Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1139 If You Knock Me out I will Carry You Back to the Wedding

C1139 If You Knock Me out I will Carry You Back to the Wedding

chapter 1139. - Knock him unconscious and carry him back to remarry.    


"Marriage... Marriage certificate?" Tong Tong muttered and looked at Qu Yihong in surprise.    


It turned out that up until now, even if there were pictures and the truth on the web page, he did not think that the divorce reported by the media was true.    


He actually thought that she was messing around with fake Divorce Certificates, so he openly appeared in her room last night and squeezed into bed with Tao Tao...    


Tong Tong suddenly had a headache.    


For his safety, she racked her brains to think of a way. It was not easy for her to succeed, but in the end, Qu Yihong did not seem to buy the bill.    


"Yes, Marriage certificate." Qu Yihong became serious, "Take care of it for me."    


When he came back yesterday, he flipped through the study. The Marriage certificate was gone.    


Without the Marriage certificate, they would naturally not be able to divorce. She still wanted to play with the scandal of a divorce. In the future, she wouldn't even be able to see the Marriage certificate.    


"That..." Tong Tong's tongue started to knot with a serious expression on Qu Yihong's face. "I think we should start from the day Qu Yihong escaped..."    


Qu Yihong took off his sunglasses unhappily and fixed his gaze on Tong Tong. "Where are the Marriage certificates?"    


"That... Let's change the topic." Tong Tong did not open her eyes and quietly covered her neck with her small hands. "Will you pinch me again in the future?"    


With Qu Yihong's current attitude, Tong Tong was really a little worried that he would pinch her neck a second time.    


Although her original intention was to save him from the fire and water, the effect seemed to have been achieved, and he safely appeared in front of her.    


She thought that he would praise her for being smart, but unfortunately, things seemed to be developing in the opposite direction.    


Just now, she was the one who took the home ground and was angry with him, but in just a few short minutes, the situation changed drastically, and she wanted to escape.    


She didn't know if jumping into the sea here was enough for her to swim back to the shore...    


Tong Tong quietly glanced at the shore and silently shook her head.    


The cruise ship had gradually moved away from the coastline.    


Only then did Tong Tong look at Qu Yihong again, preparing to keep a distance from him.    


Qu Yihong's expression was complicated as he stared at her. There seemed to be helplessness, reluctance, regret, and many other complex emotions in his eyes.    


"It was an accident last time." His voice became gentler, "Tongtong, I don't want to be single."    


"You can't be single even if you want to." Tong Tong muttered and did not dare to speak loudly.    


She thought of Fang Zixin.    


Without her, Tong Tong, there would be even more beautiful and amorous women in this world waiting to snatch him away.    


Fang Zixin should only be a representative figure who admired Big Boss Qu. There were more than tens of millions of girls who had the same feelings as her.    


Seeing that Tong Tong still had a vigilant look on her face, a look of annoyance flashed across Qu Yihong's face.    


He slowly stretched out his hand and held Tong Tong's small hand. "I promise that there will never be a second time."    


Tong Tong quietly let out a sigh of relief.    


Alright, it seemed that her small life was saved.    


Clearing her throat, Tong Tong's eyes looked at the line between the sky and the earth, "The Marriage certificate has been replaced with Divorce Certificates."    


"Don't joke around." Qu Yihong's tone became serious. "I know you will do something shocking for Tao Tao's safety. For example, you will expose false information to the media at the risk of breaking the law. Tongtong, this kind of joke is not funny."    


"Of course not." Tong Tong sniffled and thought of her mood at that time. There was nothing she could do about it.    


Qu Yihong's face gradually became serious.    


After a while, his voice was soft. "Tongtong, tell me that the Divorce Certificate is fake."    


"It is real." Tong Tong braced herself and focused on Qu Yihong, "And I do not regret doing that at all."    


"Really?" Qu Yihong stood up and stared straight into Tong Tong's eyes.    


"It's true." Tong Tong lowered her head.    


She felt his strong anger again, which made her feel uneasy and slightly painful.    


Perhaps the alert look in Tong Tong's eyes sounded the alarm. Qu Yihong, who was originally angry, slowly put away his anger.    


He tightly grabbed her small hand. "Just for Tao Tao?"    


Tong Tong silently looked at Qu Yihong. She suddenly felt so wronged that she wanted to cry.    


Of course, not only for Tao Tao, but also for you!    


The matter of Tao Tao being poisoned only sped up her decision.    


Seeing Tong Tong not saying anything, Qu Yihong tacitly agreed. He slightly moved his gaze away with melancholy. "So until now, I am the one with the least status."    


Tong Tong stared at Qu Yihong in surprise. She did not hear wrongly, right? Qu Yihong was jealous of his son?    


Was he serious?    


After a minute of silence, Tong Tong was finally sure that Qu Yihong was serious.    


For some reason, looking at his tense handsome face and the slight melancholy between his long eyebrows, she felt guilty in her heart.    


Wuwuwu, she should have explained it clearly...    


In the end, what came out of her mouth was, "I already took the initiative to clean myself out of the house. Tao Tao also left it for you and wanted Tao. I'm the one who suffered a loss. "    


... "" Blue veins popped out on Qu Yihong's forehead again. "Idiot!"    


He did not know what to say all of a sudden.    


"Yes." Tong Tong honestly admitted, "I also feel that I am an idiot."    


Actually, she could still ask for a villa in Flower City. If that was the case, she would not need to come here for anything.    


"Forget it." Qu Yihong suddenly said. He retracted his gaze and focused on Tong Tong's small face. "Those days when I was not around, the old lady bullied you and Tao Tao. I can understand and accept your extreme actions. But we must remarry immediately. And you have to promise me that you will not do this again next time. "    


..." "Tong Tong opened her mouth wide and stared at Qu Yihong in shock. She subconsciously dug a hole in her ear.    


She was already prepared to jump into the sea and escape, but Big Boss Qu told her this?    


"What are you still standing there for?" Qu Yihong did not get Tong Tong's response. He gritted his teeth and stared at her. "Do you want me to knock you out and carry you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to remarry? If you like to use such an exciting method, I can help you."    


As he spoke, Qu Yihong stood up.    


Tong Tong was so shocked that she quickly waved her hand. "No need, no need."    


It was rare to see Tong Tong's face revealing a look of panic. Qu Yihong nodded his head in satisfaction. "Then let's go!"    


"I will ask Zhan Qing to drive the yacht back." He picked up his phone and was about to call Zhan Qing.    


"Wait..." Tong Tong's sharp eyes quickly pressed over the phone. "We cannot remarry now."    


"Oh?" Qu Yihong stared at Tong Tong with a black line on his face. "If you don't give me a reason to convince me..."    


That would be troublesome!    


"You started to scare me again." Tong Tong sniffed and glanced at Qu Yihong. "Don't forget. I, Tong Tong, was scared."    


Qu Yihong's handsome face twitched. He stared at her with a dark face. "You and I know who is scaring who."    


He had suffered a lot of fright.    


"Forget it. I won't lower myself to your level." Tong Tong gritted her teeth and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. "I know. The attack on you in Paris was related to me adopting Tao."    


Qu Yihong was shocked. "You know all about it?"    


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