Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C814 The Sudden Warmth

C814 The Sudden Warmth

chapter 814. - chapter 814 A sudden burst of warmth    


"Who's calling?" Uncle Wang frowned and muttered, "We're eating. Who doesn't know what's good for them?"    


Qu Yihong pondered for a few seconds and finally answered the phone. "Go ahead, grandma."    


Uncle Wang frowned and shook his head when he heard it was Madame Qu. "She went to look for Second Young Master. No one knew anything good would happen. The good things are all Third Young Master Qu's."    


Tao Tao blinked and nodded thoughtfully. "Elder Wang is really smart."    


Tong Tong was slightly stunned when she heard that. Would Madame Qu still treat Qu Yihong the way she did in the past?    


She did not know what Madame Qu said but Qu Yihong only frowned and said "Okay" before hanging up.    


"What's wrong?" Uncle Wang quickly asked.    


"Nothing." Qu Yihong glanced at Tong Tong and said, "Let's eat first."    


Food was the sky for people. Everything was at the back.    


"You're still trying to be mysterious." Tong Tong curled her lips.    


However, too many things had happened today. She was both physically and mentally exhausted. Not only did she need a sumptuous dinner, she also needed ample rest time.    


In her current state, if there was one less thing, she definitely wouldn't want to cause more trouble.    


Everyone quietly finished their dinner, and then went their separate ways.    


Tao Tao was about to run away with the football when Qu Yihong lazily glanced at the little guy. "Aren't you tired today?" he asked. If not... "    


Before Qu Yihong could finish, Tao Tao quickly threw away the football and ran upstairs with all his might. "Dad, I'm going to practice the guqin."    


His dad was a barrel of gunpowder today. A wise man knew when to act according to the circumstances.    


Tao Tao was not someone who did not have good judgment. He would not be stupid enough to start a fight at the prime of his life.    


The one who dared to start a fight at the prime of his life would always be him, Biological mother.    


Sure enough, Tong Tong, who was about to get up and go out for a walk, frowned when she heard him. "You just put down the bowl and you are urging him to practice the zither."    


She glanced at the unhappy Tong Tong. Qu Yihong stood up and said, "Let's go!"    


Tong Tong was stunned. "Where to?"    


"I said go for a walk. Do you believe me?" Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows.    


"I believe you." Tong Tong was too lazy to think about it. She directly said, "Let's go. I was just thinking of taking a walk."    


Having enough food and drinks made her extremely lazy and lazy. She was too lazy to think about anything. If she wasn't worried that she would become fat after eating, she would be lying on the bed and sleeping.    


Looking askance at Tong Tong, who was as lazy as a kitten, Qu Yihong's long eyebrows twisted into a mountain range. "Idiot!"    


Tong Tong said languidly. "My mediocrity is to complement your wisdom. Even so, you don't have to remind me every day. "    


Uncle Wang was tidying up in the kitchen when he heard that and laughed.    


"Shameless." Qu Yihong grunted, but a smile appeared in his starry eyes.    


The two of them walked out of the He Hua Residence together, slowly walking along the cobblestone path.    


Tong Tong quietly glanced at Qu Yihong. Seeing that his expression was calm, as if he was no different from usual, she slowly gathered enough courage. "Hubby, let's discuss something."    


"Eh?" Qu Yihong looked at her from the corner of his eye.    


If she called him "Two Dimensional Code, That must not be anything. But now, he was calling him "Hubby," and he even had a flattering expression on his face. Something must have happened.    


"Don't be nervous." Tong Tong giggled as she hugged Qu Yihong's arm, and her heart unconsciously pressed against him, "It's just a small matter."    


Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows.    


She was secretly trying to use a beauty trick on him. A small matter?    


He could not lie to Tao Tao even if he wanted to.    


"Hehe." Tong Tong laughed dryly twice and cleared her throat, "About that! That is..."    


"If you don't want to say it, then forget it." Qu Yihong cut off her path of retreat.    


"Tell me, I'll tell you right away." Tong Tong said in a panic, smiling until her small face changed shape. "It's really a small matter, haha. That's right... Ahem, two-dimensional code, Qu Chenjiang ran away. Your grandmother is already so old, and Bai Guoer has ulterior motives towards Tao. "Why don't we just bring Tao home and raise him?"    


After saying that, Tong Tong looked at Qu Yihong eagerly, the corners of her eyes and brows full of pleading.    


If Zhan Qing followed her, of course Qu Yihong would know everything that happened in the hospital. Tong Tong thought that there was no need to explain.    


"Not good." Qu Yihong's tone was light, and his expression was also light.    


... "" Tong Tong gritted her teeth and stared at Qu Yihong, wanting to choke him to death.    


Why was he so firm in his stance? He had never been willing to let go of Tao's matter.    


"Let's go!" Qu Yihong put his arm around her shoulder and said, "Someone is waiting for us."    


"Who is it?" Tong Tong was stunned.    


Looking at the surroundings, she cried out in shock, "Why are we here?"    


They walked and actually dispersed to the entrance of the He Xin Residence.    


What was even stranger was that Qiao Yuhua, who never liked them, was standing at the entrance like a young wife.    


She seemed to have been waiting for them specifically and for a long time.    


"The old lady is in the backyard." Qiao Yuhua's tone was harsh, "She asked you all to go over."    


Qu Yihong seemed to ignore Qiao Yuhua's existence from the start and dragged the confused Tong Tong in slowly.    


When they came to the backyard, before they could see what was inside, they heard a sound. "You are here?"    


"You're here." Qu Yihong said lightly, "Grandma is in a good mood. She actually has the mood to appreciate the moonlight when the sun is setting."    


Tong Tong was confused as she listened to the grandfather and grandson exchange pleasantries. She foolishly followed Qu Yihong to the scenic pavilion and sat face to face with Madame Qu.    


Tong Tong was surprised to find that when Madame Qu faced her, her expression was so warm for the first time.    


Once he sat in front of Madame Qu, Qu Yihong changed his lazy attitude and went straight to the point, "Grandma, please speak frankly. What do you want from us?"    


"Don't be nervous." Madame Qu rarely smiled at Tong Tong, "These things are what you like and specially prepared for your husband and wife. Try it."    


"Cough." Tong Tong quietly moved closer to Qu Yihong.    


If he did not have anything to do to please her, then he was either a traitor or a thief. It seemed that Qu Yihong understood Madame Qu better and went straight to the point to ask questions.    


"Tong Tong and Tao Tao, mother and son, have been busy for the whole day because of third Brother's family." Qu Yihong's tone was indifferent, "Everyone needs to rest."    


Qu Yihong and his wife were both invulnerable. Madame Qu felt a little awkward.    


"Then I will say it directly." Madame Qu cleared her throat.    


Qu Yihong nodded. "Just say it."    


Madame Qu stared at the night sky with melancholy. "second brother, it's grandma's fault. Grandmother owed you in the past and also looked down on Tongtong this child. From today onwards, grandma will only love you."    


Cough. " Tong Tong almost choked on it. "Grandma, what did you say?"    


It was over. The sun was really going to rise from the west tomorrow.    


She was used to being abused by Madame Qu and was already used to fighting with wits and courage. She really found it hard to accept Madame Qu's enthusiasm.    


"Grandma, please do as you wish." Qu Yihong smiled faintly and his expression was calm. "We thank grandma for her good intentions."    


"Besides the shares, I also have a lot of real estate and treasures." Madame Qu said enthusiastically, "I have decided. I will change my will immediately. I will give all these assets to you."    


... "" Tong Tong opened her big and small mouth and was completely dumbfounded.    


This was news that the universe was going to explode!    


It was over, it was over. Madame Qu must have been struck by Qu Chenjiang to the point of dementia...    


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