All-field Godly Wish System

C1362 If You Plot Against Each Other Who will Win

C1362 If You Plot Against Each Other Who will Win

Late at night, in an abandoned factory in T City, Lin Dong sighed and put down the phone. Bao, who was next to him, hurriedly said, "Brother Dong, can you get through to Brother Yang's phone?"    


Lin Dong smiled bitterly and said, "My brother probably wants us to solve this problem by ourselves."    




Bao was silent for a moment, then hesitated and said, "The people of Yellow Dragon Group are looking for us all over the city. The possibility of them leaving just like that is very small."    


"Brother Dong, I think we should call Director Liu and ask her to send some helicopters to pick us up."    


Lin Dong instinctively picked up his phone to call his sister-in-law, but he suddenly remembered something and shook his head. "No, my brother can't get through to her, so you can't call her."    




Bao was speechless for a moment. At this moment, a little brother quickly walked over and said: "Brother Dong Dong, Brother Bao. One of my brothers is from T City. He knows a small road in the countryside that he can walk on. I guarantee that he won't be caught."    


"He can also prepare a car. He just wants a reward."    


"There's such a thing!"    


Bao was overjoyed when he heard that. "Brother Dong Dong, money is not a problem. Shall we leave now?"    


Lin Dong looked at this little brother and then looked at Bao. He suddenly shook his head and said: "No, we can't leave!"    




They were stunned again, but they heard Lin Dong say: "When we are out, we represent my brother. My sister-in-law represents the family!"    


"If we leave just like that, where will they put their faces in the future?"    


"Brother and sister-in-law are such big figures, how can they not be able to defeat the scar-faced Huang Long of T City!"    


These words stunned the younger brothers, but on second thought, it really made sense!    


Bao gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Dong Dong, what do you want to do? All of us will listen to you!"    


"Good brother!"    


Lin Dong imitated Yang Ling and patted Bao on the shoulder. "Call all the brothers immediately and call Ah Xiong. Tell him to come as well."    


"No matter who wins or loses, we will have a fight with Scar Huang Long in this city."    


Everyone got excited when they heard that. Bao's little brother said excitedly, "Okay! Let's do it!"    


As he spoke, he immediately made a phone call.    


On a tall building not far from this abandoned factory stood a middle-aged man. This person had a dignified appearance, and beside him were two young men, a man and a woman.    


The woman frowned and said, "Elder, it seems like Yang Ling's younger brother really wants to fight us. Should we go and kill him now?"    


The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "Are you sure Yang Ling has already left T City?"    




The man beside him said, "According to reliable information, Nalan Jin accidentally revealed that Yang Ling went to Europe when she was chatting with someone in her family."    


"Our people have already investigated. Yang Ling's hotel room has been withdrawn and he has not appeared for many days."    


The middle-aged man showed a hesitant expression. The woman beside him said, "Elder, our Savage Tribe has been operating in T City for a long time. It's time to get rid of the Nalan Family."    


"Currently, Faang Qi has gone to the ocean. Chen Baishan is in secluded cultivation and Yang Ling is not around. Also, according to the information given by the higher-ups, Little Dragon Maiden is missing. Su Qiling has gone to the northernmost region for a vacation."    


"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"    


The middle-aged man frowned deeply and was silent for a long time before he asked again, "I will ask you one more time. Did Yang Ling leave T City?"    


The man and woman looked at each other. The man said in a deep voice, "I am not sure where he went. But elder, have you forgotten about the incident at the Heavenly Temple?"    


"Huang Ya and Prince clearly said that Yang Ling and Mu Liuguang had an unclear relationship. I am sure that this person must have gone to Europe to find Mu Liuguang!"    


"Even if he did not go, Muhua Group and Fengkang Group are merging now. He cannot waste his time in T City!"    


The middle-aged man looked at the young man beside him and nodded, "That's what you should say."    


"Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is indeed the best chance to eliminate Nalan Family and attack Yang Family."    


The man's eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice, "Pass down my order. All the clansmen in the vicinity of T City will be here by noon tomorrow. I predict that Nalan Jin will lead the people of the Nalan Family to help Yang Ling, this useless little brother."    


"When the time comes, we will annihilate them all in one fell swoop!"    


The men and women beside him looked at each other and saw a trace of excitement in each other's eyes. The woman said, "Elder, once Nalan Jin dies, the Human Alliance will be alerted. We..."    


"Destroy T City and return to the clan."    


The middle-aged man said coldly, "Our mission is to uproot the Nalan Family, a human cultivation family, and eliminate the remaining human cultivators bit by bit."    


"We will also destroy the city, causing the Huaxia to fall into chaos. When we return, we will definitely be handsomely rewarded by the two Prince!"    


The two men beside her could tell that they were very happy. The girl seemed to have thought of something and said: "Oh right, elder, your son's genitals were stepped on by someone. Do you need help to treat him?"    


"Also, your wife is so emotional that she can't even convince him..."    


Hearing that, the Elder sighed lightly and said: "Ten years ago, I killed Dao Ba Huang Long and changed into his appearance to control the company. Although these two people have nothing to do with me, after all, I have accompanied them for so long..."    


"Forget it, you go and treat that useless son of mine. As for Madam... she seems to know some things about me. Find someone to protect her and return to the clan with me after completing the task."    


The woman nodded:" Yes, elder "    


The three of them were discussing a grand plan, but they did not know that there was a pair of eyes looking at them from the clouds.    


To avoid being discovered, Yang Ling and Nalan Jin hid very far away, but the Thousand Mile Eye could see their every move, and the Deductive Proficiency could accurately read their lips.    


All of their plans had been exposed in front of Yang Ling!    


Nalan Jin asked curiously, "Ling, how is it? Who are those three people?"    


"Savage Tribe."    


Yang Ling looked at her and smiled faintly. "I didn't expect this."    


"Sister Nalan, you and your family seem to have been remembered by others for a long time."    




Nalan Jin's face was full of surprise, but Yang Ling's eyes were shining. He looked at the two Spirit Beast Bag hanging on his waist and the corner of his mouth showed a beautiful smile.    


The next afternoon, a large number of black cars suddenly drove out of the abandoned factory. There were hundreds of them. One by one, the men in black jumped out of the cars. There was a stick on their waists, and their belts were made of iron chains. The leader of the cars was big and thick, but he was Brother Lazy Bear.    


Yang Ling did not like social people, so Brother Bao and Brother Lazy Bear's men were not dressed like gangsters. Instead, they were dressed in black suits and looked more like bodyguards.    


There were at least a thousand men in black in this area. Lazy Bear shouted as soon as he arrived, "Brother Dong Dong, Bao! I've brought my brothers here!"    


Lin Dong and Bao had noticed this long ago. The two of them slowly walked out of the factory. When Brother Sloth Bear saw this, he immediately shouted. "I haven't seen you two brothers yet!"    


The men in black bowed in unison and said, "Greetings, brother Dong Dong and Brother Bao!"    


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