Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C982 The Luckiest Thing Is That You're Here

C982 The Luckiest Thing Is That You're Here

The luckiest thing is with you.    


The car was surprisingly quiet.    


Qu Yihong, who originally did not have a strong aura when he walked, now made Zhan Qing not feel any presence at all.    


Compared to Qu Yihong, who was drunk yesterday and refused to get on the car, this indifferent Qu Yihong made Zhan Qing feel even more uneasy.    


"But..." Zhan Qing looked at the small villa quietly.    


He saw Tong Tong, Tao Tao, and Tao squatting there together. Their three heads were right next to each other.    


"She is Tao Tao's Biological mother." Zhan Qing muttered.    


Zhan Qing did not dare to speak loudly, but he cleverly maintained the volume that Qu Yihong could hear.    


Qu Yihong was silent, as if he had fallen asleep.    


Zhan Qing, on the other hand, understood.    


In the end, Qu Yihong was the Qu Yihong who roamed the four seas. No matter how hopeless and lost he was, he would not vent his anger on his child for no reason.    


No matter how disappointed he was with Tong Tong, he would not force himself to part with the motherly love that Tao Tao needed.    


Zhan Qing slowly increased the throttle, and the Rolls-Royce sped away in the cool north wind.    


After a long while, Tong Tong, who was fully focused on playing games with the two Little Prince, slowly raised her head and quickly glanced in the direction of seven o'clock.    


As expected, the man who was inexplicably angry was no longer there.    


He ran over to ask for peace for no reason and then ran away for no reason. What was this called doing?    


Who would have thought that someone as wise and wise as Qu Yihong would be so childish and do such indecent things?    


His intelligence was probably pulled down from the extreme action yesterday.    


"Mummy, dad left." Tao Tao also noticed it. Xiaoxiao looked at the road worriedly. "Dad seems to be a little sad."    


"Sad?" Tong Tong corrected her son softly. "That is because he is angry."    


"He was clearly sad." Tao Tao pursed his lips and insisted on his opinion.    


Tong Tong was too lazy to correct her son.    


"Really." Tao Tao muttered, "Just like how Tao was disappointed and sad when he couldn't win over my toy in the past."    


"It's not like that." Tong Tong tried her best to maintain a bright smile as she coaxed her son, "Don't worry. No one can beat your father if he wants anything. So, he won't have the chance to be sad. "    


"That's not the case." Tao Tao mischievously blinked his eyes. "There's one thing. Dad has never robbed Mummy."    


"Ah?" Tong Tong curiously asked,, "What is that?"    


"Me!?" Tao Tao pointed at himself with his little finger and said with a smile, "Dad can't take me away."    


After Tong Tong was stunned, she could not help but laugh. She quietly touched her son's little head. "Yes, Tao Tao is Mummy's baby. No one can take him away."    


Just as she finished speaking, she saw Tao, who had not paid attention to the conversation, raise his head and look at Tong Tong and Tao Tao. His small mouth was flat.    


"Don't cry." Tao Tao saw it and instantly lost his composure. "Alright, alright. Seeing how pitiful you are, I will let you snatch my Mummy."    


Tao pursed his little mouth and quietly raised it when he heard that.    


"Why is it so uncute!? I'm happy when I hear that it's good for you." Tao Tao said deliberately, "I just want to rob Mummy. Look, now I, Mummy, am yours. My dad doesn't even have a wife anymore."    


Tong Tong was silent.    


Tao Tao paused for a moment and summarized seriously, "So, the most pitiful one is still my dad."    


Tong Tong touched Tao Tao's small face. This little guy's heart was more and more inclined towards her enemies. She really did not know if it was a good thing or a bad thing...    


"It was all for you." Tao Tao held Tao's small face with both hands. "So, you have to call me big brother a few more times."    


Being controlled by Tao Tao, Tao actually surrendered and called him big brother twice.    


"Be louder." Tao Tao encouraged, "At least let big brother hear it."    


Tao bit his lip and timidly looked at Tong Tong and Tao Tao. It seemed to be a little difficult and difficult.    


Tong Tong could tell with one look that Tao's thinking was stuck at the boundary of breaking through and retreating again.    


Tao needed to encourage and break through the most at this time.    


As long as Tao successfully broke through a few more times, she would be able to pull Tao back from the edge of danger perfectly.    


As long as she persisted, Tao would definitely be able to return to the original healthy, smart, honest, and cute Tao.    


"Big Brother is the best at somersaults and somersaults, so many beautiful somersaults." Tong Tong coaxed him gently, "As long as you shout Big Brother loudly and make Big Brother happy, Big Brother will do a beautiful somersault for you. Tao, do you want to see big brother do a duet?"    


"Yeah?" Tao Tao knew what his mother meant. He quickly got up and got into position." I will only start when you call me. "    


Obviously, this was a five-star temptation to Tao.    


He would look at it later. Tong Tong glanced at Tao Tao, then cleared her throat to prepare.    


"Come on!" Tong Tong encouraged him with a smile.    


"Hurry up!" Tao Tao blinked and deliberately said, "If you don't shout, I might go back on my word."    


Tao Tao's little threat seemed to be very effective. Tao actually stood up and glanced at him angrily. His little face turned red.    


After that, a loud "big brother" came out of his mouth.    


"That's more like it." Tao Tao said calmly, "You can speak louder."    


With the first sentence, the second sentence was much easier. As expected, Tao raised his voice and shouted, "Brother!"    


"Hehe. Remember that I am your big brother." Tao Tao smiled proudly.    


He did not go back on his word. He got into a good position and flipped a few small stallions, which made Tao look at him with envy. He did not even blink.    


Tong Tong looked at Tao Tao and Tao with relief and thought quietly -    


Maybe these two brothers would be able to kiss brothers in the future.    


Seeing that Tao Tao was so tired that he was sweating, Tong Tong held her son's hand with heartache. "It's time. We should take Tao to kindergarten."    


"That's right." Tao Tao's sharp eyes saw that there were children outside rushing towards the kindergarten. "They all went."    


Tong Tong found a kettle. She put it on Tao's back. "Be good, go to school with brother. Brother will still do somersaults for Tao to see tomorrow morning."    


When Tao heard her, his eyes sparkled as he looked at Tong Tong. He seemed to have some questions.    


Tong Tong saw it and smiled gently. "Second Aunt has never lied to Tao."    


"But you have to listen to me in school." Tao Tao demanded domineeringly, "Remember, I am the elder brother."    


Tao did not know if he really admitted Tao Tao in his heart. Anyway, he did not reject Tao Tao as much as before and was gradually willing to get close to Tao Tao.    


Tong Tong let out a light sigh of relief.    


She was at home, and Tao Tao was at school with her. Tao would get better as soon as possible.    


"Come, I'll send you guys off." Tong Tong took the key and carried the bag on her back as she set off.    


Tong Tong handed the two little fellows to the teacher on duty.    


She turned around and went to the office. She specially explained Tao's current situation to the teacher in charge, Teacher Lee.    


"We will pay attention." Teacher Lee promised, "This child occasionally acts a little overbearing in the past, but as long as he is with Tao Tao, he will be very obedient. Tao Tao's mom, don't worry. As long as I'm here, Tao won't feel neglected. He won't let the child be alone."    


Thank you! " Tong Tong's eyes turned hot. She held Teacher Li's hand tightly." I will definitely remind Tao. You are his best initiation teacher."    


"No." Teacher Lee smiled and said, "Tao is most fortunate to have such a good Second Aunt like you..."    


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