Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1225 You Can't Interfere

C1225 You Can't Interfere

1225. You cannot interfere.    


Before Driver Li could finish his words, Yin Shaofan had already put on a fierce expression.    


He strode towards Driver Li. "Let me deal with you myself."    


It was a pity that he had the appearance of a smiling tiger from the end of the year. His appearance was really funny. Driver Li laughed. "Stop messing around!"    


Seeing Yin Shaofan running in front of him, Driver Li dodged Yin Shaofan with a slight coincidence and took a wrong step to circle behind him.    


"Stop messing around!" Driver Li looked thoughtfully at Hua Ju and said, "Miss Qu San is suspicious. Everyone will not have a good time this year. We need to be mentally prepared."    


"It's fine." Yin Shaofan was a little more normal now. "Zhan Qing's family history is destined to be the most secretive person in the world. Third Miss will not know."    


Driver Li shook his head. "Although that is what you say, we cannot underestimate the third lady's scouting ability."    


"Don't underestimate Zhan Qing and Second Young Master's detection ability either." Yin Shaofan smiled. "If President Lin is here, Second Young Master will not tell Qu Yixue the truth. Even if Qu Yixue kept it a secret, Second Young Master would worry that she would accidentally say it out loud."    


Yin Shaofan scratched his head in annoyance. That's true. "    


Both of them looked at He Huaxu at the same time, their eyes filled with worry.    


Should they go over to Huaxu now and watch the situation unfold? If it went out of control, they could still console him from the side...    




Zhan Qing strode back to Huawu and entered the hall. He heard the sparse sound of the piano on the second floor.    


Tao Tao really knew how to toss and turn. Every time he encountered something he didn't like, If he didn't make a fuss, he would use the chaotic sound of the piano to express his dissatisfaction.    


The hall was empty, and Qu Yixue's figure was nowhere to be seen.    


Zhan Qing's eyes locked onto the tightly shut master bedroom on the second floor. He had a vague idea in his heart, but he was unable to determine whether he should go up or not...    


Zhan Qing was about to make a decision when Lin Junhua's gentle and calm voice sounded, "Zhan Qing, come over here."    


Zhan Qing turned his head and saw Lin Junhua walking over from the restaurant with Aunt Xue.    


Seeing that Zhan Qing did not move, Aunt Xue became anxious. "Why are you still standing there when I asked you to come over? Did a wife fall from the sky? "    


Zhan Qing blushed and greeted Lin Junhua. "Hello, Auntie."    


"Don't come over. Take a seat." Lin Junhua pointed at the sofa. "Let's say something."    


Facing Lin Junhua who was always so calm, even Zhan Qing could not maintain his zombie face. Instead, he looked slightly terrified.    


He went to the sofa and waited for Lin Junhua to sit down before he sat down beside her.    


"What did Yixue say to you just now?" Lin Junhua smiled faintly and asked, "She didn't make things difficult for you, right?"    


Zhan Qing was more or less a little frightened. "No, Auntie is too serious. Yixue would never make things difficult for me."    


"That is not honest." Aunt Xue pursed her lips and smiled. "Who doesn't know that Third Miss loves to make things difficult for you, Zhan Qing?"    


"Cough!" Zhan Qing's face turned red.    


Lin Junhua smiled faintly, "Aunt Xue, don't joke with him. Go and prepare a cup of tea for him."    


"Okay." Aunt Xue replied crisply and walked away, "You guys chat slowly."    


After Aunt Xue walked further away, Lin Junhua smiled faintly and said, "You guys take your time to chat." Yixue just came back and was not so easy to talk to. She should have made things difficult for you. This child has a strong character and likes to make decisions by himself. Don't take it to heart."    


Auntie, of course not. " Zhan Qing nervously glanced at the second floor.    


He wanted to stop Qu Yixue from talking to Second Young Master Qu, but unfortunately, he was held back by Lin Junhua and could not get out no matter what.    


He hoped that she would not be stubborn and argue with Qu Yihong in order to find out the truth.    


However, in Lin Junhua's eyes, Zhan Qing's look had a different meaning.    


"What did Yixue just say to you?" Lin Junhua asked, "Is it about our boss?"    


Zhan Qing nodded. "But at this time, I really can't find someone to help investigate the young master's schedule..."    


"Of course." Lin Junhua smiled faintly and said, "I understand. I will talk to Yixue."    


"Thank you." Zhan Qing said in a deep voice.    


He really wanted to go to the second floor as soon as possible, but it was a pity that he could not leave Lin Junhua behind no matter what.    


Taking Zhan Qing's uneasiness into her eyes, Lin Junhua had another explanation, "second brother told me about you, but..."    


She frowned slightly. "Zhan Qing, I still suggest that we take advantage of this new opportunity to return to the Zhan Family."    


Zhan Qing was a little embarrassed by her words. "Auntie is right..."    




Qu Yixue did not know that Zhan Qing was anxious. She was communicating with Qu Yihong on the second floor.    


The door was tightly shut. Not only was it connected to the corridor door, but the balcony door was also tightly shut.    


Even the window was closed.    


"Secret?" Qu Yihong's tone was indifferent, and his starry eyes were filled with surprise. "third Brother, what secret can there be?"    


"Tch!" Qu Yixue cursed out loud, "second brother, you can lie to Tongtong, but can you lie to me, Qu Yixue?"    


Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. "No matter what you think, I don't have any secrets here, and I don't have any discord with big brother. Yixue, you've analyzed suspects too many times in the International Criminal Police Department. It's not a good thing to develop a paranoid mindset."    


"You're still trying to trick me." Qu Yixue coldly snorted," If second brother does not tell me, I can only go and ask Tongtong. "    


She turned around and was about to leave.    


"Stop!" Qu Yihong's tone suddenly became stern. "Yixue, do you really have to make the quiet Banshan Garden lively?"    


"Yo!" Qu Yixue turned around and smiled with a cunning look, "You have to make me use my trump card. Now you are willing to give me an explanation, right?"    


After a pause, Qu Yixue proudly concluded, "Hmph, fight with me."    


Qu Yihong gave his sister a sidelong glance, "If you want everyone to be unable to live a quiet year, or if you wish for something to happen to Mom, you can go and find Tongtong."    


Qu Yixue turned around and looked at him with an inquisitive gaze. "It seems that the matter is more serious than I had imagined."    


Qu Yihong was silent.    


"But second brother, the more serious it is, the more you need to tell me." Qu Yixue's tone became much gentler, "One more person to help, one more strength."    


"Humph!" Qu Yihong coldly snorted and said, "Do you think that just because you are a laborer, if one more person can help, then you will have one more strength."    


Qu Yixue shook her head. "second brother, I can see that you are a gangster."    


Qu Yihong did not say anything. He just stared at her. "If you do not interfere in this matter, you will be the greatest help to me."    


Qu Yixue spread out her hands. "You should know that I am not doing this for you. I am doing this to let Mom live in peace."    


"In order to make Mom feel at ease, you must not interfere." Qu Yihong said in a deep voice, "You can't agree to my request to find Big Brother either."    


"Ah?" Qu Yixue was shocked and asked, "second brother, is this matter really that serious?"    


"Don't guess." Qu Yihong said lightly, "You just need to be patient and deal with the matter with Zhan Qing."    


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