Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C947 I Don't Want a Stepmother

C947 I Don't Want a Stepmother

947. I don't want a stepmother.    


The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. Tao Tao puffed up his cheeks and climbed onto the bed. He leaned closer to the phone and pricked up his ears to listen to Zhan Qing's reply.    


"You really don't want to answer the phone?" Tong Tong muttered and stared at the phone in disbelief.    


Qu Yihong had a few hardcore fans under him, and the rest of them were slowly beginning to respect her opinion. Only Zhan Qing was an exception, and Qu Yihong was the one who wanted it.    


As long as it was Qu Yihong who gave him the task, Zhan Qing would do his best to complete it even if it meant putting his life on the line.    


Tong Tong knew that to Zhan Qing, she was just a "task" given to him by Qu Yihong.    


No matter how she analyzed it, there was no reason for Zhan Qing not to take her phone.    


"Mummy, why don't you call dad?" Tao Tao curled his lips. "I think if it was Uncle Zhan who did it, dad would definitely know."    


Tong Tong quietly quit dialing and quietly looked out the window, lost in thought.    


"Mummy, wait until we find younger brother, then we can continue to get angry with dad!" Tao Tao said with an aged tone.    


He tried to take the phone from Tong Tong's hand and was ready to talk to his dad personally.    


Tong Tong subconsciously moved the phone away and her eyes glanced at Tao's half empty bed. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "No!"    


"What is not right?" Tao Tao touched his little head in confusion. "What is wrong with it?"    


Tong Tong quickly went to the other side of the bed and looked at the ground. "It's not right."    


Tao Tao scratched the back of his head and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Mummy, right, why is the blanket gone?"    


Before Tao went to sleep last night, he used the blanket to cover himself tightly. But when he fell asleep, it was impossible for him to cover himself so tightly.    


Even if someone really came to kidnap Tao in the middle of the night, it was impossible for them to carry the blanket away...    


The mother and son looked at each other. Then, their eyes simultaneously looked towards the only bathroom with insufficient lighting.    


They had searched everywhere just now, except for the bathroom.    


At this moment, the bathroom door was closed.    


"Mummy, I'll go and take a look." Tao Tao turned around and ran to the bathroom. "Maybe my brother is in there."    


Based on Tao's performance last night, it was very likely that he would hide in the bathroom alone...    


Tong Tong let out a long breath and quietly followed behind Tao Tao.    


Just as the mother and son were about to open the bathroom door, a sharp cry suddenly sounded. "Don't... Don't..."    


"Mummy, little brother is indeed inside." Tao Tao exclaimed.    


Tong Tong instantly kicked open the bathroom door and walked in two steps.    


She stared at Tao, who was curled up in the corner of the bathroom.    


The little guy was hugging the blanket tightly with both of his arms, with tears streaming down his face. His little face was pale and bloodless.    


Tao cried very hard. His body trembled, and his little hand pushed something into the air with all its might. However, his red and swollen eyes were tightly shut.    


"I don't want to rob money, don't hit me -" Tao's voice was loud, but it was a little vague. He waved his hands in the air. "Second Aunt, save me! Brother, save me..."    


Tao Tao suddenly jumped in front of Tao and held Tao's small hand in the air. "Mummy, is Tao sick?"    


Tong Tong looked at him quietly. Her nose was sour, and tears were flowing down her face.    


She took a step forward and slowly squatted down with the blanket. She held Tao tightly in her arms and held Tao's other hand tightly.    


"I'm fine." Her tears could not help but flow down and drip onto Tao's small face. "Second Aunt and brother are both by Tao's side. Be good, don't cry anymore."    


Her consolation did not have an immediate effect. Tao closed his eyes and tossed and turned for a while before calming down.    


"Mummy, is Tao asleep or awake?" Tao Tao was confused.    


Tong Tong sniffed and tried to keep calm. "Tao had a nightmare."    


"Oh." Tao Tao nodded in understanding. "I know. I was scared by Auntie Bai and had a nightmare."    


Tong Tong nodded.    


Tong Tong glanced at him and said, "Tao Tao, open the door. I will carry Tao to bed and sleep."    


"Yes, yes." Tao Tao got up neatly and opened all the bathroom doors. "Mummy is ready."    


It took some time to appease Tao and Tong Tong squatted until her legs became numb. She stretched her muscles and bones, then hugged Tao with the blanket.    


After putting Tao back on the bed, Tong Tong just let go of Tao's hand. Tao seemed to have nightmares again. Tong Tong quickly held Tao's little hand.    


"Mummy, that stepmother of Tao is too detestable." Tao Tao curled his lips, "So Mummy, if you want to break up with dad, you can't give me to your stepmother. I don't want my stepmother. "    


Tong Tong's heart moved.    


She raised her head and gave her son a faint smile. "Go wash up first. After you are done, come and change shifts with Mummy. Grip Tao's hand and I will get someone to bring breakfast over. Save time. We still have to catch the first flight in the morning. "    


"Got it." Before Tao Tao could finish his sentence, his body had already disappeared.    


Tong Tong then silently looked at Tao.    


The little guy went to the bathroom alone to sleep last night, but she and Tao Tao actually did not notice.    


It was unknown whether Tao did this because he wanted to avoid her and Tao Tao, or because he knew he would have nightmares and was afraid of disturbing them...    


Tong Tong was thinking when she saw the sleeping Tao move his lips, and his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled into a mountain range.    


Tong Tong heard the word "brother" when she possessed him.    


Obviously, although Tao appeared to be much quieter on the surface, he was still plagued by nightmares.    


"Big brother is washing up. He will be here soon." Tong Tong could not help but say, "Go back and play with brother every day."    


Tao, who was sleeping, seemed to be able to feel Tong Tong's comfort. As expected, the space between his brows loosened a lot.    


Tong Tong quietly reached out her hand to smooth Tao's brows and said softly, "Second Aunt promise you that in the future, no one will bully us, Tao. Your second uncle cannot chase you away from Second Aunt anymore."    


As she spoke, Tong Tong's nose twitched and she blamed herself endlessly. She didn't know when Tao went to the bathroom last night. She didn't know if Tao had cried the whole night.    


Sure enough, after Tao Tao finished washing up, he immediately went back to change shifts.    


He climbed onto the bed and lied down next to Tao. He held Tao's small hand. "Mummy, it's done."    


Tong Tong happily kissed Tao. She smiled and said, "My Tao Tao is still the best!"    


It was good to be mature and mature. caring man was born with a personality.    


Tong Tong went to wash up first and called for breakfast.    


When breakfast arrived, Tao happened to wake up.    


Seeing himself sleeping on the bed, Tao was clearly a little surprised.    


However, when he realized that Tao Tao was holding his hand tightly, the first thing he did was to pull his hand back.    


"He really knows how to rush." Tao Tao immediately sat up, "Mummy just called for breakfast. Alright, quickly wash your face and brush your teeth. Then we can start eating!"    


Seeing Tao's confused look, Tao Tao frowned and came up with a plan.    


He ran over and brought the large plate of breakfast over. He placed it under Tao's nose. "Smell it. Is it fragrant?"    


Tao swallowed his saliva.    


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