All-field Godly Wish System

C1330 Dream This Is a Dream!

C1330 Dream This Is a Dream!



Seeing this scene, no one knew what to say. Only the word "f * ck" could express the shock in their hearts.    


It was fine if it was just Nalan Qing, but why was Faang Yuwei so powerful!    


Many people knew that Faang Yuwei was Yang Ling's ex-girlfriend. Because of Yang Ling's reputation and his previous positive image, it naturally caused Faang Yuwei to have a bad impression in everyone's heart.    


But today, the two of them appeared in public, which meant that at least their conflict was not so irreconcilable. In addition, Yang Ling seemed to have a good attitude towards Faang Yuwei, which made the impression of this young lady in everyone's heart change a lot.    


Now that she had shown such ability, she had gained a lot of fans in an instant!    


Looking at the relaxed Faang Yuwei, Yang Ling could not help but nod his head lightly.    


After getting along with her for a few days, Yang Ling discovered that this girl had an extremely powerful Three Spirit Wheel Dustless Body. Not to mention anything else, just her talent in cultivation alone was probably even better than the Body of Rainbow formed after birth.    


In other words, other than Little Dragon Maiden, Su Qiling and Liu Muhan, this girl's talent had already surpassed Yang Xue, Chen Yi and the others.    


Talents can learn anything quickly. Take this rock climbing as an example. Because of the difference in realms, she did not jump as freely as Nalan Qing in the first few jumps. But after getting familiar with her, she immediately displayed the advantage of talent.    


At this moment, her utilization of the core Power when climbing had already surpassed Nalan Qing.    


Nalan Jin who was beside her sighed and said, "Yuwei this child is really extraordinary. Her future achievements are limitless. Elder Demon Faang has a good granddaughter."    


"Little Brother Yang, have you never thought about making up with her?"    


"It doesn't exist."    


Yang Ling stared at Faang Yuwei and slowly shook his head. "Life is like this. The past has passed."    


"Is that so?"    


Nalan Jin laughed lightly. "I think the two of you are fated. I am afraid the story between the two of you is not over yet."    


"Sigh, let's not talk about this anymore. Did you notice that the two fellows behind Yuwei are not ordinary?"    


Yang Ling naturally noticed them. There was a man and a woman not far behind Faang Yuwei. They also climbed up the rock wall quickly. Although they used their hands and feet, they seemed to be far more powerful than normal humans.    


The key was that they were still a pair of dragon and phoenix fetus. They were both very beautiful.    


Especially the older brother. Why did it feel like the older brother who wore men's clothing was more beautiful than the younger sister who wore women's clothing...    


"Peak Acquired Stage."    


Yang Ling revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a faint smile, "Sure enough, the competition this time has attracted the attention of the people from the Cultivation World."    


"What? Aren't they the disciples of some family?"    


Nalan Jin shook her head and said. "I haven't seen them before. Should I call them over to ask later?"    


Yang Ling took a sip of the drink and nodded. "Let's talk after it's over."    


There was no suspense in the second round of the competition. Faang Yuwei took the lead and the beautiful pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses took the second and third place.    


Previously, they did not realize that when the two of them stood out, they immediately attracted the attention of most of the media.    


Facing the camera, the two of them openly expressed that they were Yang Ling's loyal fans, hoping to become Yang Ling's disciples and serve their master wholeheartedly from now on.    


The crowd was in an uproar once again. This beautiful pair of dragon and phoenix fetus actually wished to become Yang Ling's disciple in front of everyone. Who could withstand this?!    


Speaking of which, what kind of existence was Ling!?    


Although Yang Ling didn't give them a direct response, he was rather curious about them.    


In the third round, Nalan Jin finally appeared.    


This young girl with white hair and a delicate face immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience. The speculation about Nalan Jin's identity had already caused a huge commotion.    


Some people had gotten the news. According to the insiders of Nalan Family, this white-haired girl was the true core of the family, and also the strongest protector of the family.    


The moment Nalan Jin appeared, the noisy scene immediately quieted down. This girl's aura was too strong. All the celebrities around her did not dare to get within three meters of her, let alone talk to her.    


She could not do it at all.    


The bullet comments changed into the words White Hair Fairy. The fans who had previously suspected Yang Ling and Nalan Jin were now scared.    


With this aura, who else could it be?    


Yang Ling smiled at the microphone and said, "Sister Nalan, don't be too fierce. Be careful to scare others."    


Nalan Jin, who originally had a cold face, heard him and smiled at Yang Ling. She lightly smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will not be too much!"    


"Quickly start!"    


As the countdown ended, Nalan Jin turned around and jumped five or six meters high. After circling in the air, she pointed her toes and flew ten meters up again.    


She was like a white butterfly dancing by the rock wall, beautiful and lively, ethereal like a dream.    


Before the crowd could react, this girl was already standing at the top of the rock wall.    


"Five... five seconds!"    




Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Finally, someone's jaw dropped. How was this climbing? This was flying!    


Even using the word outrageous could not describe Nalan Jin's actions just now.    


Dream, this was a dream!    


The comments on the screen all changed to "?" Other than question marks, the netizens didn't know what to say.    


Was this the strength of the original character?    


What the f * ck was wrong with this world? Please hurry up and film the movie!    


The name Nalan Jin instantly became the number one trending topic. Countless people in the world were captivated by this woman...    


The celebrities below had not even started when she was already standing at the top. Who could withstand this?    


Looking at the white-haired girl standing at the top of the rock wall, the reporters realized that they wanted to climb!    


Interviews must be interviewed!    


If they couldn't interview this white-haired fairy, they might as well die now!    


Looking at this group of reporters frantically pushing aside the celebrities who were preparing to climb, Yang Ling hurriedly said to the microphone, "Sister Nalan, these reporters are crazy. Quickly come down!"    


Nalan Jin lightly laughed. She only jumped and her entire body lightly landed on the ground as if it had violated the laws of physics!    


At this time, everyone in the audience reacted. Their excited screams were like rushing into the clouds.    


Besides screaming, they didn't know how to express their emotions...    


"Ding! You have fulfilled the reporters' wish of Nalan Jin coming down for an interview. Wish Value + 1."    


As soon as Nalan Jin landed, the reporters pounced on her. One of the men with the loudest voice said loudly, "Fairy Nalan, did you use an immortal technique just now?"    


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