Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1187 Move

C1187 Move

Article 1187.    


He narrowed his eyes and sized up Biological mother for a few seconds. Tao Tao directly emphasized, "Mummy is thinking about happy things."    


Seeing Mummy's eyes curved into crescent moons, they laughed foolishly.    


"Yes, yes." Tao did not hesitate to help his brother and nodded his head repeatedly.    


"Puff!" Tong Tong burst into laughter. She retracted her gaze and put her hands on the shoulders of the two little fellows. "Today is Tao's accommodations. Of course I'm happy."    


"Relocate?" The two little fellows raised their small faces and voiced their doubts at the same time.    


Relocate to God Ma Dong Dong?    


Facing the two little faces with strong desire for knowledge, Tong Tong had no choice but to explain in detail the meaning of "Qiao Qiandong.    


"So it is moving!" Tao Tao and Tao suddenly realized what was going on and said at the same time.    


"Yes, it is moving." Tong Tong smiled and said.    


Tao Tao and Tao let go of Tong Tong's hand when they saw that she was not angry. They ran and played on the balcony together.    


The sound of the two little fellows happily chatting resounded throughout Banshan Garden.    


"Brother, we can play football here in the future!"    


"How can we play football like this? We'll kick the football below."    


"Brother, we'll slowly play and we won't be able to!"    


"Can football still be slowly kicked? That wouldn't be called football anymore." Tao Tao stopped in his tracks gloomily and looked at Tao's face full of happiness. "Only drawing can be done slowly."    


"Hehe." After being scolded by Tao Tao, Tao could only laugh foolishly. "Alright."    


Tong Tong was looking at the two little fellows with a smile when a noise suddenly came from downstairs.    


She was curious why it was suddenly so lively when she saw Luo Li looking over from the master bedroom. "Tongtong, they all moved over."    


"I'll go and take a look." Tong Tong let go of the railing and left. "Tao Tao, watch your brother. Be careful not to climb the railing."    


Luo Li smiled. "Tongtong, don't worry. We brothers will never let Tao be alone."    


Tong Tong was naturally relieved with Luo Li around. She quickly went down to the first floor.    


It turned out that the furniture company had sent over some large pieces of furniture. The moving company that Uncle Wang had hired also moved over large pieces of furniture with Hua Ju and a few others. They were all gathered together, so it was exceptionally lively. Even the second floor felt exceptionally noisy.    


The moving company that he had hired was also a formal and strict one. It was managed in an orderly manner and there was no need to make any arrangements at all. The large pieces of furniture were quickly arranged.    


Uncle Wang gave a little command, and then they started to get busy.    


After a short half an hour, the entire Yun Residence looked brand new. Tong Tong stood in the stairwell and looked around. She was filled with emotion.    


It had to be said that it was indeed easy to get things done with money.    


The originally luxurious and luxurious Kazufuru was now in a modern style light colored coffee series. It was full of youthful vigor. No matter how one looked at it, it looked fresh and fresh.    


If not for the words "Yun residence" on top of the villa, one would not have been able to tell that it was actually Yun residence.    


"Mummy, so beautiful." Tao Tao had unknowingly appeared beside Tong Tong and looked at the completely new scene in front of him in surprise.    


"Yes, she is so beautiful." Tong Tong murmured, "This is a good place."    


It was a pity that it was Qu Chenjiang who had been living here all this while, so everyone was annoyed by him. They even hated the originally beautiful and imposing Yun Residence.    


Tao Tao pursed his lips. "But no matter how beautiful it is, dad doesn't like it here."    


Tong Tong pondered and silently touched Tao Tao's little head.    


She said softly, "Maybe one day, he will like it."    


"Mummy, what day will it be?" Tao Tao asked with a serious face. "How much longer will it take?"    


"It shouldn't take too long." Tong Tong muttered.    


Those grudges and grudges would disappear sooner or later. It was just that she did not know how long it would take...    


Madame Qu, who had difficulty in rehabilitation, could no longer stir up trouble. Qiao Yuhua presumably did not dare to come up with any more ideas and Qu Chenjiang probably would not dare to come back.    


When Mother-in-law returned, he used that cool breeze to shock the Banshan Garden. This place was a beautiful and peaceful scene...    


Tong Tong had personally witnessed the fastest move in the world.    


In less than two hours, Yin Shaofan and the others had even cleaned up the Yun Residence.    


The windows were clear and clean, warm and comfortable. They stood in the main hall, feeling refreshed and refreshed.    


Tao was especially excited, running and playing upstairs and downstairs.    


The two little fellows had gone crazy playing with Tao Tao. Happy cheers resounded throughout the entire Banshan Garden.    


"This child has displayed the nature of a child today." Uncle Wang said happily, "We've been there for so long, but we've never had such fun before."    


"That's not strange." Driver Li smiled and said, "This is Tao's home after all."    


"Makes sense." Yin Shaofan smiled until his eyes narrowed into a slit. "Everyone likes their own home more."    


"It's about time. I have to go back and report to Second Young Master." Uncle Wang patted the dust that could not be seen on his sleeves. "I will go back to Hua Ju and prepare lunch. When it's time, you can have dinner with Hua Ju yourself."    


"Okay!" Yin Shaofan smiled and looked around. He deliberately said, "I thought everything here was good. Now I have finally found its weakness."    


"What weakness?" Driver Li asked casually.    


"This place only lacks someone like Uncle Wang!" Yin Shaofan said with a smile, " "It would be great if there was another Uncle Wang."    


Tong Tong smiled beside him. "This can be considered. I guess the big boss will agree without hesitation. But it can't be Uncle Wang. Maybe it's Uncle Zhao or Aunt Li. " Anyway, Uncle Wang is only one. Don't even think about it. "    


Haha, we all understand. " Driver Li laughed heartily, "Assistant Yin's words have always been irrelevant. Assistant Tong just needs to listen to him."    


"You bunch of brats!" Uncle Wang turned around and left, complaining with a smile, "I don't want to serve you."    


Before he finished speaking, Uncle Wang had already walked out.    


Tong Tong followed him out and heard Uncle Wang muttering from afar, "I need to tell Second Young Master that the big table at home is still not enough..."    


Tong Tong pursed her lips and smiled.    


Uncle Wang's ambition was still there...    


But if he really let Mother-in-law eat with everyone, would these subordinates be able to eat happily?    


He was afraid that it would not be as good as he had expected. Even Yin Shaofan, whose skin was thicker than a cow's skin, would feel restrained...    


Well, Qu Yihong should have already considered these troublesome matters related to Mother-in-law. Perhaps he had already prepared a plan. She was too lazy to care about it.    


When they returned to the He Hua Residence, the first floor was indeed empty.    


Three of the five rooms on the first floor were empty, and it suddenly became deserted.    


Tong Tong went straight up to the second floor and went to the study. As expected, she saw Qu Yihong still leaning against the window and frowning as he read the documents.    


Tong Tong clearly did not seem to notice the situation around her. Just as Tong Tong poked her head into the study room, Qu Yihong said calmly, "All moved out?"    


"All moved out." Tong Tong playfully made a face at Qu Yihong. " Aiyo, our Second Young Master Qu can't bear to part with them..."    


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