Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1034 I Miss You Who Would Miss You

C1034 I Miss You Who Would Miss You

chapter 1034. I miss you, who would miss you?    


Tao Tao secretly decided that if his father still did not call Mummy, he would definitely take Mummy and run away, making it so that his father would never be able to find him again.    


What was going on!? He ran so far and didn't even call back...    


"Tao Tao, hurry up and bring your brother back for dinner." Tong Tong stuck her head out of the living room's door. "Otherwise, we won't be able to enter the kindergarten later."    


"Coming." Tao Tao waved his hand high and rushed over with his phone.    


Tao happened to send the phone back to Luo Zheng. When he saw Tao Tao passing by, he quickly grabbed Tao Tao.    


"He really knows how to pick a time." Tao Tao purposely complained about Tao, but his lips slowly curved into a smile.    


Tao Tao felt that it was easier and easier for him to accept Tao's clingy attitude.    


The two babies' attention was quickly attracted by Auntie Yun's cooking. "Mummy, there is stir-fried beef."    


"There is also stir-fried pork." Auntie Yun untied her apron and sat down beside with a smile, looking at the two drooling babies lovingly.    


Auntie Yun liked to watch everyone savor her cooking, which made her very satisfied.    


"It's really delicious." Tao Tao really drooled.    


There were all kinds of flavors and flavors there. He just looked at it and his appetite was good.    


"It's just some stir-fried food." Auntie Yun said lovingly, "I guess you guys are used to eating big meals and suddenly eat stir-fried food. It feels fresh."    


Tong Tong pursed her lips and smiled by the side.    


She remembered Xia Lv's complaints and Xia Lv said that her mother would only feed her until she was a little fatty.    


Xia Lv was really a girl who did not know how to appreciate fortune when she was in good fortune...    


"Regardless of whether it is fresh or not, "It is good to be like this now." Tong Tong laughed softly. "Anyway, as long as Tao can be fed into a little fatty, it will be fine."    


Originally, when Tao became a little fatty, everyone hoped that Tao could lose some meat.    


But now that Tao had really lost weight, she also wished that Tao could grow more meat.    


This was really depressing. ...    


Tao Tao was very concerned about the phone call and WeChat, so he ate very happily.    


He had finished his meal in advance, but in the end, he didn't send his father's number.    


"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Tong Tong looked at her son sitting obediently and felt very strange. "What did you say on the phone just now?"    


Tao Tao pursed his lips. "No!"    


Tao Tao, who was looking forward to the call, finished lunch with Tao. Tong Tong brought them to the kindergarten for an afternoon nap, but he did not receive a call from his father.    


It seemed that his father probably would not call.    


This was really a sad thing. ...    


After sending Tao Tao and Tao to the kindergarten, Tong Tong looked at Luo Zheng on the way back. "When Tao Tao called just now, did anything unusual happen?"    


"Tongtong, I don't think it was connected." Luo Zheng said, "I heard Tao Tao call Uncle Zhan. I think it was Zhan Qing who answered the call."    


"Is that so?" Tong Tong murmured.    


She understood. The little guy was so excited that he called his father, but in the end, he was rejected by the door, so she felt uncomfortable in her heart.    


Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, "Tongtong, do you want me to call Zhan Qing again?"    


"No need." Tong Tong quickly said, "Don't call."    


She would not chase after them to call.    


As for Tao Tao wanting to call them, she would not stop him either.    


Let's just leave it at that...    


When they returned to the small villa, Luo Li was waiting for them in the yard. "Tongtong, there are still a few minutes left. Just a little."    


He said he was going to Xia's Yun Xin.    


Tong Tong took a peek. "You don't have to wait for those few minutes. Let's go now."    


She had promised Luo Wan that she would fulfill her promise.    


She had to help Xia Yunchuan.    


Of course, the prerequisite was that she had to have the ability to help her.    


As soon as she got into the car, she received a WeChat notification on her phone.    


Tong Tong's heart squeezed for no reason as she quickly took out her phone from her bag and opened it to see.    


She saw that there were two words on the WeChat screen - I miss you.    


Tong Tong's eyes gradually turned red as she focused on the two words.    


She silently gritted her teeth so hard that cracking sounds could be heard.    


The blood and qi in her heart surged. She felt an inexplicable resentment in her heart. No matter how she tried to suppress it, she was unable to do so.    


Then, she angrily used her finger to write on the phone screen in a flamboyant manner: Who the hell misses you!    


After she finished writing and sending it, she neatly turned off her phone.    


She stuffed the phone into the bottom of her bag, but it did not let Tong Tong calm her anger.    


"Tongtong..." Luo Li drove the car and shouted carefully.    


As the elder brother of the Tongxing Martial Arts School, Their brother had watched Tong Tong grow up and loved her like his own sister. He could not see Tong Tong being wronged.    


"It's fine." Tong Tong shook her long hair and breathed hard to calm herself down.    


Unfortunately, she could not calm herself down no matter what, "I miss you." Those two words were like a steel wire that was embedded in her heart and could not be removed...    


Luo Li did not dare to ask any more questions. He just took out a few chocolates from somewhere. "Eat some sugar and feel better."    


Tong Tong's nose twitched when she saw the sugar in Luo Li's palm. She quietly took it. "Thank you, Big Brother Luo."    


Tong Tong felt a little better after the sweet chocolate entered her stomach. She gradually calmed down.    


Cough, why was she so angry? She should not be angry. Instead, like him, she replied to him without thinking. That's right...    


After turning off his phone, it was naturally quiet all the way.    


When he arrived at the Yunxin Financial Group, he only had a little bit more time.    


Tong Tong walked towards Xia Laixin's office alone.    


When the security saw that it was Tong Tong, he already knew that it was a VIP invited by his boss. Naturally, he would not stop her. They even smiled at each other. "Second Young Mistress, please -"    


"Thank you!" Tong Tong swung her long hair, allowing the silky hair to float in a beautiful arc, and gently landed on her shoulder.    


"That... President Xia might be taking an afternoon nap." The security guard reminded tactfully, "Second Young Mistress can take a rest in the guest room first."    


"Okay." Tong Tong answered vaguely and strode into the elevator.    


She found it strange. Since Mrs Xia's atmosphere was tense now, could it be that everyone had the mood to take an afternoon nap?    


After thinking about it, Tong Tong felt relieved again. Qu Yihong would take a small nap at noon. Even if the sky fell, it was not his habit at all.    


Old Man Xia was already in his 80s, so he naturally needed to take an afternoon nap to replenish his energy.    


At noon, the Xia family and Taihuang were almost the same. They were both very quiet, and even the front desk was empty.    


Tong Tong went straight to Chairman Yun Xin's office. Sure enough, there was no light in the office. Everyone was probably taking an afternoon nap.    


It seemed that there was a problem with her schedule. She should not have appeared in Xia Shi at this time...    


Tong Tong was in deep thought when her eyes suddenly lit up.    


She saw light in the office beside her. She remembered that it was Xia Yunchuan's office.    


It seemed that Old Man Xia had indeed put a lot of pressure on Second Young Master of Xia family, forcing Xia Yunchuan to sacrifice his afternoon nap time in order to give it his all.    


The door was closed. Tong Tong stretched out her arm and gently pushed open the office door. "Xia Second Young Master. I'm here..."    


Tong Tong's voice was stuck in the air as she stared at the person in front of her in surprise. "Why is it you?"    


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