Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1222 If the Second Brother Bullies You You Have to Tell Me

C1222 If the Second Brother Bullies You You Have to Tell Me

chapter 1222. If the second brother bullies you, you must tell me.    


"Eh?" Qu Yihong raised his voice slightly.    


Tong Tong grabbed her son and her eyes lit up. "Really?"    


"Of course it's true." Tao Tao scratched the back of his head. "Little aunt said she should think of something."    


... "This kiss." Tong Tong muttered and let go of Tao Tao. She turned around and walked to the railing and looked at the first floor.    


Sure enough, Mother-in-law and Qu Yixue were talking closely. Their expressions were more serious. They were probably thinking of ways to contact Qu Yipeng and his wife.    


Tong Tong looked and thought about Tingting's phone call just now. Her heart was filled with mixed feelings.    


"Mummy, why aren't you happy?" Tao Tao keenly felt that something was wrong with Biological mother.    


The little guy quickly went over and hugged Tong Tong's arm, but his little head tilted to the side and looked at Qu Yihong. His eyes seemed to be able to speak, full of blame.    


Of course, the little guy guessed in his heart that it must be his father who provoked Mummy.    


Facing his son's reproachful gaze, Qu Yihong grunted and was too lazy to pay attention to Tao Tao. He also went up and looked at the first floor.    


Tao Tao's idle little arm naturally hugged Qu Yihong's arm. "Dad, why can't grandma and little aunt find Tingting?"    


Qu Yihong glanced at his son who had a bright idea and kept silent.    


This kid's logical thinking was very strong. If he said any information, this kid would be able to come up with a lot of conclusions.    


"How strange." Tao Tao pursed his lips. "I still think there must be something wrong with this."    


After thinking for a while, Tao Tao raised his head. "Dad will definitely be able to find Tingting, right?"    


Qu Yihong cast a sidelong glance at the expectant face in front of him. "No."    


Tao Tao, who had been rejected cleanly, suddenly rolled his eyes at his father in silence. "Forget it. You are not reliable."    


Tong Tong's heart skipped a beat. She silently glanced at her son. She patted Tao Tao's little head. "It's time to practice the organ."    


"I know." Tao Tao pursed his lips. "But I think I should do something before Tingting really comes back."    


Tong Tong leaned over and kissed Tao Tao's white forehead, not saying anything else.    


The little guy's intentions were good, but he was clearly still a child. He was even more naive than Tong Tong and actually thought that his little strength could help Tingting return.    


"I need to think of a way." Tao Tao pondered with a serious face, "I need to urge little aunt to quickly think of a way to bring little sister back."    


Before he finished speaking, Tao Tao let go of Qu Yihong and Tong Tong's arms, turned around, and ran towards the stairwell.    


Unfortunately, before he could run two steps, his small body suddenly took two steps back and was even lifted into the air.    


"Mummy, save me." Tao Tao's body was weightless. His hands and feet were scratching and kicking in the sky. "Dad bullied me."    


"Why are you rushing me?" Qu Yihong said in a deep voice, "You brat, you are not allowed to get involved in Tingting's matter."    


Tong Tong's heart trembled and she gritted her teeth and glared at Qu Yihong.    


She was not allowed to get involved and Tao Tao was not allowed to get involved. He was protecting his biological brother.    


She wished she could kick him into outer space.    


Tao Tao did not want to calm down and listen to his father's lesson. He just kept kicking him.    


The kick did not work. Tao Tao changed his strategy and shouted loudly, "Mummy, save me. Dad bullied me."    


Before Tong Tong could react, Lin Junhua's gentle voice came from downstairs. "second brother, Tao Tao is still young. Just leave a bottom line and don't be too strict."    


"Pfft!" Qu Yixue laughed at the side, "Mom, I guess he has long forgotten the troublesome things that he did back then. The essence of father and son is about the same."    


Before Qu Yixue finished speaking, Lin Junhua smiled faintly, "It is the same trick."    


When his mother spoke, Qu Yihong frowned and put Tao Tao down.    


"Humph!" Having gained his freedom, Tao Tao gloomily glared at his father, then turned around and went to the guzheng room.    


Not long after, the sound of a piano that was not very harmonious could be heard.    


Even Tong Tong, who was not in tune with the piano, could hear that Tao Tao was using the piano to vent his dissatisfaction.    


Tong Tong focused on Mother-in-law and Qu Yixue downstairs. A flash of inspiration appeared in Tong Tong's mind and she turned around to walk downstairs.    


She was just about to leave when her wrist was tightly grabbed.    


Looking back, Qu Yihong was firmly focusing on her and his starry eyes were slightly stern.    


"Don't push me too hard." Tong Tong's eyes were spitting fire. She said in a low voice, "My acting skills are not as good as yours. If your actions let me break my skills, you will have to bear the consequences."    


Concentrating deeply on Tong Tong's flaming eyes, Qu Yihong slowly let go of her small hands.    


Once he gained freedom... Tong Tong strode downstairs without looking back.    


When she arrived at the first floor, Tong Tong did not immediately approach Mother-in-law and her sister-in-law.    


She first went to the dining room to make three cups of tea and supported it with a plate to the living room. "Mom, Yixue, let's drink some tea together."    


"Second Sister-in-Law is still the best." Qu Yixue gave an exaggerated thumbs up, "Mom, don't you think so?"    


Knowing that Qu Yixue was exaggerating, Tong Tong's small face could not help but turn red, "This is the only thing I know."    


Before Tong Tong finished speaking, Lin Junhua's eyebrows curved and revealed a faint smile. "Tongtong do not need to belittle herself. Everyone has their own strengths, you too."    


"Hehe." Tong Tong thick-skinned smiled.    


She sat to the side and glanced at the second floor.    


Tao Tao's piano performance was even worse.    


Qu Yixue immediately looked at the second floor and shook her head in amusement. "Tao Tao's piano is quite good. He probably needs to hire a super pianist to teach."    


"Cough." Tong Tong explained for her son in embarrassment, "Tao Tao is a little emotional today. He is usually more than this."    


"No." Lin Junhua smiled and took a sip of tea, "This child is so young, but he could rub his emotions into the sound of the zither. This talent is not what ordinary people have. If he is interested, he can at least make a name for himself in the piano industry."    


"Ah?" Qu Yixue was shocked, and said, "Really?"    


Tong Tong also looked at Mother-in-law in surprise.    


"I don't think there is anything wrong with the person." Lin Junhua smiled and nodded, "But this child's nature is steady and he has thought it through thoroughly. If he became a pianist, it would be a waste of his business talent. I guess second brother won't agree either. "    


Both Qu Yixue and Tong Tong seemed to agree with Lin Junhua's view. They both fell silent.    


As the number one shareholder of the Taihuang, Tao Tao was not like an ordinary child since birth. He had a heavy burden on his shoulders.    


"That might not be the case." Qu Yixue suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Mom, what if second brother Second Sister-in-Law has a more talented business genius than Tao Tao?"    


Tong Tong silently gave Qu Yixue a melancholic look.    


At this moment, this joke was not funny...    


Sensing Tong Tong's downcast mood, Lin Junhua smiled without batting an eyelid, "If the second brother bullies Tongtong, you must tell me."    


Looking at Mother-in-law silently, Tong Tong almost could not help but complain about her grievance.    


But the moment she spat out the grievance, she silently swallowed it back.    


"Mom, second brother Second Sister-in-Law is very lovey-dovey." Qu Yixue quickly tried to smooth things over, "Just look at Tao Tao's condition and you will know..."    


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