Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C491 Kneel and Beg for Forgiveness

C491 Kneel and Beg for Forgiveness

chapter 491. - Begging for forgiveness    


Suddenly, everyone's eyes locked onto Bai Guoer.    


Qu Yihong slowly got up. "Mother-in-law, help me send the guest away. Thank you, Mother-in-law!"    


... "" Tong Huiyun sat there awkwardly. She did not know what to say.    


Look, up until now, Qu Yihong had at least verbally treated the relatives of the Tong family as' distinguished guests'.    


However, Bai Guoer's attitude was too flattering. She was too embarrassed to fight for the chance to reconcile with the Bai family.    


Qu Yihong lifted his foot and walked towards the stairwell.    


Bai Guoer panicked when she saw that Qu Yihong was really leaving. She strode over and blocked Qu Yihong's way. Her lips moved and she could not speak.    


"Don't force yourself." Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. His expression was indifferent, and his tone was slightly cold. "Besides, even if you sincerely apologize, I might not accept your apology."    


Bai Guoer's expression changed and the last bit of blush disappeared, leaving only a paleness.    


Qu Yihong turned around and prepared to leave.    


"I'm sorry!" Bai Guoer quickly blocked Qu Yihong's path again, "I... I apologize."    


Qu Yihong's starry eyes contained a faint sneer. "Bai Guoer, regarding this matter, just an apology is enough? The consequences of your mistake back then, made Tong Tong and I have to bear it for the rest of our lives. This kind of apology itself is meaningless."    


Bai Guoer originally hoped that her aunt Tong Huiyun could help her solve this troublesome matter and was originally hoping that she would be lucky. Now that she saw Qu Yihong's attitude, she truly felt the arrival of the end of the world.    


She finally understood that there were some people's bottom line in this world that could not be challenged at all. She couldn't hope for anything.    


Qu Yihong was this kind of person.    


"Guoer." Bai Zisong saw that the situation was not good and quietly reminded Bai Guoer.    


Tong Huiyun also saw Qu Yihong's attitude and did not say anything else.    


Only then did Tong Huiling panic. She looked around and then looked at the cold faced Qu Yihong. She knew that the situation was over.    


But no matter what, Bai Guoer could not really be involved in a criminal offense... Thinking of this, Tong Huiling's heart trembled.    


She suddenly strode forward and knelt down towards Qu Yihong, "Yihong, Guoer was wrong about this matter. Please forgive us Guoer."    


Qu Yihong did not expect Tong Huiling to play such a tune. He quickly moved two steps away to avoid Tong Huiling's face.    


His expression was cold and his tone was cold, "As an elder, if you are like this, please go out directly."    


He raised his head. "Zhan Qing -"    


Zhan Qing answered and entered. Seeing the scene, he strode over.    


Seeing that the situation was going in an uncontrollable direction, Tong Huiyun rushed over to grab Tong Huiling before Zhan Qing came over to "entertain" Tong Huiling. "Hui Ling, why are you like this? What do you want the junior to do? If she wanted to kneel, Guoer had to kneel. She was the one who should kneel and apologize."    


Tong Huiling refused to get up and was forcefully brought up by Tong Huiyun.    


Tong Huiyun sent her to Bai Zisong's side and instructed in a low voice, "Watch her closely."    


"It was my fault." Bai Guoer finally cried, "It's all my fault. If you want to hit or scold me, come at me. I will bear all the consequences myself. Don't make things difficult for my parents..."    


Before she finished speaking, she heard a "plop" sound. A heavy object seemed to have landed on the marble floor.    


Qu Yihong's starry eyes swept over and he coldly looked at Bai Guoer, who was crying like a fountain. She knelt beside his feet and trembled.    


This kind of Bai Guoer was indeed different from the usual Bai Guoer...    


There was a moment of silence in the hall.    


Looking at Qu Yihong's expression, Zhan Qing slowly retreated.    


Finally, Qu Yihong looked straight at Bai Guoer who was kneeling down. "Are you really here to apologize? Not forced?"    


Bai Guoer's lips trembled. "Yes."    


Seeing this scene, Tong Huiyun quickly gave Bai Zisong a look.    


Bai Zisong could still be considered a sensible person. He quickly supported Tong Huiling and said, "Yihong, we Guoer will stay behind and let you punish us. No matter how you deal with her, Guoer should be at her disposal. We have no complaints."    


Tong Huiling shed tears when she heard this.    


Before Tong Huiling could respond, Bai Zisong almost forcefully pulled Tong Huiling to the door and walked towards it.    


"Yihong, I'll send them off." Tong Huiyun immediately followed.    


Only Qu Yihong and Bai Guoer were left in the living room.    


Qu Yihong glanced at Bai Guoer who was kneeling. He turned around and sat on the sofa. He picked up his teacup and took two sips of tea.    


Then, he lazily leaned on the sofa and cast a sidelong glance at Bai Guoer. "You can go! It was obvious that you were forced by the Bai family's two elders. You are as young as Tongtong and have sharp edges all over your body. I understand your arrogance. "I don't want to say too much. Go back and rest. Everything will go according to the normal procedure of the judicial system."    


Bai Guoer slowly raised her head and gritted her teeth as she looked at Qu Yihong for a while.    


Then, she silently lowered her head. "No, my parents never forced me to do anything. "I came here to apologize and hope that there is a way out. "I don't want to go to jail."    


Is that so? " Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows. "Forgive me for not seeing, but you are consciously hurting Tongtong."    


Bai Guoer bit her lips tightly.    


After a while, she finally said, "Since young, I hate Tongtong. She was adopted, but why does everyone like her more? Even the female classmates only play with her, not with me. "I'm obviously prettier and cuter than her, and I should be the one who gets the most attention."    


Qu Yihong lazily swept a glance at Bai Guoer. "In that case, my Tongtong has been missing her heart ever since she was young."    


He actually did not notice Bai Guoer's little thoughts all along.    


"We go to school together and play at home together. I can't avoid Tong Tong even if I want to." Bai Guoer's voice was slightly hoarse, "If Tong Tong did not want to be Qu Bai's bride when she was young, perhaps I would not even look at Qu Bai in the eye."    


Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows.    


Is that so? Based on Bai Guoer's thoughts towards Qu Bai all these years, these words were not trustworthy.    


"Before I became sensible, my parents had already instilled me with the concept of family matching." Bai Guoer sniffed. "Qu Bai was still an orphan without anything at that time. He wore the Bai family uniform and ate the Bai family meal. " How could I take a fancy to him? But Qu Bai loved Tongtong too much. I can't. I'll think of ways to ruin the relationship between him and Tongtong. "In the end..."    


In the end, you fell in love with Qu Bai because of this? " Qu Yihong raised his eyebrows and asked.    


Bai Guoer nodded slowly, "Yes."    


"Then you start a series of calculations." Qu Yihong's tone was indifferent. "Then, it became the current situation."    


Bai Guoer's head almost fell to her chest. "I did hurt you guys, but I also hurt myself."    


"You really realized that you hurt Tongtong?" Qu Yihong did not believe it.    


"Yes." Tears rolled down Bai Guoer's face. "When I found out that I had lost one of my ovaries tubes, I realized it. Perhaps, at this moment, I finally understood the true maternal nature. Unfortunately, it is already too late. "    


Qu Yihong did not say anything else. He furrowed his brows and cast a sidelong glance at Bai Guoer. No one knew what he was thinking about.    


Bai Guoer slowly raised her head. "I am sincerely here to apologize. I hope that you can give me a way out so that my parents will not be in despair..."    


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