All-field Godly Wish System

C1359 Yang Ling's Suspicion and Actions

C1359 Yang Ling's Suspicion and Actions

But before he leaves T City, he needs to do another thing.    


His younger brother, Lin Dong, had been cuckolded. Since this had happened... He couldn't just pretend he didn't see it...    


When they left the Wish Space, it was already dawn. Yang Ling sensed the location of the Thunder Imprint and found that the slut was still in the hotel. Needless to say, she must be having an affair with that pretty boy.    


Yang Ling wasn't in a hurry to act. Initially, he didn't pay much attention to it, but now he was puzzled. This matter didn't seem to be as simple as it seemed on the surface.    


The whole world knew that he was in T City, so why did that dog couple dare to be so unscrupulous?    


It was impossible that they did not know that Lin Dong was their younger brother, right?    


If they said that the ignorant were fearless, then it could only be said that they were stupid, but if they had something to rely on, then it was worth considering.    


In his cautious nature, Yang Ling would instinctively think deeper.    


After a moment of silence, he dialed the number.    


The call went through very quickly. Lin Dong on the other end of the line said happily, "Brother, I watched your performance. It was wonderful. You are the pride of our family! "    


Yang Ling smiled when he heard that. "Don't flatter me. Now book ten tickets to T City. Wait for me in Nanhu Villa District tomorrow morning. Someone will pick you up."    




Lin Dong asked, curious, "Brother, what happened?"    


"Don't ask. You'll know when you come."    


Yang Ling hung up the phone after saying that. He then dialed another number. Brother Bao's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone. "Brother Yang, why did you have time to call me?"    


"You are so strong. Yesterday, that sword was like a dream and made me and my brothers admire you. They respect you like a surging river..."    


"Alright, cut the crap."    


Yang Ling interrupted his flattery and went straight to the point. "Bao, bring eight brothers to the entrance of Nanhu Villa District tomorrow morning to pick up my brother Lin Dong. You guys come to T City together. I have something to tell you to do."    


Bao perked up when he heard this. He said respectfully: "Don't worry, Brother Yang. I promise I will bring good men with me!"    


"Okay, give me a call when you arrive. That's all."    


After hanging up the phone, Yang Ling smiled and called Nalan Jin again. "Sister Nalan, do me a favor. Find someone to spread the news that I went to Europe to travel with my sister last night."    


Nalan Jin, who was on the other end of the phone, asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"    


Yang Ling was silent for a moment before he said, "In T City, I saw my brother's girlfriend with a wild man."    




Nalan Jin was stunned at first, then she giggled. "Who is so bold? Where are you? Let's have a cup of coffee and chat slowly."    


All women liked to gossip, even Female Cultivator was the same...    


Yang Ling said faintly, "When you ask this, I am also very curious. Who is so bold as to provoke the head of my Yang Family?"    


"And even knowing that I am in T City, don't you think it is strange?"    




Nalan Jin came back to her senses and asked hesitantly, "Ling, are you suspecting that there is something unclean in T City?"    


Yang Ling said, "I am not sure about that. Are they really fearless or brainless, or are they just hoping for luck? Won't we know if we try?"    


After chatting for a while, Yang Ling put away his phone. He went to a hotel with another identity and booked a room. After taking a shower, he went to bed.    


The next morning, he kept his low insurance as usual. He cultivated in the space and concocted pills all the way until the afternoon. He estimated that Lin Dong and the others should have arrived. He left the space and went to the airport.    


A moment later, in a corner of the airport, Lin Dong said excitedly, "Brother Ling! Why do I feel that you are becoming more and more handsome?"    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Lin Dong and the others' wish to see you. Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling smiled and patted his shoulder. "Not bad, you have grown taller again. You are a big guy now."    


He took out a small golden pendant from his pocket and gave it to Lin Dong. "Here, brother will give you a small gift. If you can get into Donghua University, I will give you something good later."    


"Thank you brother!"    


Lin Dong seemed very happy. This small golden pendant was exquisitely made. The key was that Yang Ling gave it to him. That would be a lot of face.    


What he didn't know was that this pendant was a small magic treasure refined by Yang Ling using some simple refining materials. The power of throwing it out was not small. It could even save a person's life at a critical moment.    


Among so many relatives, Lin Dong was considered an outstanding child, but as the saying went, it wasn't that one family didn't want to enter the same family. With Yang Ling's current status, he had long forgotten about these things.    


Furthermore, in his heart, he still attached great importance to this younger brother.    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Lin Dong's wish of receiving your little gift. Wish Value + 1."    


After Lin Dong expressed his gratitude, he took out two beautiful small boxes from his suitcase and gave them to Yang Ling. "Brother, this is a gift from me and older sister. Don't mind it."    




Yang Ling took them with a smile. He only needed a glance at the Spiritual Energy to know what was inside. It was an exquisite watch worth 100,000 yuan and a man's leather bag. It was estimated to be more than 100,000 yuan.    


He didn't care about these things, but since he had already given them away, he definitely had to accept them.    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Lin Dong's wish to receive the gift. Wish Value + 1."    


After receiving the gift, Yang Ling looked at the nine men behind him and smiled. "Everyone, thank you for your hard work."    


Brother Bao was smart when he heard that. He quickly gave a look to the people behind him. These men immediately bowed and said loudly, "Greetings, Brother Yang!"    


"Yes, hello."    


Yang Ling turned his hand and took out a large stack of money. He handed it to Lin Dong and said, "Little Dong, give the money to the brothers."    


Lin Dong was not an idiot. Instead, he was very smart. He knew what his brother meant. This was to help build his prestige.    


Brother Bao waved his hand when he saw this and said, "Brother Yang, you don't need to do this. It is an honor for our brothers to do things for you!"    


Yang Ling smiled and said, "An honor is an honor, but you still have to give us the money."    


Lin Dong also said, "Everyone has worked hard. As long as you work hard, my brother will not treat you unfairly. Take it."    


As he spoke, he directly stuffed the money into Brother Bao's hands.    


Who didn't love money?    


Brother Bao smiled coyly and said, "Then thank you, Brother Yang. Thank you, brother Dong."    


He turned around and said to the people behind him, thank you, brother Dong Dong. "Why aren't you thanking the two young masters?"    


The mallets behind him bowed again to express their thanks, it was nothing difficult.    


"Ding! You have fulfilled Brother Bao and the others' wish of earning a bet. Wish Value + 1."    


Yang Ling said with a faint smile. "Alright, there is no need to stand here. Come with me."    


After a while, Yang Ling led the group to eat first. Then, they went to a high-class hotel and booked a room. Although they were talking and laughing, everyone was smart. No one would ask if Yang Ling did not say anything.    


On the sofa in the hotel lobby, Yang Ling said to Lin Dong, who was eating fruit next to him, "Little Dong, I have something to do. I will leave for a while. Whatever happens next will be up to you."    




Lin Dong could not help but ask, "Brother, what happened? Tell me."    


"What happened?"    


Yang Ling looked out the window at the young man and woman who were walking over intimately with their arms around their shoulders and snorted. "See for yourself."    


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