Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C992 A Woman's Friendship

C992 A Woman's Friendship

A woman's friendship.    


Only Tong Tong's voice could be heard. Yin Shaofan and Xia Lv did not see Tong Tong's people.    


The two of them looked at each other and could not help but turn around and quietly withdraw.    


After withdrawing from the small villa, Yin Shaofan suddenly turned around and raised his voice. "If you encounter any difficulties, remember to call us. We will reach out to help."    


Of course, he did not hear Tong Tong's response.    


"Tongtong is sad." Xia Lv muttered, "This time, Boss Qu really hurt Tongtong's heart."    


Xia Lv's tears silently fell.    


Yin Shaofan looked at the teary-eyed Xia Lv, at a loss of what to do. He wanted to reach out to help her wipe her tears, and then he wanted to hug Xia Lv.    


A few seconds later, Xia Lv quietly climbed into the car and quietly sat down.    


Yin Shaofan finally sat in the driver's seat.    


He quietly focused the tears that Xia Lv reflected. "You guys are so close. I didn't believe that women had friendships, but now I believe them."    


"Tong Tong and I naturally have a good relationship, there is nothing to doubt." Xia Lv was slightly frustrated, "Do you think I am Bai Guoer!"    


When he heard Bai Guoer's name, Yin Shaofan's stomach was filled with anger. He finally found an outlet to vent his anger. "It's all that Bai Guoer. The cause of all this was all because of Bai Guoer. Without her, Tingting would not have become the eldest young master's daughter. Without her, Tao would not go to Singapore to snatch food and let Tong Tong adopt Tao at all costs. "There will be no such thing as today..."    


At the end of his sentence, Yin Shaofan almost swore out loud. He had finally vented most of his anger.    


In the small villa, Tong Tong heard Yin Shaofan continuously cursing outside. She slowly shut the window tightly and blocked all the sounds outside.    


Her eyes turned and saw Tao unconsciously stop drawing. He was lying pitifully on the coffee table.    


Tong Tong silently rubbed her eyes.    


She felt uncomfortable just now and forgot that she still had to worry about Tao's feelings. She ran to the side alone and felt sad.    


She really shouldn't have done that. She had stayed here for Tao. She shouldn't have forgotten about Tao.    


Taking a deep breath, Tong Tong puffed out her chest and gently spat out the words "eggplant." She walked towards Tao and said, "Come, let Second Aunt take a look at the painting."    


Tao silently moved his hand away.    


Tong Tong did not pick up the painting but simply sat cross-legged beside Tao and hugged Tao's little shoulder to watch the painting together with Tao.    


This intimate action made Tao look a little uncomfortable. Without realizing it, he moved slightly to the side.    


Tong Tong's full attention was on Tao, so she naturally felt it.    


She stuffed her nose.    


When they had just gotten out of the car, Tao had already slowly regained his trust in her, and he also showed a look of reliance on her.    


However, her negligence just now had caused Tao's sense of security to drop once again.    


"It's so beautiful." Tong Tong kissed Tao's forehead, "This circle is really round."    


This time, she was not just complimenting Tao. It was the circle that Tao drew. It was really like a circle. It was as round and round as a compass.    


This simple circle was obviously drawn by Tao with his heart. Perhaps he even had hopes of getting her to praise him.    


"Circle." Tao seemed to be in a good mood. "Round."    


"Yeah, I've never seen such a round circle." Tong Tong smiled at Tao and slowed down, "But..."    


Tao looked up in surprise and quickly glanced at Tong Tong.    


"Wait for Second Aunt." Tong Tong quickly got up.    


She went to find a color pen and put it in Tao's little hand.    


Then, she stood behind Tao and leaned over to hold Tao's little hand.    


"Come, Second Aunt will teach you." She said softly, "We will make it full of life."    


Then, she tried to hold Tao's hand to control the brush.    


"Full of life?" Tao muttered, holding the brush tightly, but did not follow Tong Tong's hand movements.    


He looked like he just did not understand what it was like to be full of life, so he did not want to destroy the circle he had worked so hard to draw.    


Tong Tong pointed at the expensive oil painting on the wall. "Just like that, there is red, green, and blue. Let's let it live. "    


Tao still did not understand, but the warm color on the wall moved his heart, and his hands were also willing to follow Tong Tong's hands.    


Tong Tong's talent in painting was limited, but in order to let Tao have more contact with the color, it made Tao's vitality rise again, and she was ready to give it her all.    


With every stroke, she slowly drew the outline of the painting.    


"Ya!" Tao Tao's eyes lit up. He could tell that it was a sunflower.    


"Come, let's start with the color." Tong Tong patiently guided, "The sunflower that is about to bloom."    


This time, Tong Tong did not need to hold Tao's hand anymore. The little guy pushed Tong Tong away, picked up the color pen, and began to add color to the sunflower.    


Tong Tong watched Tao add color again and again, and the corners of her lips curled up higher and higher.    


It turned out that in Tao's heart, the sunflower dish was red. The petals were green, but the leaves were blue.    


Although the color mixing was wrong, each area was clearly divided into different colors. It was like an abstract painting drawn by an old hand.    


"Awesome!" Tong Tong praised the little guy, "Luckily it was Tao who drew it himself. It was so beautiful. If Second Aunt had taught him, he might have painted the perfect circle."    


Tao smiled. This was a smile that came from the bottom of her heart. Tong Tong could see it.    


In Tong Tong's eyes, this was the most handsome smile Tao had ever had. It was a pure smile that was brighter than a sunflower.    


Tong Tong was concentrating on drawing when she saw Tao turn around and gently hug her.    


"Tao?" Tong Tong was surprised and spat out two words and could not continue.    


Her eyes became moist.    


Tao actually took the initiative to hug her. What a good child!    


Look, Tao had already regained some feelings for her.    


"Second Aunt." Tao carefully put the painting into Tong Tong's palm and looked at Tong Tong with sparkling eyes.    


Tong Tong found that Tao's eyes did not flash as fast as before when he saw her.    


"Tao is so obedient." Tong Tong murmured and carried Tao into her arms.    


The little guy showed a little bit of reliance, which made her feel sad and lost from Yin Shaofan's message just now.    


There were gains and losses in life, and the energy was balanced. She had to convince herself that not everything could be perfect.    


When Tao could confidently say "I love Second Aunt," she would have the energy to deal with her own matters.    


Tong Tong came back to her senses and saw Tao staring at the clock on the wall.    


"It's eight o'clock." Tong Tong glanced at him and turned to look at her bag.    


She missed Tao Tao. She did not know if Tao Tao was in the living room or her small room. She did not know if it was appropriate to call him now.    


Tong Tong was hesitating when her phone rang.    


The ringtone also attracted Tao's attention. He looked at his phone and muttered, "Brother."    


Tong Tong smiled. "Maybe it really is big brother..."    


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