All-field Godly Wish System

C1589 The Holy Mother and the Remnant Soul!

C1589 The Holy Mother and the Remnant Soul!

Su Qiling chuckled and once again opened her and Yang Ling's Light Tracker. She looked at Heng Yue who was not far away and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Let's go. Someone is waiting for you."    


After a moment at the door of the side hall, Yang Ling looked at Heng Yue who was weakly leaning against the corner of the wall. He smiled and pointed his finger. A drop of Blood of Mysterious Maiden slowly floated in front of her.    


When Heng Yue, who originally had a pale face, saw the Blood of Mysterious Maiden, her excited face turned red. She carefully used the little amount of energy she had left to wrap the drop of blood and put it into her body. She said gratefully, "Thank you, fellow Daoists. Heng Yue will never forget this kindness!"    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Heng Yue's wish of getting the Blood of Mysterious Maiden. Wish Value + 1."    


Su Qiling only nodded indifferently, while Yang Ling smiled and said, "Miss Heng Yue, after you become the Human Race's new daughter of the Mystic Moon, you will be born very quickly. Now that the world is in chaos, I wonder what your future plans will be?"    


Heng Yue did not hesitate and said, "If fellow Daoists do not give up, Heng Yue is willing to submit to the Human Race and gain some strength."    


As soon as she said this, the bullet comments exploded. All the big shots in the command center had bright smiles on their faces.    


The woman thought of something and handed over a Storage Ring, saying, "This is the promised item. That place is also dangerous. Fellow Daoist, you must be careful if you go there."    


Yang Ling scanned it with his Divine Sense and a smile appeared on his face.    


This was the complete map of the Violet Electricity Berserk Thunder!    


There was a reward for what she had done. With the map in hand, Heng Yue had also joined a big family in the Human Race. Her realm was at the peak of the Third Level. With her help, the Human Race would be able to increase their strength in the future war.    


Yang Ling said with a smile, "I will remember it. Thank you for reminding me."    


Then he stretched out his hand and said, "I will bring all my family members and welcome you to join me."    


"From now on, we will work together and overcome difficulties together."    


"Yes, we will work together."    


Heng Yue struggled to shake hands with Yang Ling. The scene of the two shaking hands was forever fixed and became one of the major events in history.    


In the future, Heng Yue would play a huge role in the war. She would be called the Moonlight Goddess, and under the moonlight, she defeated countless alien races.    


"Ding! You have subdued Heng Yue in the live broadcast. This has greatly boosted morale. System has determined that you have conquered a small domain. Wish Value + 100."    


Time waited for no one. Yang Ling had to meet up with Yun Qinglan and Meng Meng as soon as possible. After withdrawing his hand, he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, find a place to treat your injuries. Qiling and I still need to meet up with other companions. You can go back after breaking the palace's restrictions."    


"There will naturally be people to receive you when you arrive in the clan."    




Heng Yue did not waste any time and nodded, "Fellow Daoists, take care. When you return, I will definitely pay a visit and have a good chat with fellow Daoists."    


Yang Ling nodded and said. "It is a promise. Take care."    


Su Qiling also cupped her hands and the two of them used their escape technique to disappear from the corridor.    


Along the way, Su Qiling lightly smiled and said, "Hubby, this Heng Yue seems to have a good impression of you. She is now in the Human Race and I thought that she would have another sister."    


Yang Ling laughed when he heard that. "Am I that kind of person?"    


"That's right, Qiling. Your source and Genuine Qi have not fully recovered yet. If a fight breaks out later, don't attack for the time being."    




At this time, if Su Qiling was very obedient, she glanced at the Spirit Control Bag on Yang Ling's waist and suddenly said with a red face, "Hubby, why don't I also hide in your Spirit Control Bag like Tong'er?"    




Yang Ling said in surprise. "Tong'er signed a spiritual pet contract with me. You want to be a spiritual pet too?"    


"Just be a spiritual pet, I can be a spiritual pet too!"    


Su Qiling's voice became even softer. She muttered, "If there is an additional identity as a spiritual pet, I can still stay in your Spirit Beast Bag and never be separated..."    


Yang Ling shook his head and smiled. "I understand your intentions, but I don't have any special hobbies."    


"After this matter is settled, I'll bring you guys to a place. That place is our real home."    


"Hmph, you're finally willing to speak?"    


Su Qiling chuckled, "I already knew that you have a spatial treasure like the Heaven Upheaval Seal. This time, you are finally willing to let us in!"    


At this moment, Su Qiling no longer had the shy look from before. Was she trying to scare people?    


Yang Ling was angry and funny at the same time. He rolled his eyes at her and said, "Qiling, you are pretending quite well. So you are trying to trick me."    


"After becoming the Human Race, your acting skills have improved?"    


Su Qiling giggled and said. "I don't care. Anyway, you have already agreed."    


"I am doing this for the benefit of my sisters. Who knows if there are other women hidden in your space."    


At this time, Yang Ling was using the Thunder Escape to jump. The Light Tracker had no signal, so he was not afraid that the matter of the Wish Space would be exposed. He smiled and said, "Alright, I will let you guys check it. I am not afraid of being slanted."    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Su Qiling's wish to enter your spatial treasure for a tour in the future. Wish Value + 5."    


The two of them chatted as they flew. In just a short period of time, they had reached the end of another passage. When they had just arrived nearby, they heard the sound of magical treasures bombarding and the tender voice of a woman.    


Rushing into this side hall, Yang Ling and Su Qiling were both shocked!    


In the side hall, meng Meng had already powerlessly laid on the ground. Yun Qinglan used the Pan Wu Luo Divine Power to the extreme and was currently fighting with a woman in a blue long robe, who was around 27 or 28 years old.    


In the depths of the side chamber, a treasure chest was floating slowly. In front of the treasure chest stood a woman in a white robe. She looked to be about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Behind her, there were nine pure white tails, just like Meng Meng's!    




Yang Ling was dumbfounded. If he was not mistaken, this woman in a blue robe was the Moonhowl Silver Wolf, and the white robed woman was definitely the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox!    


However, both of them were Spirit Body, and their faces were expressionless.    


The first thing he did was rush to Meng Meng's side. Yang Ling hugged the little girl and sensed her. He discovered that the Genuine Qi in Meng Meng's body was very messy, and she was very weak.    


Fang Hua's Flower Blossom skill was on cooldown. He hurriedly stuffed a few Pill into Meng Meng's mouth and drank a few mouthfuls of Immortal Wine. Only then did her breathing stabilize, but she was still in a daze.    


Su Qiling who was beside her said with a trembling voice, "The Heavenly Fox Spirit Body is the Holy Mother of my clan, and the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Body is the Holy Mother of the Wolf Clan. The Heavenly Fox Spirit Body is the Holy Mother of my clan, and the Heavenly Wolf Spirit Body is the Holy Mother of the Wolf Clan."    


"They... actually have a remnant soul left behind in this world..."    


"Holy Mother!"    


Yang Ling frowned again. The Holy Mother of these two clans was a mighty figure in the Sage State when she was alive!    


He handed Meng Meng to Su Qiling and said, "Take care of her. I will go and help Qinglan!"    


"Hubby, be careful!"    


The Dragon Sword was drawn out of the sheath and with a bang, it broke down the attack of the Holy Mother of the Wolf Tribe. Yang Ling instantly appeared beside Yun Qinglan and asked with concern. "Qinglan, are you alright?"    


Yun Qinglan took a breath and nodded, "I am fine for now."    


"Husband, this is the remnant soul of the Holy Mother of the Wolf Race. It is not complete. Although her realm is at the fifth peak, her means are extremely powerful. You must be careful."    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Yun Qinglan's wish. Wish Value + 2."    


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