Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1181 Playing the Pig to Eat the Tiger

C1181 Playing the Pig to Eat the Tiger

chapter 1181. - Pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger    


Glancing at Madame Qu, Tong Tong quietly walked to Tao Tao and Tao's side and sat down.    


Tao Tao cleverly leaned towards Biological mother's side. Tao could not help but stretch out his soft little hand and tightly hugged Tong Tong's arm.    


Madame Qu took in the scene in front of her eyes. Her expression was complicated and full of tears.    


In the silence, Qian Zixuan took a step forward and said gently, "The old lady asked Second Young Madam to come over to prepare some gifts for Tao. Later, the old lady will send someone to send it to the Cloud House. I hope Second Young Madam can accept it for Tao."    


"Gifts?" Tong Tong raised her eyebrows, "What gifts?"    


"Gift? Tao Tao pulled a long face and looked at Madame Qu. The little guy looked very unhappy.    


If he had known that Tao was here to receive gifts, he would not have come.    


Just by watching his younger brother receive gifts, his older brother appeared here. What the hell was going on? La...    


"Cough!" Tao Tao's reaction made Qian Zixuan feel awkward. He said, "The old lady will give another gift to Tao Tao."    


"No need!" Tao Tao waved his hand with a stern face. He was full of energy. "My dad and Mummy give me gifts every day. They don't want others to give them to me."    


Tong Tong secretly gave a big thumbs up to her stubborn son and gave him a big thumbs up.    


He was really worthy of being Tong Tong's son!    


"Cough!" Madame Qu was so angry that she kept coughing.    


She raised her hand and pointed at Tao Tao, but she did not say anything for a long time. Her face gradually changed.    


Qian Zixuan was secretly surprised. With the old lady like this, her blood pressure would probably rise again.    


Qian Zixuan quickly said without batting an eyelid. "Tao Tao is still a child. Of course the old lady will not be angry with a child. Right? "    


Seeing that Madame Qu still had not recovered her breath, Qian Zixuan could only reach out and massage Madame Qu's temple, trying to calm her down.    


Tao looked a little nervous. He bit his lips tightly but did not say anything.    


Tao Tao held his cheeks with both hands and looked at Madame Qu thoughtfully. His eyes blinked, looking sly and cute.    


Tong Tong sized up the reactions of the two Little Prince and could not help but smile quietly.    


"Okay, I know." She smiled and got up, indicating that the two little fellows also got up. "Tao, come. Thank you for Great Grandmother's gift."    


Tao slowly got up and stood next to Tong Tong. He timidly looked at Madame Qu who did not look too good, "Thank you Great Grandmother."    


Tao's words seemed to have given Madame Qu a strong heart needle. Her purple swollen face gradually recovered its color.    


"Okay." Madame Qu muttered. Her tears flickered. "Okay."    


Facing such a weak Madame Qu, Tong Tong's heart unconsciously softened a little.    


Afraid that she would soften her heart towards Madame Qu and make her regret her decision, Tong Tong quickly pulled the two little fellows and prepared to leave, "Goodbye grandma!"    


Tong Tong pulled the two little fellows and walked out in large strides.    


"Second Young Madam, take care." Qian Zixuan said gently.    


He let go of Madame Qu's shoulders and instructed the medical staff, "Help look after the old lady."    


After that, Qian Zixuan followed Tong Tong out and sent Tong Tong and the other two to the door.    


Tong Tong clearly knew that Qian Zixuan was following behind. And when you don't know.    


She originally thought that Qian Zixuan wanted to help Qu Yihong and herself, but Qian Zixuan's recent performance made Tong Tong puzzled again.    


After all the talking, Until now, she had not been able to see through it. Which side of Qian Zixuan's heart was it...    


Tao Tao ran out of the door like a wisp of smoke and turned his head again. He looked curiously at Qian Zixuan who was following him closely. "Mummy, why is he always following us?"    


Tong Tong quietly blocked Tao Tao's eyes. "He came out to see Tao."    


"Huh?" Tao looked up and looked at Tong Tong in confusion.    


Tong Tong really could not cope with the curiosity of the baby. She stretched out her hands and pushed the two little fellows forward. "Hurry up and leave. Let's go back and pack up. We have to move tomorrow!"    


"Yes, yes." When Tao heard that they were moving, he immediately nodded his head and ran towards Huaxu.    


Seeing Tao so eager to move, Tao Tao was unhappy. He shouted and shouted. He chased after him. "Tao, stop right there!"    


After a few seconds of chasing, the two small bodies had already disappeared into the dense forest.    


Tong Tong only had time to see Zhan Qing's back as he chased after her.    


After pondering for a moment, Tong Tong suddenly turned her head, and with a smile that was not a smile, she focused on Qian Zixuan who was following closely behind. "I am a little curious, what kind of gift did the old lady prepare for Tao?"    


"Cough." Qian Zixuan looked a little embarrassed. "It is still not those little toys. There is nothing special about them."    


"Only little toys?" Tong Tong asked with a smile.    


"This..." Qian Zixuan hesitated for a few seconds and smiled faintly. "There are also things that Tao used in the past. The old lady hopes to keep them in Tao's room."    


"Oh?" Tong Tong pondered.    


Qian Zixuan shook his head helplessly. "Second Young Madam is so smart. Of course she knows that the old lady did this. She must have her own selfish motives."    


"How would I know what the old lady is thinking?" Tong Tong smiled. "Tell me."    


Qian Zixuan seemed to be choked by Tong Tong. He did not find his voice for a long time.    


Tong Tong said with a smile, "I can understand that you are helping the old lady. If it is not convenient to say, I will not force you... "    


"Second Young Madam, you are really getting better at talking." Qian Zixuan and Mild Wind said softly, "To put it bluntly, it is really very simple. The old lady only hopes that Tao can see things and think about people. The old lady doesn't want Tao to forget about her."    


"So that's what the old lady thinks!" Tong Tong looked like she suddenly realized something.    


... "" Qian Zixuan was once again choked by Tong Tong's innocent look.    


He had to say, Second Young Madam was walking further and further away from pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger.    


If this continued, perhaps one day, Second Young Madam, who was originally a big horse, would be able to block one side more than President Lin.    


Qian Zixuan did not know what to say. He just lowered his head and did not say anything. He humbly sent Tong Tong away.    


Tong Tong forced herself to pretend to be aloof and disappear from Qian Zixuan's face. Confirming that she had walked out of Qian Zixuan's sight, her small face suddenly collapsed.    


It was tiring for her to pretend to be aloof and aloof. Her small face stiffened. She really did not know how Qu Yihong and his son managed to keep up with their cold and aloof expressions all day long.    


When they returned to Huaxu, the hall was empty and no one could be seen.    


Tong Tong looked around in a low voice and frowned slightly, "Where is he?"    


"Mummy, we are up there." Tao Tao's voice came from the second floor. It sounded like it came from Tao Tao's bedroom.    


"Eh?" Tong Tong looked at the big clock in the hall in confusion. Was he going to sleep so early?    


She went upstairs in confusion and went to Tao Tao and Tao's room.    


As soon as she opened the door, a soft thing hit her face.    


"Ouch!" Tong Tong only had time to cover her eyes. "Tao Tao, what do you want to do?"    


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