Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C769 He Wants to Use the Plane to Pick up Tong Tong and Tao Tao

C769 He Wants to Use the Plane to Pick up Tong Tong and Tao Tao

chapter 769. He was going to use the plane to pick up Tong Tong and Tao Tao.    


... "" Luo Wan was silent again.    


"You are a smart person. Everything has its reasons and consequences." Qu Yihong's tone eased up a lot, "I believe you know better than me that if Beicheng's temper does not change, sooner or later both his body and mind will be hurt. If you didn't see through Beicheng's true nature, you wouldn't have left. "    


Luo Wan sighed softly, "How could I not know... Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. Let's just do it like this! I am going to get on the plane. "    


"Get on the plane?" Qu Yihong's voice trailed off. "Looks like you ran really far this time."    


Luo Wan smiled lightly. "You don't know. I wish I could escape to outer space."    


"Contact Tongtong more." Qu Yihong's voice softened. "She will miss you."    


"I originally thought so, but now it is not." Luo Wan's tone was melancholy, as if she was very worried, "I was thinking that Tongtong would take the initiative to send me to the airport today, but in the end, she did not even have a phone call. Second Young Master Qu, this time I might be thinking too much. I'm boarding, goodbye! "    


Luo Wan finally hung up.    


After pondering over the silent phone, Qu Yihong stood up and walked out of the book's door. He walked to the white jade railing and scanned the first floor.    


"Where is Tongtong?" He asked.    


Zhan Qing was walking in from outside. "She told Tao Tao that she went out to play football and hasn't come back yet."    


Qu Yihong raised his arm and looked at his watch. "She kicked for more than an hour early in the morning. Why hasn't she come back yet?"    


He really didn't expect the mother and son to be so good at playing.    


"It's good to exercise more." Uncle Wang poked his head in half from the backyard and said happily, "Look, Tao Tao is not even five years old. He is taller than a seven or eight-year-old child. It is because he has enough exercise in the Tong family that he grows fast."    


"When they come back later, let Tongtong come up for a while." Qu Yihong ordered and returned to the study room again.    


... "Alright." Zhan Qing said.    


Zhan Qing's words had never been warm, but at this moment, there was a trace of undetectable worry in his tone. Uncle Wang keenly heard it.    


"What's wrong?" Uncle Wang asked, "Don't tell me he was cheated by Tao Tao again?"    


"You were cheated by him." Zhan Qing's face darkened.    


Uncle Wang was amused. "Don't have such a big reaction. It's not like this is the first time you've been cheated by Tao Tao."    


"When did I get tricked by Tao Tao?" Zhan Qing's reaction was much more intense than usual. "Uncle Wang, if you continue to spoil Tao Tao like this, he will go to heaven."    


"Ouch!" Uncle Wang teased, and said, "Look, such a big reaction. Looks like I guessed it right again."    


Uncle Wang clapped his big palm, causing the dirt in his palm to fall onto the ground and enter happily.    


Zhan Qing turned around and wanted to leave.    


"Don't!" Uncle Wang landed on the ground and blocked Zhan Qing's way, "If you have something to say, say it quickly! Recently, Tao Tao has been spending every day looking for Tao. My heart has never been at peace. Tao Tao must not have any problems. "    


Zhan Qing pushed Uncle Wang. "Assistant Tong has gone out with Tao Tao for more than an hour and has not come back yet. I need to talk to Second Young Master."    


At the very least, he needed Second Young Master to call Tong Tong and ask.    


"What?" Uncle Wang was shocked. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"    


Zhan Qing frowned. "Assistant Tong is with Tao Tao."    


More importantly, he had just gone to the security department of Banshan Garden to check the surveillance. He saw the mother and son walking out of the door of Banshan Garden with their hands clasped happily. No matter who saw that scene, they would think that the mother and son went out to shop. "    


That would be even more troublesome. " Uncle Wang was already panicking." If the mother and son want to play together and cause some trouble, it would be impossible to stop them. "    


In the morning, Zhan Qing followed Tong Tong and her son to stop at Banshan Garden football field before he came back with a peace of mind.    


More than an hour had passed, and Tong Tong and Tao Tao had yet to return. Only then did he go to the football field again to watch.    


Since there was no one at the football field, he immediately went to the main entrance. Sure enough, he saw Tong Tong and her son go out. Only then did Zhan Qing realize that he might have been fooled by Tao Tao again...    


But to make him admit that he was fooled by a woman and Little Prince again and again, Zhan Qing really couldn't accept it.    


Being fooled by Tao Tao again and again, Zhan Qing actually felt depressed in his heart.    


"Then hurry up and tell Second Young Master." Uncle Wang pushed Zhan Qing away instead. "Tao Tao is most likely pulling his mother along to find Tao. He needs to let Second Young Master call Assistant Tong to ask about the situation. Don't encounter any danger... "    


Before Uncle Wang finished speaking, Zhan Qing's phone rang in a hurry.    


Zhan Qing frowned and took out his phone to take a look. He gritted his teeth and answered the call. "Tell me, where are you?"    


"Uncle Zhan, Mummy and I have come to Luo city to see Grandfather and Grandmother!" Tao Tao's clear and melodious voice came over, "But something happened in the middle. Uncle Zhan, what do you think? Do you think I will talk to you? Or should I talk to my dad? "    


Hurry up and say it. " Zhan Qing said without hesitation.    


Zhan Qing's face twitched. Look at this mother and son pair! In such a short period of time, they had already gone to Luo city.    


If Second Young Master Qu knew that under the deep feeling of being abandoned, he would probably be furious and punish all of them for a month's bonus...    


"Uncle Zhan, we might be in trouble." Tao Tao said.    


"Where are you now?" Zhan Qing asked anxiously, "Tell me quickly, I'll be right there."    


"No matter how fast you are, you won't be able to catch up to us!" Tao Tao said in a childish voice, "We are now rushing to a place called Little Moon Bay."    


Zhan Qing thought for a while and said decisively, "Give the phone to you, Mummy. Let her phone locate the location and send the location map over."    


"I, Mummy, don't need to do this small thing myself!" Tao Tao was pleased with himself. "Uncle Zhan, just you wait."    


Before he finished speaking, Tao Tao hung up the phone.    


Zhan Qing was just about to call again when he received Tao Tao's location on WeChat.    


He opened the map and scanned the map with his dark green eyes. He frowned and said, "It's such a remote place. Where are they going?"    


He really did not know what the mother and son wanted to do.    


He was about to go upstairs and tell Qu Yihong when he received another voice message. "Zhan Qing, Tao has been sent to this position. We have to rush over immediately."    


The next second, Zhan Qing strode out. "Uncle Wang, go upstairs and tell Second Young Master that I am going to look for the Fang family."    


"Looking for the Fang family?" Uncle Wang chased after him in surprise, "Why are you looking for the Fang family?"    


Zhan Qing's voice came from afar. "We need to find the Fang family and use the helicopter."    


As Tao Tao had said, no matter how fast he was now, he could not catch up to Tao Tao.    


The only way was to request permission from the Fang family to use the helicopter.    


It was easy to get the helicopter, but the Qu Family could buy countless helicopters. However, if they drove the helicopter into the sky, ordinary people would not have the authority to do so, and they would have to look for the Fang family.    


He believed that as long as Lin Panxue knew that Tong Tong might be in danger, he would be able to obtain this authority...    


"Helicopter?" Uncle Wang was stunned. "Looks like the matter is serious."    


Uncle Wang threw away the things in his hands in a flurry and ran upstairs. "Second Young Master, things are not good. Zhan Qing went to the Fang family to ask for the right to fly."    


"Eh?" Qu Yihong pushed the door open.    


Uncle Wang was panting. "He wants to use the plane to pick up Tong Tong and Tao Tao..."    


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