Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C785 Mommy Look at Me

C785 Mommy Look at Me

chapter 785. Mummy, look at me!    


"Why does this back look a little familiar?" Lu Yunxi muttered, "It seems like I have seen it before."    


Tao had a bit of facial blindness and did not recognize people. He stared blankly at the backs of the two people for a long time before raising his small face and saying, "Second Aunt, I also think that they are similar to the two bad guys who caught us..."    


"Really?" Tong Tong's eyes lit up and she excitedly grabbed Tao's little arm. "Are you sure?"    


Tong Tong looked like if Tao nodded, she would immediately rush forward to catch him.    


Tao looked at her again and again. Finally, he frowned. "Their clothes don't look like it."    


He remembered that the two of them were wearing black clothes, but the two of them in front of him were wearing blue clothes. Tao did not know that in order to be safe, the two of them had changed their clothes.    


... "" Tong Tong's hot blood, which had just rushed up, instantly cooled down by half. "Cough, my silly white sweetness is about to kill Second Aunt."    


Her Tao Tao still had not received any news, so her heart was about to turn into a paste.    


"I'll go and follow them." The taxi driver took a step forward and left.    


"I'll go too." Lu Yunxi lifted her foot and wanted to follow him.    


"Don't go." Tong Tong somewhat helplessly stopped Lu Yunxi, "You can't run away from me and don't know how to fight. You should stay!"    


The key was that if something happened, she still had to protect her.    


"I..." Lu Yunxi's face turned red, "I can help call the police."    


"You should stay." Lu Yunxi felt awkward. Tong Tong's voice became gentler, "Help me bring Tao and wait here. Thank you!"    


Seeing that she had a mission, Lu Yunxi felt embarrassed to insist.    


She silently held Tao's little hand and pulled away a motherly smile. "Be good. Auntie will take you."    


What Tao lacked the most was motherly love. When he saw this situation, he could not help but lean towards Lu Yunxi and smile. "Thank you, Auntie!"    


Tong Tong watched from the side and could not bear to see him off. She rolled her eyes at him. Tao, this child, was really a mother when he had milk.    


She felt a little upset in her heart.    


But thinking about Qiao Aiqing who had passed away early, Tong Tong decided to not get along with Tao and lower herself to Tao's level.    


Patting off the dust on her clothes that was stained by Tao, Tong Tong glanced at the driver who had followed her. Only then did she feel relieved to carry the food and walk towards the villa's main door.    


"You can't stay in the car. I will send you into the villa." Tong Tong said, "Miss Lu, could you please let Tao eat more later to replenish his strength? " By the way, wait for Second Uncle Tao here... "    


"Okay." Lu Yunxi answered honestly the whole time. Her voice was gentle and pleasant.    


When they arrived at the villa, Tong Tong bent down and found the key to the door.    


Just as she was about to open the door, she suddenly took the high key and could not help but frown, "The air at the beach is indeed much better. Even the dust is much less. Look, this key does not have any dust at all."    


"The air here is really good." Lu Yunxi at the side said, "My family also plans to buy a villa here for vacation."    


Tao muttered, "Second Aunt, I am so tired."    


Being urged by Tao, Tong Tong withdrew her thoughts and quickly opened the door. She brought Lu Yunxi and Tao into the hall.    


"You guys are right here." Tong Tong handed the key to Lu Yunxi, "Later when I go out, you guys lock the door behind you. If I did not knock on the door, no one would be able to open it. Do you know?"    


"Second Aunt, I know." Tao grinned." I will only open the door for Second Aunt! "    


"So smart." Tong Tong patted Tao's head and quickly walked out. "I will go and see if Master has followed those two people."    


With the sound of the door closing, Tong Tong's footsteps gradually faded away.    


Lu Yunxi quickly locked the door behind her and turned around to pull Tao to sit properly. "Looks like we can only wait here obediently."    


Tao stretched his neck and looked outside. "Auntie, why do I feel that brother should be here?"    


"They were brought to the beach by bad guys!" Lu Yunxi said softly, "He must be not far from us. You, Second Aunt, look like you are very capable. She will definitely be able to save your brother."    


"Of course." Tao raised his small face proudly. "I, Second Aunt, am the best."    


"Although she should save the child quickly." Lu Yunxi muttered, "And my baby... Otherwise, I don't want to live anymore."    


Tao did not understand the adults' grief and anxiety. He only felt that his brother was not far away from him, so he could not sit still anymore. He got up and walked to another room.    


"You have to rest!" Lu Yunxi quickly followed, "Baby, Second Aunt let you rest."    


Tao jogged to the room Tao Tao had previously stayed in. "I want to go to brother's room -"    


"This child." Lu Yunxi followed Tao closely. "You brothers have such a good relationship."    


If her daughter also had such a close brother and sister, her baby would not have been caught by the traffickers today.    




Tong Tong used her fastest speed to catch up to the driver.    


Unfortunately, when she caught up to the driver, there was no one else in front of her other than the driver.    


"Where are they?" Tong Tong's eyes were spitting fire. "Why did they disappear all of a sudden?"    


The driver frowned. "Maybe they saw us and hid. In my opinion, we still need to invite the police to expand the search range. Otherwise, if they send the children away in advance, we won't be able to make it in time."    


After pondering for a few seconds, Tong Tong nodded vigorously. "Yes. They should be operating here. Let's find the police officers to search first."    


The driver quickly said, "Why don't you keep an eye on the situation here? I'll go to the beach to find the police."    


"Thank you." Tong Tong said.    


This plan was the best. It could take care of both sides.    


Once Tong Tong agreed, the driver quickly turned around and walked to the beach, preparing to look for the police.    


Tong Tong stood still on the spot, frowning as she looked in the direction of Flower City.    


Qu Yihong said that when she arrived, he would also be there, but why was there no news at all now?    


Just as Tong Tong was thinking, her phone rang.    


When she saw the caller ID, Tong Tong's hot blood rushed to her head. "Two dimensional code, where are you? I'm already here, but I can't find Tao Tao..."    


At the end of her sentence, Tong Tong's voice choked with sobs.    


After being strong all the way, she thought that she was already a strong woman. Only now did she realize that as long as she was in front of Qu Yihong, even if she heard his voice, she would suddenly become a weak little woman.    


She had been relying on him too much recently...    


"I'll be right there." Qu Yihong said in a deep voice, "Gather at the villa."    


"Okay." Tong Tong choked and answered.    


"Before I arrive, you are not allowed to act alone." Qu Yihong instructed, "You are not allowed to face the human traffickers face to face."    


The most vicious person was none other than the human traffickers. Tong Tong was kind and had to avoid these people.    


... "Alright." Tong Tong sniffled, "I will wait at the beach next to the villa. There is a taxi parked there. If you see a taxi, you will see me."    


Before Tong Tong finished speaking, Qu Yihong had already hung up.    


"The human traffickers are really arrogant." Zhan Qing said coldly from the side, "I would like to see how they died."    




In the small room, Tao Tao, the baby, and the other little fellows gritted their teeth and stared at Tong Tong, who was coming over from afar.    


"Quick!" The baby urged, "Big brother, hurry up and wave your little clothes."    


"Wuuu! Wuuu!" Little Prince, who was stripped of his red clothes, squatted in a corner and cried, feeling wronged.    


"Soon, soon!" As expected, Tao Tao put the red clothes on the tip of his finger. Facing the upper hand, he shook it with all his might.    


Mummy, look over!    


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