Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1290 He Is the Real Son

C1290 He Is the Real Son

chapter 1290. He was the real son!    


Before Tao Tao could finish his words, he felt his feet rise up into the air, and his body was lifted into the air by a huge palm.    


"Tao Tao!" Tong Tong subconsciously stretched out her hand to snatch Tao Tao back.    


Unfortunately, she was a little slower and was avoided by Qu Yihong.    


"Brother..." Tao subconsciously reached out his little hand to help, but he looked up at his second uncle, who stood tall and mighty, and timidly pulled back his little hand.    


"Let go of me!" Tao Tao shouted loudly, waving his hands and feet in the air. "Dad, let go of me quickly!"    


Unfortunately, no matter how he shouted, it was useless. He was still in the air.    


"Little Uncle, are you bullying Tao Tao?" Tingting widened her eyes in shock, "My Papa and Mama said to respect the old and love the young!"    


The little loli was used to Qu Yihong's good expression. When she saw the father and son getting along like a bull fighting, she was completely shocked.    


With Tao Tao in his hand, Qu Yihong's pair of starry eyes slowly shot towards Tingting's beautiful little face.    


Receiving Tingting's surprised look, Qu Yihong loosened his grip and slowly put Tao Tao down.    


As soon as his feet touched the ground, Tao Tao grabbed Tong Tong's hand. "Mummy, let's run quickly. Dad is going to kill someone -"    


Although his father did not start a massacre for the time being, his little heart could already feel his father's killing intent that could threaten all directions.    


"You still want to run?" Qu Yihong's starry eyes locked onto Tao Tao's unconvinced face.    


His voice was deep and powerful, and it carried a murderous aura, causing Tao Tao's heart to jump.    


"I'll run." Tao Tao was so anxious that he dragged Tong Tong with all his might. "Mummy, hurry up. Otherwise, we won't be able to escape."    


Tong Tong tightly grabbed Tao Tao's small hand and forcefully dragged him back to her side. "Mummy won't run."    


"Eh?" Tao Tao was stunned.    


He stopped walking and looked at Tong Tong in confusion.    


Tong Tong quietly looked at Qu Yihong. "I understand that you are in a bad mood. But Tao Tao is only five years old. There is no need to bicker with him."    


"Only five years old?" Qu Yihong's tone was indifferent, and his expression was distant. "He is already like this when he is five years old. If he grows up a bit more, that's still not enough."    


... "What's wrong with me?" Tao Tao argued indignantly, "Don't tell me you won't allow me to protect Mummy?"    


Qu Yihong calmly glanced at his son. "If there is anything, we can talk about it when we go back."    


There was a sea of people here. No matter what, it was not easy to talk.    


"Where's my Papa and Mama?" Tingting blinked, grabbed Qu Yihong's sleeve, and stomped her feet. "Little Uncle, my Papa and Mama didn't come?"    


She had been looking forward to this feeling for a long time, but in the end, she still did not see the person she wanted to see the most.    


Concentrating on Tingting's somewhat disappointed little face, Qu Yihong's expression eased up a little.    


He slightly bent over and picked Tingting up. "When we go home, we will be able to see your father and mother."    


"Really?" Tingting's eyes lit up and her eyebrows curved.    


"Of course it's true." Qu Yihong carried Tingting out and said, "We will know when we go back."    


"Yay!" Tingting immediately reached out her scissors hands proudly. A clear and melodious sound like spring water echoed in the air.    


Only then did Tao crawl out from behind Luo Li and his brother and weakly reminded, "Brother, Second Uncle brought Tingting home. Should we go back?"    


"No." Tao Tao straightened his back. Back, staring angrily at my father's back, "He only wants Tingting anyway."    


He was not wrong at all. When he saw his father carrying Tingting, he had already left with large strides.    


Father must have forgotten that he, Tao Tao, was the real son.    


Tong Tong secretly squeezed out a smile. She pulled Tao Tao with one hand and Tao with the other. "Let's go too."    


Tao Tao puffed up his cheeks and occasionally glanced in the direction where Qu Yihong disappeared. He looked upset.    


Luo Li drove the car over and everyone got into the car.    


"Let's go." Tong Tong said, "It's almost noon. We can catch up to Uncle Wang for lunch when we get back."    


"Mummy, I'm not going back." Tao Tao was angry. "Mummy, you are not allowed to go back either."    


It was rare to see Tao Tao act like that. Tao was stunned by what he saw.    


Tong Tong gently held Tao Tao's little hand and said softly, "Grandma is still in the hospital. Mummy cannot go anywhere."    


"Humph!" Tao Tao grunted and did not open his face.    


The little guy looked unconvinced, but he did not protest. He was in low spirits.    


Luo Li saw this and no longer hesitated. He stepped on the accelerator and left.    


Tao Tao looked outside the window angrily and muttered: "If I were Mummy, I would definitely not go back. Mummy, do you believe me? Dad will definitely scold you later."    


"But..." Tao, who was at the side, raised his small head in confusion. "Second Uncle loves Second Aunt the most!"    


"That's not it." Tao Tao pouted. "Dad loves Tingting the most."    


Tong Tong's heart ached when she heard the little guy's words.    


She sniffed. She forced herself to focus and revealed a faint smile. "Tingting's parents are not here. He only loves Tingting a little."    


"Is that so?" Tao was skeptical.    


Tao Tao, on the other hand, looked away proudly. "Dad has always loved Tingting the most. This is not a secret."    


... "" When Tong Tong heard this, she actually did not know what to say.    


She had no choice. The babies were getting better and better by the day. Even if she reacted fast, Sometimes, she wouldn't be able to take it...    


When they returned to Banshan Garden, Tao obediently followed Tong Tong out of the car.    


Tao Tao, on the other hand, stayed in the car and didn't want to get out. He just quietly glanced at the courtyard of Huaxu and pricked up his ears to listen to the sounds.    


Tong Tong glanced at Tao Tao who had some thoughts and felt somewhat helpless.    


She slightly bent over, smiled, and flicked Tao's small face with her fingertips. "Tao, be good. Go back to eat. Big Brother will find you to play in the afternoon."    


Tao answered obediently, "Yes."    


Tong Tong pushed Tao to Luo Li. "Take Tao there first."    


She watched Luo Li and Tao disappear into the green forest. Tong Tong looked at Luo Zheng and said, "Big Brother Luo, don't let Tao and Hua Ju come here today."    


"Okay." When Luo Zheng saw this situation, he had long felt the calm before the storm.    


After making arrangements for Tao, Tong Tong smiled faintly and extended her hand to Tao Tao. "Come, let's go in together with Mummy."    


"No." Tao Tao took the responsibility today, but he was not convinced by the invitation. His tone was more aggressive than anyone else.    


He suddenly opened the car door and jumped off the ground. He rushed towards Yun Ju like a rocket. "Tao and I will have dinner together."    


When Tong Tong came back to her senses, she could not catch Tao Tao.    


"Tongtong, don't worry. Luo Li and I will keep an eye on them." Luo Zheng quickly followed after Tao Tao.    


They finally regained their calm.    


Tong Tong finally heaved a sigh of relief. She turned around and entered the courtyard, then went to the living room.    


She could vaguely hear Uncle Wang and Tingting asking and answering from the dining room.    


"Elder Wang, this is really delicious. Give me half of it, leave half for Tao Tao!"    


"How obedient. You still remember to give half to Tao Tao. We, Tingting, are indeed the most beautiful little princess."    


It seemed that Tingting was really hungry. She looked for Uncle Wang to ask for food.    


Where is Qu Yihong?    


Was he also in the restaurant?    


Tong Tong thought for a while, then turned around and went up to the second floor.    


She was a little tired. She did not want to eat, so she wanted to take a nap first.    


With her thoughts in mind, she went to the second floor and just as Tong Tong habitually reached out to push the door, her fingertips fell empty and a gust of cold air hit her face.    


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