Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1050 This Is a Kinship Identification

C1050 This Is a Kinship Identification

1050. - This is the kinship assessment.    


Along with the sharp sound of brakes, the small car successfully stopped, and the motorcade on both sides quickly rushed over.    


Zhan Qing watched those motorcade coldly. "Great! Driver Li's skills are becoming more and more international."    


Qu Yihong looked coldly at the disappearing carriages. "Turn around. Change the route."    


"Second Young Master, receive it." Driver Li agreed and prepared to turn around.    


Before Driver Li could turn around, he saw a bus in front of him.    


"Tch!" Driver Li gritted his teeth and said. "Today, you are openly challenging an old driver like me."    


With a beautiful drift, Driver Li successfully made the car avoid the bus.    


"Sure enough, he is an old driver." Yin Shaofan gave him a thumbs up.    


Qu Yihong glanced out of the window and said, "Zhan Qing, go and check the motorcade later."    


"Okay." Zhan Qing agreed, but his expression did not look good either.    


Driver Li continued to drive, but the inside of the car was extremely quiet.    


After a while, Yin Shaofan began to mumble. " Second Young Master, I still think we should go back ahead of time and settle Tao's matter first."    


Before Yin Shaofan finished speaking, he felt a whistling sound from the side.    


"Driver Li, be careful!" Zhan Qing reminded him sternly, "There is a car on the side..."    


Unfortunately, Zhan Qing's warning was too late. The car had already crashed into him.    


Following the violent collision sound, the small car was pushed more than ten meters away, forming an ugly dancing posture.    


At the critical moment, Yin Shaofan only had time to shout, "Second Young Master, be careful!"    




In Flower City, Tong Tong looked at the simple words on WeChat and finally let out a sigh.    


As long as he was willing to consider it, she would be at ease. If something really happened to him, she would never be able to forgive herself.    


It seemed like she could have a good night's sleep tonight...    


"Tongtong, quickly go to sleep!" Xia Lv's hand slapped over, "A person was muttering and did not know what he was doing. If you want Boss Qu, just call him!"    


"Who misses him?" Tong Tong chuckled and threw her phone to the side." I want to sleep now. "    


Xia Lv turned around again, "I told you that love is too troublesome. Look at you, you are almost my old wife and you are still so sticky. Hmph! You are clearly making me envious, jealous, and hateful! Bad best friend!"    


Ren Xia Lv nagged and Tong Tong did not speak anymore.    


It was just that she clearly felt that she could sleep peacefully but her heart seemed to be suppressing something and she still could not do anything. Sleep well...    


Tong Tong half-slept, half-awake, and welcomed the second day.    


Tao Tao had the habit of sleeping early and waking up early. After so many years, he didn't have to worry about anything.    


Tao was different. This little fellow had always been spoiled by Madame Qu and had many small problems, making Tong Tong not so relaxed. Every day, she would sleep in a small bed.    


But what was gratifying was that as long as Tao Tao urged, Tao would still rub his sleepy eyes and get up.    


"How strange!" Tong Tong was cleaning the bed as she muttered, "In the past, when you were in Banshan Garden, it was always you who waited for big brother, but now you are upside down."    


"Mummy is fine." Tao suddenly laughed happily, "When we go home, perhaps we will fall over again."    


Tong Tong smiled. "That is possible."    


She still wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw Tao's cute sleeping eyes, Tong Tong suddenly laughed and did not say anything more.    


After sending Tao Tao and Tao to the kindergarten, Tong Tong instructed Luo Li to bring Xia Lv to work.    


When they arrived at the Taihuang, Xia Lv got off the car.    


Tong Tong did not move.    


"Eh?" Xia Lv stopped in surprise, "Tongtong, you are already here. Aren't you going to go up and take a look?"    


"There is Assistant Qiao up there." Tong Tong smiled faintly, "With him around, I can rest assured."    


"Why do I feel a little worried?" Xia Lv muttered, "I still feel that he is more suitable to return to Africa to be a native."    


"Haha -" Tong Tong could not help but laugh.    


The two of them looked at each other and said, "You really don't want to go up?" Xia Lv pressed on and said embarrassingly, "I really hope the office is more lively."    


Xia Lv complained in her mouth but in the end, she still helplessly walked towards the hall on the first floor.    


Tong Tong silently watched Xia Lv disappear.    


"Tongtong, where are we going now?" Luo Li asked.    


Tong Tong silently looked at the blue sky and white clouds. "Go to the appraisal department."    


"Okay." Luo Li responded. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the carriage was stopped by the Commercial vehicle that came from the opposite side.    


"Tch!" Luo Li unhappily cursed in a low voice, "How do you drive? A company is messing around too. Tongtong, properly discipline this employee."    


Tong Tong frowned and slowly stuck her head out to look outside.    


She saw that there were Commercial vehicles of the same level as her by the side. At this moment, the window slowly rolled down.    


"Hi!" The window revealed a boxed face. "Good morning, Second Young Madam!"    


Tong Tong stared at Assistant Qiao, speechless. "Good morning!"    


This cool assistant had Tingting's style. It was unbearable to actually greet her like this.    


Wasn't he afraid of an accident?    


Seemingly seeing through Tong Tong's thoughts, Assistant Qiao chuckled. "I'm sorry. I'm used to driving in Africa and feel that the road here is too narrow. I can't grasp the details. Second Young Madam, I hope I didn't scare you."    


Tong Tong silently waved her hand. "It's fine, goodbye!"    


After thinking for a while, she asked, "Do you contact your superiors every day?"    


"Of course." Assistant Qiao smiled and said, "Even if it's not every day, if we don't find Second Young Master after two days, I think we will be in trouble."    


"Oh." Tong Tong let out a sigh of relief.    


In that case, Qu Yihong's presence was quite strong. Even if she didn't contact Qu Yihong immediately, these subordinates would still be able to get news of him in time every day. This way, she would be at ease...    


After saying goodbye to Assistant Qiao, the Commercial vehicle turned around and headed towards the appraisal center.    


When she arrived at Yan Sicun's office, she was indeed working.    


"Miss Tong is really early." Yan Sicun got up with a laugh, "It is really too early. We didn't even have time to analyze it for you."    


... "" Tong Tong felt awkward for a moment, "Sorry, I was really too anxious."    


"There's nothing to be anxious about!" Yan Sicun smiled and said, "This is not a real paternity test. The standard way to say it is a paternity test."    


... "" How could Tong Tong understand these lines? She just said, "I am just a little worried."    


Yan Sicun thought for a while and stood up. "Okay. "Since you are in such a hurry, I will bring you there personally."    


Tong Tong felt relieved in her heart.    


"However, I have to remind you." Yan Sicun smiled and explained, "Our program will not be quick."    


Tong Tong could only nod her head repeatedly.    


She followed Yan Sicun to the data center. As expected, there were already people waiting for them.    


"Look, your data is here." The technician pointed at the computer and said, "This is a kinship identification. We only know how to compare the DNA data of the male party."    


"Mhm." Tong Tong nodded.    


Although she had been here a few times, she was still a little confused about such a professional question.    


She could only follow the two people in front of her and look at the densely packed data, trying to see some results...    


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