Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C899 The Old Lady Could Not be Saved Anymore

C899 The Old Lady Could Not be Saved Anymore

chapter 899. The old lady can't be saved anymore.    


Qu Yipeng did not seem to hear what Qian Zixuan said.    


Qian Zixuan looked a little embarrassed.    


"I came to take a look." Luo Bingrong pulled a cold and distant smile. "The old man is an elder after all."    


Seeing that Qu Yipeng and his wife did not get along well, Qian Zixuan stood silently by the side and did not say anything else.    


Qu Yihong looked down at Madame Qu who was lying on the bed and did not speak for a long time. His black eyes revealed a complicated expression.    


The illness kept repeating, so Madame Qu naturally had passed the best recovery stage.    


Even if she were to be treated later, she would not be able to return to her original healthy state.    


At this moment, Madame Qu's eyes were half open and her hair was messy. Her eyes were lifeless and her face was pale and haggard.    


At first glance, she looked like she was on the verge of death. She seemed to be breathing less and more.    


"Grandma, what do you think?" Qu Yipeng looked like a super caring man, but his tone did not have any warmth.    


In Qian Zixuan's eyes, Qu Yipeng seemed to be asking about the weather casually.    


Qu Yipeng's voice seemed to awaken Madame Qu's mind. Her originally unfocused eyes gradually focused on Qu Yipeng.    


As if she finally recognized Qu Yipeng, Madame Qu's eyes lit up and gradually became spirited.    


Qu Yihong said faintly, "Grandma, big brother is here."    


"$%..." Madame Qu finally opened her mouth and let out a string of mutters that no one could understand.    


Qu Yipeng slightly frowned.    


"Young Master, the old lady is like this now." Qian Zixuan explained, "Paralysis. Language function lost."    


Qu Yipeng listened calmly.    


His expression was still gentle, but his eyes were calm.    


"She seems to have something to say." Luo Bingrong said, "It seems to be very urgent."    


"The old lady has been like this every time she wakes up these two days." Qian Zixuan explained, "Everyone said that she has something to say, but no one knows what the old lady wants to say."    


"That's all we can do for now." Director Lu said, "We can only hope that the old lady's condition will stabilize and get better step by step. We can take it slow."    


"If that's the case, then that's the only way." Qu Yipeng said calmly.    


Qu Yihong was even calmer. "Director Lu means that grandmother's condition is stable now?"    


"It has been stable for nearly 20 hours this time." Director Lu sincerely explained, "Her condition is much better than before. If there was nothing to stimulate the old lady, she would have been out of danger."    


"That's good." Qu Yihong nodded.    


Luo Bingrong was there. "How long will it take? I mean to act like a normal person and talk."    


"At least half a year, at most two to three years." Director Lu said, "If there are any fluctuations after this, it might be maintained in this state."    


Luo Bingrong quietly took a deep breath.    


"The situation when the old lady was sent to rescue was very dangerous." Director Lu said, "So it will not be that easy to recover. " Please rest assured, young master Second Young Master. We will use the Taihuang hospital's power to help the old lady recover. "    


"Just try your best." Qu Yipeng said gently, "This kind of illness is difficult to cure even for a deity. Director Lu also doesn't need to feel pressured."    


Director Lu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, young master, for understanding..."    


Before he finished speaking, Director Lu suddenly rushed forward and pressed Madame Qu with both hands. "Old lady, you can only lie down and rest."    


Qu Yipeng and the others stared at Madame Qu, who was trying to get up.    


Obviously, Madame Qu's mind was clear at this moment.    


It was just that her ability to move was not good, and she had lost her ability to speak. No matter what, she could not change her position normally.    


"Seeing you guys come, the old lady is very excited." Qian Zixuan explained Madame Qu's reaction from the side, "The old lady has been strong for her entire life. She can't accept this situation at all."    


Qu Yipeng nodded in understanding.    


After pondering for a moment, he stretched out his long arm and held Madame Qu's skinny hand.    


"If you have something to say, we can talk about it when you are better." Qu Yipeng said calmly, "For the time being, don't think about what happened in the past. " If you want to tell us something, you'd better rest and recover from now on. You still have a chance to talk in the future. Otherwise... "    


Qu Yipeng did not continue.    


#% # "Madame Qu's tears flashed and she muttered again.    


"Don't worry!" Luo Bingrong's tone was slightly cold, "We are not people who add insult to injury."    


Madame Qu's expression became even more anxious when she heard this and her muttering became even more frequent.    


Tong Tong originally stood at the back and stood there. It was as if she was invisible and no one could sense her existence.    


Her attention was not on Madame Qu but Tingting who was waiting at the door to make all kinds of funny faces.    


Tingting was a straightforward little girl. After waiting outside for a while, she was already impatient.    


Seeing this scene, Tong Tong took a step forward and said, "Since grandma needs to rest, we will give grandma a quiet environment to rest."    


Madame Qu's situation would not change too much in a short period of time, but Tingting's matter must be settled...    


Who would have thought that Tong Tong would stand in front of him? Before her voice faded, Madame Qu's eyes immediately lit up.    


"@ # $%..." Madame Qu muttered loudly as her eyes stared intently at Tong Tong.    


"Here it comes again." Tong Tong facepalmed and her heart was stifled, "Grandma, I am not that hateful. You do not need to be agitated every time you see me."    


Previously in front of Madame Qu, she was a little willful but it was not to the extent that Madame Qu hated her to the core, right?    


Seeing Madame Qu get excited when she saw her these few times really made one depressed.    


" @..." Who knew that Madame Qu got even more excited. She muttered and could not stop.    


Her pair of moist eyes were also filled with anxiety.    


His fingers started to move slightly.    


Director Lu saw the situation and his expression changed. He quickly said, "Second Young Madam, it's better to avoid it!"    


Tong Tong was speechless. She spread her hands and said, "Okay."    


She pulled back.    


Qian Zixuan could not help but say, "Maybe the old lady did not hate Second Young Madam..."    


"No matter what, it is more important to stabilize the old lady first." Director Lu had a lingering fear, "The old lady cannot be saved anymore."    


Qu Yihong quietly took two steps forward and blocked Tong Tong's slim body behind him.    


Now, Madame Qu's line of sight could no longer see Tong Tong.    


Madame Qu's fingers stopped reacting. Instead, her tears flowed even more fiercely and her eyes were filled with despair.    


Seeing this situation, Qu Yipeng slowly said, "Looks like we shouldn't have come."    


Luo Bingrong quietly moved to Qu Yipeng's side and the two of them slowly crossed their fingers.    


"Let's go." Luo Bingrong said softly, "Grandma needs to rest."    


It was not their visit...    


Qu Yipeng did not say much. He turned to Director Lu and made a farewell gesture.    


"Take care, young master!" Director Lu said, "If anything happens to the old lady, I will inform young master and Second Young Master."    


"Thank you!" Luo Bingrong revealed a pure and sunny smile, "With Director Lu around, we can be at ease. " I'll leave Grandma's matter to you. "    


After saying that, Qu Yipeng and his wife locked their fingers together and made an appointment to leave the ward.    


Qu Yihong followed behind them.    


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