Stop Pampering Me

C25 I Had a Dream

C25 I Had a Dream

Xi Muchen followed Lo Xi's gaze and saw a car parked at the entrance of the cemetery. The door opened and Yun Lanlan walked out of the car.    


Lo Xi's gaze landed on the car. That was... the car of Qin family.    


Lo Xi's pupils couldn't help but shrink.    


Very quickly, a man got down from the other side of the car. That was... Qin Ming.    


Lo Xi's body trembled involuntarily. She opened the window and saw the light drizzle clearly.    


Qin Ming was wearing black clothes. He got out of the car and opened the umbrella. Under the protection of the security guards, he entered the cemetery with Yun Lanlan.    


Lo Xi's hands tightly held the door handle. She tried her best to restrain herself from rushing into the cemetery.    


"Lo Xi?" Xi Muchen kept looking at Lo Xi. He only took a glance at the people outside and was not interested. He only felt that Lo Xi's behavior was too strange.    


The rain outside was getting heavier. Tiny raindrops drifted in and hit Lo Xi's face and body, but Lo Xi did not seem to have any reaction.    


She seemed to be immersed in her own world and forgot everything around her.    


"Lo Xi, what happened to you?" Xi Muchen saw that Lo Xi did not have any reaction. He reached out and patted Lo Xi's shoulder gently.    


Lo Xi suddenly trembled and her whole body tensed up, but she also recovered her senses because of this. She turned around to look at Xi Muchen, and her eyes flashed. She asked, "What happened?"    


Xi Muchen asked, "You have something on your mind?"    


Lo Xi pulled the corner of her lips and her eyes avoided, "How could it be?"    


Xi Muchen did not force her and only said, "Control your emotions and recover as soon as possible."    


Lo Xi,... ""    


She was not sick!    


Xi Muchen thought that she was sick. Now, even the slightest movement of the wind and grass would be treated as an illness. It really made people speechless.    


"So you came to the cemetery to see Yun Lanlan?" Xi Muchen frowned. "Can you stop wasting time on her?"    


Xi Muchen did not know what Lo Xi was thinking and only thought that she hated Yun Lanlan.    


Was this a waste of time?    


Lo Xi thought and suddenly looked up at Xi Muchen. She smiled meaningfully and said, "Xi Muchen, if I tell you that Yun Lanlan is fake and that she came to Lo family to replace someone else's identity, would you believe me?"    


Xi Muchen looked at Lo Xi's smile and unconsciously frowned.    


Lo Xi had been staring at Xi Muchen's expression. When she saw Xi Muchen frowning, she smiled and changed her words. "Alright, you don't have to worry about it. Just pretend I didn't say anything."    


Xi Muchen's expression slightly restrained. He looked at Lo Xi and thought for a while. He said seriously, "Lo Xi, you can have doubts, but everything needs to be based on evidence. Yun Lanlan brought the token and the paternity test back to the Lo family. If she was fake... What about the real one?"    


Lo Xi lowered her head, the light in her eyes was hidden under the surging and dark hatred.    


Xi Muchen saw that Lo Xi did not want to speak anymore, so he did not ask any more questions. However, he could not understand her more and more. Ever since she committed suicide and hospitalized last time, she had really changed a lot.    


Lo Xi said faintly, "I had a dream."    


Xi Muchen frowned slightly and looked at Lo Xi again.    


Lo Xi did not raise her head. She only lowered her head and continued to speak in a low voice, "The day you saved me, I had a dream. I dreamed of a young woman who looked very similar to me. She said that she died a very miserable death. She died without a complete corpse..."    


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