Stop Pampering Me

C78 Face to Face

C78 Face to Face

Lo Xi tried her best to squeeze out a smile and said, "Aiya, Chen, you won't argue with me, will you? Can I trouble you to help me take off my clothes?"    


She smiled sweetly and spoke coyly, almost making herself throw up.    


Xi Muchen felt goosebumps all over his body when he was called by her. This little girl was quite capable!    


He put down the things in his hands. Although he did not reply, he got up and honestly went to get Lo Xi's clothes. This was probably the typical example of an honest body even though he said he could not do it!    


The sexy undergarments fell into Xi Muchen's line of sight. Xi Muchen stretched out his hand and did not know where to pick them up.    


He was conflicted. He simply rolled up the pile of clothes on the bed and walked towards the bathroom door.    


Lo Xi vaguely saw Xi Muchen bring her clothes over and her heart finally settled down.    


"Brother Mu Chen, I really thank you." Lo Xi smiled sweetly.    


She decided that from today onwards, she would treat Xi Muchen better. After all, Xi Muchen had helped her so much.    


Xi Muchen enjoyed listening to her act like a spoiled child. He was in a very good mood, but he still didn't say anything in a tsundere manner.    


When Xi Muchen walked to the front, Lo Xi opened the door and reached out a hand to take the clothes that Xi Muchen handed over.    


Xi Muchen looked at Lo Xi's snow-white arm, and his ears were a little red.    


He put Lo Xi's clothes into Lo Xi's hands and loosened his hands. He turned around and planned to leave.    


Unexpectedly, Lo Xi's voice came from behind. Lo Xi could not hold the pile of clothes that he rolled up and scattered them on the ground.    


Xi Muchen turned his head and saw that Lo Xi only had a girl's pink bra in her hand.    


One end of the bra was in Lo Xi's hand and the other end was swinging in the air. It was really too shameful.    


The most important thing was that when she reached out to grab the clothes, she jumped forward and crashed into the bathroom door. The unlocked bathroom door was pushed forward a little and caught her outstretched hand.    


She took a step back and the bathroom door bounced back and hit her head. Her whole body followed the edge of the bathroom door and knelt on the ground.    


It was like a person standing at the door. The door had not been opened yet, but he was in a hurry to get out. In the end, he almost knocked the door, but his hand was stuck in the gap between the door and the door. He could not close the door. After that, he had to knock his head on the sharp edge of the door.    


Lo Xi was in such a miserable state now.    


She simply wanted to cry but had no tears!    


She also became even more irritable!    


"Xi Muchen! Do you really have to bring all these clothes over to me? Are you afraid that I will take them or something?"    


She was so angry that she almost died. She pulled her hand back and opened the bathroom door.    


The embarrassment and embarrassment from before were all gone now.    


When Xi Muchen looked back, he saw Lo Xi half-kneeling on the ground. She was holding the door frame with one hand and the towel on her body with the other. Her hair was slightly wet and she looked like a kitten that had just been fished out of the water.    


She could see a red mark on her wrist that was holding the towel. It was from the door that she had been knocked on. A straight line could also be seen on her forehead, which was also the result of the collision with the door.    


She looked up and looked at Xi Muchen angrily. She looked at the cat who had just exploded, and her tone was also very unfriendly.    


Xi Muchen saw her like this and was amused by her.    


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