All-field Godly Wish System

C38 Rent Room

C38 Rent Room

As the saying goes, a tiger cannot defeat a pack of wolves. If his Stamina was not enough, and he had many opponents, then things would become troublesome.    


Yang Ling now had the Deductive Proficiency skill, so he could predict many things.    


Yang Ling had completely offended the Tian family. Although Tian Mingzhi was honest now, it was not hard to tell from the fact that he had found a group of gangsters to deal with him for his son's revenge. He was a person who held a grudge.    


Perhaps one day, he would take revenge, and the next time would definitely not be as simple as that!    


Although Yang Ling was not afraid, he could not be completely unprepared. Therefore, he planned to improve his Stamina. First of all, he wanted to prevent his opponents from using a large number of people to exhaust him to death.    


A warm current surged through his entire body. Yang Ling could clearly feel that his aura had become even longer.    


Yang Ling smiled and closed his eyes to sleep.    


The next morning, Yang Ling left the hospital early in the morning with his money box. He deposited the three million cash into different banks in batches. It was already afternoon after he finished all of this.    


He looked at the nearly four million yuan in his bank account. Yang Ling was really satisfied!    


He could be considered a rich man!    


After wandering around the park for a while, Yang Ling had obtained two points of Wish Value and Ability Points from all kinds of small animals today. His wishing slot had increased to 9 / 10, and his Stamina had also risen to 15 points. It was really easy.    


After hesitating for a moment, he did not continue to read books in Xinhua Bookstore. Instead, he walked towards an intermediary in a nearby house.    


Originally, Yang Ling lived in the police station dormitory to make it convenient for him to go to work. But now that he had money, it was time to consider changing his living environment.    


Of course, he did not plan to buy a house now. Although four million yuan could buy a good house in S City, he did not have any savings.    


He had just gotten the money.    


Also, it would be troublesome for him to explain to his parents clearly, so he planned to rent a house first. After he had a stable income, he would buy a house.    


A moment later, in the real estate agency center, Yang Ling walked to the counter and politely asked: "Miss, I plan to rent a house. Did you introduce me?"    


This was a high-end real estate agency, and there were not many customers. The woman at the front desk, who was playing with her phone, looked up at him. She saw that although Yang Ling looked good, he was wearing ordinary clothes and did not look like a rich person.    


She habitually looked at the door, but there was not even a car. She snorted and threw over a real estate agent's message. "Here, take a look for yourself."    


Yang Ling was not angry. He smiled and started to read the information.    


Yang Ling had the Unforgettable Memory ability. After a general scan, he found something.    


The third floor of Tiansheng Garden had a set of 101 square meters. The three rooms and one living room were being rented out. The price was 5,500 yuan per month, but it required a one-time payment of half a year's rent.    


This Tiansheng Garden was a newly opened district. The location was not bad, but the main point was that it was very close to the Donghua University!    


The Donghua University was his school, and he had a very high chance of getting into it. This house was suitable for him.    


He was just about to rent this house, but at this moment, the roar of a sports car engine suddenly sounded outside the hall.    


A Mercedes-Benz sports car stopped at the entrance of the agency. A young, fashionable man and woman walked out, seemingly wanting to see the house.    


When the waitress saw this, she couldn't be bothered to play with her phone. She ran over to welcome them along the way. She greeted them with words like 'welcome' and so on. This was a completely different treatment from Yang Ling's previous treatment.    


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