Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1101 The One Most Suitable for Him Only You

C1101 The One Most Suitable for Him Only You

The most suitable one for him. You are the only one    


"Bragging!" Lin Panxue said tenderly, "No matter how much you blow, this sound is not right. It was far worse than usual. Whether you are happy or not, anyone can tell. "    


..." "Tong Tong silently shut her mouth.    


Walking out of the courtyard, Lin Panxue glanced in the direction of the Heart Residence. "Do you want me to go over and tell the old lady?"    


"Say what?" Tong Tong asked subconsciously.    


"Tell her not to bully you!" Lin Panxue lightly patted Tong Tong's shoulder, "When the news comes out, she will probably chase you away."    


"No." Tong Tong firmly shook her head, "Unless I go by myself, otherwise no one will be able to chase me out."    


Concentrating on Tong Tong's firm little face, Lin Panxue's heart finally relaxed and she gently smiled. " Yihong really has a unique vision. He really chose the right wife."    


"Is that so?" Tong Tong glanced at the sky. "I think only Auntie thinks so of those who have seen me before."    


Her reckless and good martial image had already spread throughout the Flower City. It was totally not in line with the demeanor of a rich young lady.    


Most of the people in the Flower City probably thought that she was not worthy of Qu Yihong.    


"Silly girl!" Lin Panxue smiled lightly, "Yihong can indeed choose a prettier, gentler, more ladylike, and more appropriate family member. But the most suitable one is only Tongtong! Don't you think so?"    


Finishing her words, Lin Panxue looked at Tong Tong with a burning gaze.    


Tong Tong could not help but silently scratch her hair.    


Then, she puffed out her chest and tried to regain her previous imposing manner. "Yeah, I, Tong Tong, am so good!"    


Lin Panxue burst into laughter. "This is the Tongtong I know."    


Luo Li had already respectfully opened the car door by the side. "Mrs. Fang, please get in the car."    


Only then did Lin Panxue reluctantly let go of Tong Tong and turned to get in the car.    


Tong Tong silently waved her small hand.    


"Don't worry!" Lin Panxue gently said, "After these few days, Yihong has returned. I will be your witness and let him understand your painstaking efforts. Once the opportunity comes, you will remarry. "    


"Yes." Tong Tong replied.    


Her mind was a little distracted. If there was really a day when they remarried, then where would Tao's household register fall to?    


Seemingly knowing what Tong Tong was worried about, Lin Panxue added, "There will be a better way to deal with Tao's matter. You need to rest well and don't let your imagination run wild. The old lady has been messing around for the rest of her life and caused all of you to suffer. She will also not have a good end. "Don't bother with the old lady and the others anymore."    


Thank you! " Tong Tong's eyes turned hot.    


As Mrs. Fang, the halo on Lin Panxue's head was a laser halo. It was rare that she would be so attentive to guide her...    


Under constant reminders, the Rolls-Royce finally carried Lin Panxue far away.    


Until the person and the car disappeared into the green forest, Tong Tong was still looking in that direction.    


"Mummy, what's wrong?" Tao Tao's curious voice came from behind, "Is Mummy reluctant to part with that grandma just now?"    


Tong Tong slowly turned around.    


She saw Tao Tao holding the football and looking at her seriously with an expression of unknown desire.    


Tao stood behind Tao Tao, his hands tightly hugging the maze map. He looked at Tong Tong with eager eyes.    


"Yes!" She leaned over and hugged the two little guys. She held one hand in each hand. "You guys play with Uncle Wang at home, play with Uncle Luo..."    


"Mummy, what about you?" Tao Tao quickly asked.    


"Is Second Aunt going out?" Tao asked weakly.    


Tong Tong's eyes lit up. She leaned over and kissed Tao's fair forehead. "That's right. Tao is really smart. He guessed Second Aunt would go out at once."    


"Mummy, I want to go out too." Tao Tao immediately made a request anxiously, "I want to be Mummy's bodyguard."    


"I..." Tao's voice was weak. "Me too."    


With two small heads raised and two pairs of expectant eyes, Tong Tong could not say anything to reject.    


"Where is Mummy going?" Tao Tao smart guessed, "Is it not convenient for Mummy to take us?"    


"No." Tong Tong quickly said.    


It was a little inconvenient, but more importantly, Tao Tao needed to rest, and she needed to buy time.    


If he moved alone, the efficiency would be much higher.    


She lowered her head and thought for a few seconds. Tong Tong smiled. "Okay, let's go out together."    


She instructed, "Mummy needs to find another car keys. " Those who want to drink water, quickly drink. Those who want to go to the bathroom, quickly go to the bathroom. We will leave in five minutes. "    


"Yeah!" Tao Tao immediately raised his arm and shouted.    


Tao did the same.    


Both of their hands clapped in the air, producing a clear sound of collision, and the laughter of the two little fellows.    


Tong Tong could not do anything about her son, who could not rest for a minute, but she also felt lucky.    


Luckily, her parents had given Tao Tao a strong body. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


She really did not know when Qiao Yuhua's bottle of tofu milk was from. The toxicity was actually comparable to a bottle of crane head red.    


Seeing Tong Tong looking for the key, Uncle Wang chased after her anxiously. "Assistant Tong, did something happen? Tell me..."    


"It's nothing." Tong Tong said coolly, "The two little fellows are bored at home. I'll bring them around and then return."    


"Is that so?" Uncle Wang did not believe it at all.    


But looking at Tong Tong's indifferent attitude, Uncle Wang understood in his heart that he definitely wouldn't be able to get something out of Tong Tong's mouth.    


Cough, he now somewhat understood Tong Tong's usual protest towards Second Young Master Qu.    


This feeling of being isolated as an outsider. It's awful...    


"Mummy, I'm fine!" Tao Tao ran over with a smile as he pulled on his pants.    


Unfortunately, he was injured and staggered a little. Uncle Wang panicked and quickly stretched out his arms, ready to hug her. "Little ancestor, you are not feeling well. Why are you running here?    


Fast? Do you want to scare Elder Wang to death? "    


"Second Aunt, I finished drinking the water." As the sound of the cup hitting the table, Tao's footsteps got closer and closer.    


Uncle Wang wanted to turn around to look at Tao, but he was knocked away by Tao's rushing body.    


Tao Tao got the space and immediately pulled Tao out. "Mummy, let's go!"    


Looking at his empty hands, Uncle Wang slowly shook his head. He quietly followed.    


One had to say, Tong Tong's talent in other things was limited, but in front of children, her rallying ability was the best.    


His elderly self dug his heart and lungs out towards the two babies and spoke softly. It was also not as effective as Tong Tong shouting at the two babies.    


As long as Tong Tong gave the order, the two babies would run with her.    


Uncle Wang suddenly felt sad for Qu Yihong.    


Tong Tong found the car keys to the Lamborghini from the second floor and also found another key and stuffed it into her bag.    


She then went downstairs.    


When she went downstairs, she saw Uncle Wang looking like a lonely person who had been forgotten.    


Tong Tong lightly smiled. "I will take them for a stroll before returning. Uncle Wang do not need to worry. Just prepare the food."    


... "Can I not worry?" Uncle Wang muttered, "I have to worry about you and Second Young Master again. Recently, my hair has been all white..."    


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