Stop Pampering Me

C189 Luoxi Don't be Afraid

C189 Luoxi Don't be Afraid

In the bathroom, the faucet was always facing the bathtub, and it was already flowing out.    


Lo Xi was half lying in the bathtub and her whole body was immersed in the cold bathtub. She only had her head leaning against the edge of the bathtub and was not conscious.    


When Xi Muchen saw this scene, he only felt a huge panic enveloping him.    


He could not imagine what would happen if he was a step late and she slipped into the bathtub.    


Xi Muchen immediately went forward and closed the tap. The cold air hit his face. Only then did he realize that Lo Xi had been soaking in the cold water.    


"Lo Xi." Xi Muchen called Lo Xi as he pounced over and picked her up from the bathtub.    


Her evening gown was still wrapped around her body. At this moment, it was all wet and wet.    


After Xi Muchen carried her out, he did not care about anything else. He directly tore off Lo Xi's evening gown.    


He held Lo Xi with one hand and pulled the towel that was hanging by the side with the other and wrapped it around Lo Xi's body.    


The bathroom was filled with water everywhere. The floor was also wet. It was really too cold.    


Xi Muchen wrapped Lo Xi up with the towel and directly carried her out and placed her on the bed.    


Lo Xi was in a daze. Even though Xi Muchen put her on the bed, her consciousness seemed to be fuzzy.    


Xi Muchen picked up the blanket and covered her body. He then picked up a dry towel to wipe her hair.    


With her like this, he was really worried that she would get sick.    


"Lo Xi, Lo Xi, wake up."    


Xi Muchen was wiping her hair as he anxiously called out to Lo Xi.    


He patted Lo Xi's face from head to toe, but he suddenly realized that her body temperature was terrifyingly high.    


"Lo Xi?" Xi Muchen stopped what he was doing and just got up to look at Lo Xi. Only then did he realize that not only was her body temperature frighteningly high, but her cheeks were also very red. It was an unusual kind of red.    


When he had just scooped her up from the water, he did not have this kind of feeling. It had only been a short while and she had become like this?    


Xi Muchen's eyes darkened.    


Lo Xi had been schemed against!    


"Lo Xi, Lo Xi, wake up. Let's go to the hospital." Xi Muchen immediately calmed down.    


Lo Xi frowned slightly. She felt that someone had been calling her. Her heart, which had finally calmed down, started to stir again.    


"Lo Xi?" Xi Muchen called again.    


He really did not know what to do with her now.    


Lo Xi struggled to open her eyes. Her vision gradually became clear and Xi Muchen's face appeared in front of her.    


She smiled and said, "Xi... Xi Muchen..."    


Xi Muchen sighed in relief. He could still recognize her.    


"It's good that you are awake. Let's go to the hospital." Xi Muchen quickly said, "You were drugged."    


"It's not medicine." Lo Xi coughed a few times and said, "It's a virus. It's useless. It's useless to go to the hospital."    


"Virus?" Xi Muchen frowned.    


He had never heard of a virus that could torture a person to such an extent!    


Lo Xi grabbed the towel and blanket on her body and curled into a ball. She said weakly, "When the virus enters the body and fights with the various bodies in the body, the virus will die and a layer of skin will also be shed..."    


As Lo Xi spoke, her entire body seemed to wail in pain.    


When Xi Muchen saw her like this, his heart ached even more.    


He hugged Lo Xi under the blanket and said, "Lo Xi, don't be afraid. I will call a doctor over now..."    




Lo Xi suddenly reached out and grabbed Xi Muchen's hand.    


She did not want to let go after catching him.    


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