Immemorial War God

C1037 Next Pass

C1037 Next Pass

Inside the stone hut, an hour had passed. Mo Feng let out a long breath, opened his eyes, and his complexion was still somewhat pale.    




The big fatty and princess also opened their eyes. Their injuries were severe and they did not have any sharp weapons to heal them. They had not even recovered twenty percent of their injuries. However, they had no choice but to withdraw from the training. If this continued, everyone else would have to clear the level.    


"Master Xing Yuan, let's go." The princess stood up and spoke to Mo Feng with a pale face.    


Mo Feng slightly nodded his head, and turned around to leave. He did not use the jade plate to heal the two of them, one reason was because the jade plate's power could not be used for others to use, the second reason was because it would expose him.    


The three of them walked into a cave. It was still pitch black in front of them, and it was very quiet.    




boom rumble rumble *    


Not long after, the sound of water flowing and the sound of bombing rang out at the same time. The three of them looked at each other; from the sound of the explosion, could it be that there was a waterfall in front of them?    


The three of them walked quickly and a light lit up in front of them. They continued to move forward, and suddenly, the sky became bright as water vapor poured over them. Looking at the waterfall that was falling from the sky, their minds were moved; it really was a waterfall, could it be that this pass was to pass through this waterfall?    




"Why are they here?"    


Under the waterfall, the teams were seated cross-legged one by one. Mo Feng and the other two entered the array and looked over. The impatience on their faces had turned into disbelief.    


"Why did they come over first? What about your seventeenth brother? "    


"Brother Seventeen is so useless. He actually let them walk over. Where are they?"    


"Hmph, if you don't have anything, it would be best for you to die there."    


They had already been waiting here for half a day, and their hearts were filled with anger. They were cursing the rules of this scam and the uselessness of the Prince XVII in their hearts, but they did not expect the Prince XVII to be so useless, to actually have sent the princess and the others over first.    


"Trash, trash!"    


Everyone cursed in their hearts. Such a strong team had actually managed to make the weakest team come over. It was simply a humiliation!    




Seeing that there was no one behind Mo Feng and the other two, everyone snorted coldly in displeasure. It seemed that they had still paid a little price, but this was not what they had hoped to see.    


Looking at the unhappy group of princesses, she snorted coldly. The corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. So what if she wasn't happy? You have the ability to bite me?    


Mo Feng followed the princess expressionlessly, ignoring the gazes of these people. The next round was the most important.    




Seeing the princess swaggering towards them, everyone harrumphed in displeasure and looked towards the back of the princess. Although they were unhappy, the trial was about to begin. The most important thing was to clear the level.    




After looking for a while, they didn't see the person that they expected to see coming out. Thus, they couldn't help but frown.    


"What's going on?"    




He had just started to feel confused when he suddenly felt a chill. Everyone could not help but shudder as their faces changed in unison. They turned to look at the waterfall, only to see the waterfall begin to emit cold air!    


"The assessment is starting!"    


"How can this be!"    


Everyone looked at this scene in shock. Why did this person open the assessment before he even arrived?    


"Don't tell me …"    


Everyone was startled, all of their gazes landed on Mo Feng and the other two, filled with disbelief.    


"Could it be that the Prince XVII has already been eliminated?"    


Although no one was willing to admit it, this was the only possibility.    


"No, 17th Brother has already passed that test, how can he still be eliminated!" Suddenly, a relatively young prince was born and rejected. Everyone was stunned, but they were once again shocked!    




The thought that had just emerged in their minds was rejected without hesitation. If that was the case, then there was only one possibility left, and that was that Prince XVII had been killed!    


"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! How could they be killed by the Prince XVII?!"    


"Right, it must be 17th brother that had something to do and she suddenly left the exam."    


Some people nodded their heads to forcefully confirm this statement. Everyone hurriedly nodded their heads, but no one could believe it no matter what. They had already passed the third trial, so how could they suddenly give up?    


"Is it because he suffered heavy losses and is already powerless to continue the assessment, choosing to be eliminated on his own?" Everyone thought for a bit, and then looked at Mo Feng and the other two. The possibility of that was extremely high, but they might as well ask directly.    


"Little sister, where are Brother Seventeen and the rest?" A prince stood up and asked the princess.    




The princess only sneered at him and did not reply. She was asking her a question with the same attitude?    


The prince's expression stiffened as a stern look flashed across his face. You still dare to have such an attitude towards him? Did he really think he was awesome?    


"Little sister, where are Brother Seventeen and the others?" The prince was about to get angry when someone asked. When he turned around, he immediately went silent.    


The princess turned her head and saw the first prince standing out to ask a question.    


"They're dead." The face of the first prince was still unshakable.    


"Dead, dead?"    


Everyone in the room was stunned as they looked at the princess with nearly crooked lips.    


"How could he die? This is impossible!" Immediately, someone jumped out to deny it.    


"That's right, Brother Seventeen is so powerful, how could he possibly die?!"    


"You think you guys can kill seventeenth brother?" What a joke! "    




The crowd of princes and princesses were cursing and swearing, but none of them believed it.    


"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me." The princess sneered as she turned around to approach the waterfall. Everyone's gaze followed the princess's as they turned to her. Their faces were numb and they didn't know what to say.    


"Let's go up."    


The princess raised her head to look at the waterfall, and regardless of the shocked and disbelieving princes and ladies, she spoke out. The big fatty nodded, and immediately grabbed her and Mo Feng and rushed up the waterfall.    




Just as the three of them moved, the water potential of the waterfall suddenly increased, directly covering the three of them!    


The fat man's expression changed and he immediately retreated, wanting to avoid the area covered by the waterfall, but the further they went, the more the waterfall would cover them. The stronger the water force, the colder it became!    


"We can't be too far from the waterfall!"    


Mo Feng squinted his eyes and shouted. The fat man nodded slightly and flew towards the waterfall. This waterfall was very strange, no matter how far away they were, they wouldn't be able to escape the impact of the waterfall.    




The fatty tried to get as close to the waterfall as he could, grabbed Mo Feng and Princess Qian and charged upwards!    




Halfway there, the fatty let out a loud shout. His body expanded, and the Astral Mystery Qi surged out in the surroundings, forming a black protective shield around the three of them.    




The waterfall crashed down directly onto the fatty and he immediately let out a muffled grunt. His face showed that the impact of the waterfall was like a heavy weight pressing down on his body, pressing down on his internal organs until they were about to shatter.    


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