Intimacy Evaluation. Current Favorability: 49."    


"Oh? She actually met all the requirements? Do I have such a good impression of her? "    


Hearing the notification from the System, Yang Ling was a little surprised. As his cultivation base increased, it became increasingly difficult for the girls to trigger the Intimacy Evaluation. Apart from the ones with good looks, the ones with good looks... His cultivation base was at least at the Peak of Innate Stage, and he also liked to be infatuated with himself. However, the most difficult thing to achieve was Yang Ling's subjective impression of her.    


Triggering the Intimacy Evaluation required Yang Ling, this host, to have a good subjective impression of a girl, and obtain the recognition from the depths of his heart.    


The girls around Yang Ling were too outstanding. Naturally, their vision would become very high. To put it bluntly, the first few conditions were the hard conditions of the System's recognition. However, unless Yang Ling acknowledged that there was some kind of fate between a girl and him, no matter how beautiful or outstanding she was, she would not be able to become a system connection character.    


After spending some time together, listening to Mo Xiyan talk about the incident on the Zi Wei Star and the past of the Immortal Venerables had left a deep impression in Yang Ling's heart. In addition, this girl's style of conduct had also gained his recognition.    


With all kinds of factors added together, the long-awaited Intimacy Evaluation was triggered.    


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