Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1065 Don't Let Her Come to Paris

C1065 Don't Let Her Come to Paris

chapter 1065 - She is not allowed to come to Paris.    


Before she finished her sentence, Tong Tong felt that she had asked a stupid question.    


These subordinates did not allow Qu Yihong to turn on his phone. Did Qu Yihong really not turn on his phone?    


That was completely impossible!    


Look at someone as tough as Zhan Qing. He dared to be tough in front of the whole world, including in front of Tong Tong. It could be said that he was arrogant and insufferably arrogant.    


But Zhan Qing was as obedient as a grandson in front of Qu Yihong.    


As for Yin Shaofan, he completely took Qu Yihong's words as the Imperial Decree.    


Assistant Qiao looked a little tough, but when he mentioned his own boss, his tone was filled with respect, and he didn't want to listen to Qu Yihong.    


"Yes." Unexpectedly, Assistant Qiao immediately responded loudly, "We all agree that if we don't turn off the phone, we won't be able to have a real rest, so let Second Young Master cooperate."    


Tong Tong stared at Assistant Qiao speechlessly.    


She looked at Qiao Danqing. It seemed that Qiao Danqing's actions were natural and natural.    


"But shouldn't you tell me?" Tong Tong felt helpless. She didn't know if she should be happy for Qu Yihong or sad for herself.    


Qu Yihong's subordinates had always respected him.    


As for that old man's wife and son, she could only stand aside.    


"It's what I should do." Assistant Qiao's attitude took a 180 degree turn and immediately displayed his gentlemanly demeanor, "This is my mistake. Second Young Madam, please forgive me! I promise that there won't be a next time."    


This was more like it... Tong Tong let out a light breath. Forget it. "    


"Thank you Second Young Madam for understanding." Assistant Qiao politely thanked her.    


Tong Tong was speechless when she saw Assistant Qiao who could stretch and bend. She only looked at Xia Lv with pity.    


Tong Tong was stunned. "Xia Lv, what happened to you?"    


She had an uneasy look on her face.    


It was only when Tong Tong came close to her that Xia Lv suddenly woke up, "What happened?"    


"Look at Yin Shaofan's good secretary! Just get lost in your thoughts when you go to work." Assistant Qiao directly said with a venomous tongue, "Miss Xia Lv, don't you know that if this is a television series, you wouldn't usually do more than one episode of your work?"    


This aggressive venomous tongue directly made Xia Lv's head drop to her chest.    


Tong Tong couldn't help but say: "Assistant Qiao, you scared Xia Lv. She is very capable and Assistant Yin is very satisfied."    


"Really?" Assistant Qiao's eyes fluttered. Clearly, he did not appreciate Xia Lv.    


... "" Tong Tong could only look at Xia Lv sympathetically.    


Poor baby, looks like there is a good period of time that needs to be endured. I hope they can come back as soon as possible.    


Under Xia Lv's resentful gaze, Tong Tong left President of Taihuang's office and returned to Banshan Garden.    


Lin Panxue called and Tong Tong could only answer truthfully, saying that the workaholic was finally tired and was ordered to rest.    


"So strange." Lin Panxue muttered, "Yihong this child is so arrogant that he did not even listen to Junhua's opinion and actually listened to his subordinate."    


"It is a little strange." Tong Tong curled her lips, "But their usual interactions are indeed not that bad. Zhan Qing even kicked his butt before."    


"Pfft!" Lin Panxue was amused, and said, "There really is such a thing."    


"There really is such a thing." Tong Tong said.    


It happened not long after that. Yin Shaofan and the others almost applauded.    


"Since that's the case, let him rest for a while." Lin Panxue said gently, "The entire Taihuang is on his shoulder. It's time to rest."    


... "En." Tong Tong replied faintly.    


Alright, she also admitted that he had indeed worked hard and was under a lot of pressure. But...    


No matter what, in Tong Tong's heart, she secretly remembered Qu Yihong's debt.    


When he came back, she would pinch him again and again. She had to make herself feel better. He actually turned off his phone. Why didn't he just dump her and Tao Tao...    


After ending the call with Lin Panxue, Tong Tong entered the hall with Huawu. She kicked off her shoes and sat alone on the sofa, lost in thought.    


She was prepared to make a good plan and let Qiao Yuhua leave without anyone noticing.    


However, things were not as easy as she thought.    


Madame Qu returned to Banshan Garden and Qiao Yuhua practically did not leave the house to accompany Madame Qu. She cooperated with the doctor to let Madame Qu do rehabilitation.    


If she did not specially come in front of Madame Qu, she would not even be able to see Qiao Yuhua's face.    


This was really a depressing thing. ...    


After two days, Tong Tong did not gain anything.    


"This matter is a little troublesome." Uncle Wang gently advised Tong Tong, "You can't just specially go to the old lady's place and secretly give the old lady laxative and then let Qiao Yuhua take the blame..."    


"I really want to do that." Tong Tong muttered, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the medicine will be too heavy and accidentally kill the old lady."    


"That is." Uncle Wang solemnly expressed his agreement, "Second Young Master is not at home. If the truth is exposed, no one can save Assistant Tong. This life is not worth it. "    


Tong Tong looked at Uncle Wang with a tired look. "It's fine if you don't help me think of a way, but you are still making fun of me."    


Uncle Wang sighed and sat beside Tong Tong. "In my opinion, Qiao Yuhua really loves Tao. Maybe she doesn't need to be so cautious."    


Tong Tong looked at the ceiling gloomily. "I also know... But every time I see her pair of dark, triangular eyes, I feel that she might do something bad to us at any time."    


Uncle Wang also fell silent. Obviously, he also thought that Qiao Yuhua was indeed a hot potato.    


"Don't worry first." Uncle Wang comforted, "Anyway, Qiao Yuhua will have a day to leave the Peace Heart Residence. At that time, Assistant Tong will treat her again."    


Tong Tong covered her face with both hands and there was nothing she could do. "This is the only way..."    


Uncle Wang finally let out a long breath. "You finally understand!"    


"Alright, since she doesn't want to leave, I'll go." Tong Tong got up energetically.    


"Ah!" Uncle Wang was shocked and quickly got up to block the road that led to the living room and the courtyard door. "Assistant Tong, you just came back. You can't leave the children behind. Second Young Master didn't even turn on his phone this time. He really should give him a good lesson. "But you can't ignore Tao Tao and the others. Uh, Assistant Tong... "    


Uncle Wang's words of persuasion gradually disappeared.    


He stared at Tong Tong in surprise. "Didn't Second Young Madam leave?"    


"Yes, she wanted to leave. No, she wanted to leave with Babies." Tong Tong stepped on the stairs and looked back with a smile. "I'm going to take Tao Tao and the others to Paris."    


"Huh?" Uncle Wang was shocked. He pointed at Tong Tong and his fingertips trembled. He could not speak.    


"What is it?" Tong Tong looked at him in surprise. "Uncle Wang, what happened to you?"    


Uncle Wang, who had always been calm and wise, did not seem to hear her words. He hurried to his room.    


"How strange." Tong Tong murmured. She thought for a while and turned to go downstairs.    


She quietly went to Uncle Wang's door. There seemed to be a phone call coming from inside.    


But she only said one or two words before the phone call stopped.    


After thinking for a while, Tong Tong decided to not be a villain and go back to her room openly and aboveboard.    


She turned around and wanted to go upstairs. When she passed the phone, the phone rang.    


Tong Tong picked it up and Yin Shaofan's angry voice came from inside.    


"Uncle Wang, you have to keep an eye on Assistant Tong. Remember, you must not let her come to Paris to see Second Young Master, otherwise it will be troublesome..."    


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