Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1204 Introduce My Grandma to You

C1204 Introduce My Grandma to You

chapter 1204. Introduce my grandma to you.    


"Okay." Tao stuffed half a banana into his mouth and could only reply vaguely, "It will be finished soon."    


Tao did not want to throw away the half-eaten banana.    


He was a snack that cherished food. More importantly, Second Aunt always said that children could not waste food.    


... "" Tao Tao silently rolled his eyes at the sky.    


Given Tao's eating speed, it would take him at least three minutes to finish this "immediately.    


Forget it. Since he was the older brother, he would just accommodate Tao. He would just treat it as helping Mummy take care of her younger brother.    


Zhan Qing, who was standing by the side, stared speechlessly at the two businessmen, Little Prince. He only wanted to snatch half of the banana from Tao's hand and throw it directly to the Pacific Ocean.    


If his grandmother, who had returned from thousands of miles away, knew that her grandson had risked his life for Third Young Master Qu's son, he didn't know how she would feel...    


"Faster." Tao Tao looked at the impatient Zhan Qing and could only help urge Tao.    


When it came to time with snacks, he really could not afford to hurt them.    


Seeing Tao eating in a refined manner, Tao Tao also became anxious. In fact, he also wanted to see his grandmother.    


Every day, he would call out to different kinds of grandmother, but they were all fake grandmother. It was not easy for his grandmother to come back. He was very happy in his heart.    


In his memory, although his grandma was dignified, she still loved him very much...    


Tao Tao was immersed in his fantasy, but his bright eyes were flying all over the place. He only stopped when he locked onto a moving object.    


"Ouch! She's back again." Tao Tao widened his eyes. "No, I have to tell Mummy. I believe Mummy will definitely beat her out."    


"Who came back?" Tao's mouth was full of bananas, and he still had to care about the trivial matters.    


Tao Tao did not make a sound. He just gritted his teeth and watched Qiao Yuhua walk along the road step by step with a bag.    


According to her direction, she should be going to Great Grandmother's Harmony House.    


Without getting a response from his brother, Tao subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction where Tao Tao was looking.    


"Teacher Qiao?" Tao murmured. He ate the banana much slower.    


"What Teacher Qiao?" Tao Tao corrected Tao. "She is a bad person. She purposely harmed us, so I, Mummy, will not allow her to come in."    


With a turn of his eyes, Tao Tao raised his small head. "Uncle Zhan, where is I, Mummy?"    


"Your little aunt is shopping with her." Zhan Qing's voice was unusually gentle. "She should come back later."    


"Shopping?" Tao Tao scratched the back of his head. "Do I, Mummy, like shopping?"    


He felt that his mother preferred playing football with them.    


Zhan Qing silently focused on Tao Tao's mature face. He had to admire the little guy.    


Tao Tao really knew him, Biological mother, and knew that Tong Tong's hobbies were not shopping.    


"And little aunt, does she also like shopping?" Tao Tao questioned, "I thought little aunt liked to drive helicopters."    


Zhan Qing slowly turned his eyes away.    


Little Prince had finished talking, so he had nothing to say.    


"Since Mummy is not home, it seems like I can only rely on myself." Tao Tao muttered, "I have to treat her to be worthy of Herself."    


Thinking about how he had grown up, his grandmother had always said that he was as strong as a little cow. But even a little cow as strong as him was also sent to emergency treatment by that bad guy.    


If he did not take revenge for this, he would not be a gentleman. Sigh...    


"Teacher Qiao..." Tao was still muttering.    


He forgot to continue eating bananas. He looked dazed and seemed to have his own thoughts.    


"Don't call her Teacher Qiao." Tao Tao said gloomily, "You should call her Scoundrel Qiao. Look, I'll think of a way to deal with Scoundrel Qiao."    


As Tao Tao spoke, his eyes suddenly lit up.    


Tao was in a daze when he felt the light in his eyes darken. Following that, the banana in his hand disappeared.    


Very quickly, Tao found a small half of his banana in Tao Tao's hand. "Big brother, that's my banana."    


Seeing that Tao Tao did not pay attention to Herself, Tao said softly and gently. "Brother, return my banana first. I will go and get a big one for you..."    


Before Tao finished speaking, he saw Tao Tao pull up his posture, swinging his small arm twice in a row before throwing the banana towards the road.    


"My banana..." Tao protested reluctantly.    


Unfortunately, the protest was ineffective. The small half of the banana drew a semicircle in the air and accurately landed on the road.    


It landed two meters in front of Qiao Yuhua.    


"Yay!" Tao Tao stuck out his little finger and gave himself a thumbs up.    


Haha! He had good eyesight, and his hand strength was first-rate. He threw it right where he wanted to throw it.    


Seeing his brother so happy, Tao finally did not care about his banana anymore. He just looked at it curiously.    


Zhan Qing looked at it from the side, speechless. He didn't know what expression to put on.    


Zhan Qing dared to bet that if Tong Tong knew about Tao Tao's idea, she would definitely praise him greatly. As for how Qu Yihong would express it, he did not know.    


Seeing Qiao Yuhua getting closer and closer to the banana skin, Tao Tao raised his little hand and began counting down, "Three, two, one... Down!"    


Before he finished his words, he saw Qiao Yuhua, who was focusing all her attention on the direction of Huaxu, step on the banana peel.    


The angle of her step was just right, like a skating trick. She changed her body a few times on the road and almost fell onto the road a few times.    


When Qiao Yuhua thought that she was about to stand up, she staggered and finally fell heavily onto the ground with a "bang.    


"Aiyo!" Qiao Yuhua screamed in pain.    


"Yay!" Tao Tao raised his arms and cheered.    


Seeing that Tao was still staring blankly at her, Tao Tao stretched out his hand and pulled Tao away.    


"Hurry up." Tao Tao switched on his flying leg mode, "If she sees us, she will definitely come and find us to settle accounts again!"    


Although he was not afraid of that bad guy, it would save him a lot of trouble if he could save a lot of trouble. It would save him from his dad constantly educating him. Hehe...    


... "" Zhan Qing was speechless. He glanced at Tao Tao, who thought he was a hero after doing bad things, and followed him silently.    


This kid would definitely take revenge if he had a grudge, and he did not like to see a gentleman take revenge ten years later. He felt that it would be more satisfying to "return the favor" right away.    


Zhan Qing had just walked into the green forest with Tao Tao and Tao when Qiao Yuhua's angry roar sounded.    


"Which blind person threw the banana peel. "It's just that the old lady is not feeling well. All of you came out to cause trouble, there is no law..."    


"Haha." Tao Tao ran forward happily. "Uncle Zhan, there is no law at all. She caused me to eat poisonous things, right?"    


... "Yes." Zhan Qing actually could not object.    


It wasn't just right, it was especially right.    


Although Tao Tao was young, his words were more mature than anyone else's.    


"That's more like it." Seeing Zhan Qing agree with him so much for the first time, Tao Tao was very pleased with himself, "Uncle Zhan, you have become wise."    


Zhan Qing suddenly could not help but raise his chest.    


Fine, he actually took it seriously when he was praised by a kid.    


Tao Tao ran a few steps and saw Tao behind him. He ran back and pulled his younger brother. "Younger brother, hurry up. I'll introduce my grandma to you..."    


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