Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1238 A Winner in Life

C1238 A Winner in Life

The winner of life.    


Tong Tong was stunned by this sudden change.    


He left just like that?    


A second ago, Mother-in-law had told her to accompany him back to Luo city to see her parents, but in the next second, he left without even telling her where he was going.    


Lin Junhua was also a little confused. She got up and shouted, "second brother, this is not good..."    


Before Lin Junhua finished speaking, the two brothers had already disappeared outside the door.    


"What happened to these two people today?" Lin Junhua was stunned as she stared in the direction of the door.    


Qu Yixue also slightly frowned and calmly held her mother's arm. "Even they were so busy, it should be that something happened in the company. "Mom, don't worry. It won't be too late to ask them when they come back."    


"This child..." Lin Junhua looked at Tong Tong in embarrassment, "Tongtong, I'm sorry... When second brother comes back, I will teach him."    


Tong Tong acted as if she did not hear and stared blankly in a certain direction as she fell into deep thought.    


Taking Tong Tong's disappointed expression into her eyes, Qu Yixue helplessly shrugged her shoulders. "When the second brother comes back this time, it will probably take the initiative to bring a durian back to kneel."    


Tong Tong did not hear a single word of Lin Junhua and her daughter's words.    


She was only disappointed, disappointed, and also disappointed.    


A vague idea popped up in her mind - she really should not have stayed in Flower City to find her son's father.    


It was not until the dull sound of the door closing came from outside the courtyard that Tong Tong woke up from a dream and ran out.    


Lin Junhua and Qu Yixue could not help but look at each other and there was a trace of helplessness in their eyes.    


The two of them were determined to drink tea together and pretended not to see it.    


There must be a lot of reluctance between husband and wife to part. They should tactfully remain silent...    


Tong Tong ran out as fast as lightning.    


Her speed was never a cover. When she ran out of the yard, Zhan Qing was driving the car out.    


Before the car door could open, Qu Yipeng and his brother had not gotten in the car yet. They were about to get in.    


"Stop!" Tong Tong shouted angrily.    


Zhan Qing was shocked when he saw the angry Tong Tong. "Second Young Master, Assistant Tong is here too."    


Without hearing any response, Zhan Qing secretly glanced at Qu Yihong.    


"Open the door." Qu Yipeng said in a deep voice, "second brother, explain to her first."    


Zhan Qing opened the door and Qu Yipeng followed.    


Qu Yihong turned around and stared at Tong Tong.    


Tong Tong wanted to bear with it, but she could not bear it. "Do you have to go out with him today?"    


Qu Yihong nodded and his starry eyes were filled with warmth. "Tongtong, this matter cannot be delayed. I am worried that it is already too late."    


Looking at his expression, it was obvious that he had already made up his mind to go. Even Mother-in-law probably could not stop his journey.    


Tong Tong gritted her teeth and asked, "Where are you going?"    


They were in a conflict, okay? He actually ignored her explosive heart and prepared to leave without saying a word.    


Right now, she only wanted to give it to him as a gift.    


After pondering for a moment, Qu Yihong said in a low voice, "Paris..."    


Just as he said these two words, Tong Tong stretched out her arm and tightly grabbed his sleeve. Her eyes were spitting fire.    


"You are tired of living, so you want to go there again, right?" Her voice gradually became hoarse, "Qu Yihong, do you believe that I will turn you into a pig head..."    


Qu Yihong, who was originally somewhat uneasy, slowly smiled when he heard her. His starry eyes were focused on Tong Tong, whose voice had changed from excited to excited.    


"There is no danger now." His voice could be said to be gentle and amiable. It could reach one's heart. "Tongtong, thank you for still caring about my safety."    


"I..." Tong Tong was stunned for a moment. "I did not care about you."    


Seemingly noticing that her tone was not imposing, her voice was eight times higher and she said stiffly, "Who cares about you?"    


Qu Yihong smiled and did not speak. His starry eyes became even more gentle, as if he could squeeze water out of them.    


"We will come back as soon as possible." He slowly raised his arm and gently touched Tong Tong's warm cheek with his fingertip. "I also do not like that place in Paris."    


Tong Tong gritted her teeth and did not open her face. She pretended not to hear but her eyes turned red.    


She glanced at the car next to her and saw that the windows were tightly shut. He smiled. "Tongtong, I only want my wife and children to warm the bed now. Be good and wait for me."    


After that, he quickly planted a light kiss on her forehead like a dragonfly touching the water.    


In just two seconds, he whispered to her, "No one can tell me about going to Paris, and neither can Rongrong."    


With that, he let go of her and left without looking back.    


Qu Yihong got into the car.    


Just as the door closed, the car started moving and quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest.    


Only when she could not see the rear end of the car did Tong Tong kick out in annoyance. "What do you care about!"    


She was clearly only concerned about Tingting's whereabouts and stay that she did not care about where their brothers went.    


No matter where they went, she only wanted to kick him now.    


It was still the New Year. The two brothers left in such a hurry. There was no reason, no explanation, and no return date.    


She should have cut him into pieces.    


No, no, cutting him into pieces was too bloody. She had been in low spirits recently, and her courage had become smaller. She should have found another way to treat him.    


She should go to the Taihuang hospital and find a female doctor with first-class medical skills to find out how to castrate a man...    


"Tongtong, what are you looking at here alone?" Luo Bingrong's soft voice sounded, "Even the Samoyed is not here, there is nothing here."    


Taking a deep breath, Tong Tong desperately suppressed the anger in her heart back into her heart.    


Turning around, her face could be considered calm. At least it was passable, "They just left."    


"They left so quickly? Do they also want to go to the second brother?" Luo Bingrong seemed to be a little surprised, but her voice did not sound like anything.    


Tong Tong frowned. "You know that Big Brother is leaving?"    


"Yipeng just called me." Luo Bingrong smiled.    


She thought about what Qu Yihong told her at the end. Tong Tong was a little confused. "Big brother told you where they went?"    


"No." Luo Bingrong smiled lightly, but there was a slight melancholy in her tone. "The network the company has set up is too open. We have to change positions at any time. He is especially so. There are too many things that he can do as he pleases throughout the year. I am already used to it. It is just that it is too hard on him. "But think about it..."    


"Oh." Tong Tong vaguely echoed.    


Luo Bingrong raised her eyebrows and smiled. "But I really did not expect him to bring second brothers this time. It's still New Year. I really don't know what to do. I'm not afraid that Mom will be worried. "    


... "" Tong Tong was silent, and couldn't think of a suitable word to say.    


Concentrating on Luo Bingrong's beautiful face and her body giving off a quiet and weak temperament, Tong Tong's heart unexpectedly felt ashamed.    


Luo Bingrong was so gentle and tender, she absolutely believed in hurting her husband. This was a normal wife.    


Qu Yihong married her, Tong Tong. He would never have this kind of treatment even in his dreams...    


"Don't worry too." Luo Bingrong smiled and held Tong Tong's hand. "Their brothers have the ability to protect themselves. They won't make us worry."    


Tong Tong gritted her teeth. "I am not worried."    


Luo Bingrong smiled and shook her head, "Don't be stubborn. Look at how anxious you are."    


After a pause, she softly said, "We obediently stay at home and be good wives and good mothers. If we don't drag them down, we will be the winner of life..."    


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