Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C680 He Asked the Two Old Men to Send a Household Register over

C680 He Asked the Two Old Men to Send a Household Register over

chapter 680. - Ask the two elders to send the account books over.    


Qu Bai quietly looked around. "second brother, I hope we can talk in private."    


"No need." Qu Yihong smiled faintly and the corner of his mouth slightly curved. "Let's talk here. If you are not used to it, then there is no need to talk about it."    


Qu Bai used his hand to support his glasses. "Since second brother said so, let's talk about it here."    


"I'm all ears." Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. "Xia Lv, prepare the coffee."    


"Yes, Boss Qu." Xia Lv answered and got up.    


"Don't mention it, second brother. I will leave after I finish speaking." Qu Bai's tone was extremely warm. "I came to look for second brother because I want to talk about grandma..."    


Xia Lv had just taken a step when she stopped again. Everyone in CEO's office knew that Qu Yihong never talked about family matters in his office. Once Qu Bai expressed his stance, not to mention drinking coffee, he probably would not even have the chance to stand for a few more seconds.    


Sure enough, Qu Yihong's tone changed, cold and distant. "Qu Bai, it is time for work now."    


"I'll leave after I finish speaking." Qu Bai was used to being gentle, but he also became tough. "Grandma is still in the hospital..."    


"You feel sorry for grandma, you can go to the hospital to accompany her." Qu Yihong said lightly, "No matter how many days you take care of her, Taihuang will give you your salary."    


"second brother!" Qu Bai's voice became louder, "Grandma needs you to comfort her the most now."    


"Oh?" Qu Yihong smiled faintly and said, "How come I don't know?"    


Seeing Qu Yihong laugh, Qu Bai's voice softened. "No matter what happens, we are family. second brother, seeing that your grandma is old and weak, can't you give your grandma a hope and let Mo see the light of day again?"    


Qu Yihong silently cast a sidelong glance at Qu Bai, his lips curved into a smile.    


"Aiyo!" Yin Shaofan came over with a smile, "Fifth Young Master, I remember you used to love us Assistant Tong the most. Why did you help Qu Chenjiang when Qu Chenjiang wanted Assistant Tong's life this time? This is really not your style. "    


Tong Tong silently looked at Qu Bai with a puzzled expression and did not speak for a long time.    


It had to be said that there was indeed something wrong with Qu Bai today. It made her feel that the Qu Bai in front of her was a fake Qu Bai.    


Even though the Qu Bai in front of her still looked handsome and handsome, she felt that something was wrong.    


"I am not speaking up for Qu Chenjiang." Qu Bai hurriedly explained, "I'm worried about grandma. She was close to 80 years old, so she could not take too much damage. second brother, home and everything else was going well. "I believe no one wants to see Grandma fall ill in bed."    


Oh my, Fifth Young Master is so filial. " Yin Shaofan smiled like a Maitreya Buddha and quickly changed Qu Bai's words. "But if Fifth Young Master continues to speak, we will probably have to ask the security to invite Fifth Young Master out. Xia Lv, don't go make coffee anymore. Come back and call the security department."    


President Qu could not be a bad person, so he could only be his assistant. Anyway, no one could say such nonsense in CEO's office.    


Xia Lv did as he said and came back.    


Qu Bai looked at Qu Yihong in shock. "second brother, I came sincerely -"    


"Sincerity? I don't like to hear that." Qu Yihong looked at Qu Bai with a smile that was not a smile. He slowly took a sip of tea. He said lazily, "Qu Bai, You should be happy that Qu Chenjiang is defeated. But you have to come and put on an act. Come to think of it, you have finally waited for the perfect time to prepare. But let me give you a piece of advice: Don't act in front of me again, or else you'll be exposed too quickly. No one's interested. "    


"Why did second brother say that?" Qu Bai was surprised, "I don't quite understand."    


"Let's go!" Qu Yihong's tone was cold, "You wait for the security guards to come and publicize your filial piety and kindness, but I won't give you the chance to become famous."    


Yin Shaofan let out a subtle exclamation. "Damn it, Second Young Master almost fell for the trick of an honest man."    


President Qu was still the best.    


Tong Tong looked at Qu Bai with mixed feelings. She quietly walked to the glass door and opened it. "Qu Bai, take care!"    


Qu Bai's handsome face was somewhat stiff. He quietly looked at the distant and cold Qu Yihong. Tong Tong, who had faintly changed, finally gritted her teeth and turned around to leave.    


After entering the elevator, he did not go to the tenth floor. He once again returned to the Bentley and rushed to the hospital.    




Qu Bai left. The glass door closed behind him. CEO and the others in his office quietly heaved a sigh of relief.    


Yin Shaofan laughed. "Fifth Young Master Qu is indeed a smart person. But when he meets our wise Second Young Master, he will not be able to do anything. "    


Qu Yihong's expression was indifferent. "Assistant Yin wants to see if there are any big orders in France recently. Send him to France."    


Yin Shaofan's eyes lit up. "Second Young Master, as far as I know, there is a big order in the middle of negotiations. If everything goes smoothly, it should come down within a week, not more than half a month at most. If Fifth Young Master is in charge of this big bill, he probably won't have time to return to the headquarters within three to five years. "    


Qu Yihong nodded and did not say anything else. He glanced at Tong Tong, who had been silent the whole time. "You don't seem to like my arrangement."    


"No." Tong Tong, who had been in high spirits a moment ago, was now like a wilted little flower, sitting in front of Qu Yihong listlessly. "Those who get close to the ink will get dark. I really hope Qu Bai can stay away from them. If he and Madame Qu were together all the time, he would be spoiled by the old lady."    


Extending his long arm, Qu Yihong's fingertips lightly brushed past Tong Tong's brows. "Tongtong, do you really know what Qu Bai is thinking?"    


Tong Tong was a little defeated. She supported her cheeks with both hands and looked at the ceiling. "I knew it before, but now I am not so sure."    


Qu Yihong shook his head as he focused on her helpless look. He did not like to see her unhappy look.    


With a thought, Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. "Are you going to the Industrial and Commerce Bureau tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"    


"We can go there when we are free!" Tong Tong said lazily.    


"That is different." Qu Yihong looked at Tong Tong with a smile that was not a smile. "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are two completely different concepts."    


Tong Tong curled her lips. "How is it different? It's just one day later."    


"Of course it's different. Let's put it this way... "Qu Yihong smiled and patted Tong Tong's little head." Go register and transfer the shares tomorrow. That will be mine alone. If we go register the day after tomorrow, it will be the two of us. "    


Eh? " Tong Tong was stunned, and said, "What do you mean?"    


Xia Lv, who was listening by the side, was also confused. "Yeah, what do you mean?"    


Yin Shaofan frowned for a few seconds. He suddenly clapped his hands and laughed. "That's right, a day's difference, a thousand miles. Assistant Tong, don't follow Second Young Master to the Industrial and Commerce Bureau stupidly tomorrow. It's better to turn Second Young Master back to Luo city obediently! "    


What do you mean? " Xia Lv asked.    


Qu Yihong smiled faintly. "There is no need to return to Luo city. Tongtong, why don't you give your father-in-law and mother-in-law a call and ask them to send the household register over."    


"That's right." Yin Shaofan was excited." Assistant Tong, what are you still standing there for? Quickly call them back! "    


Tong Tong blinked her eyes. "Can you guys be clearer? My mind is a little messy."    


She was still thinking about the reason Qu Bai came to find Qu Yihong.    


Yin Shaofan rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "Using the household registration ability Marriage certificates! Assistant Tong, get the certificate first and then go through the transfer procedure. Taihuang is your post-marriage property, and you and Second Young Master each get half of it. "If you transfer the shares first and then get the certificate, then twenty-six percent of the shares will be Second Young Master's pre-wedding property. It has nothing to do with you..."    


"How can that be?" Tong Tong instantly understood. "Awoo! Awoo! She grabbed Qu Yihong. "Two Dimensional Code, you are not allowed to swallow my half...    


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