Twin Births: My Great CEO Husband

C1048 Weimar Can You Come Back as Soon as Possible?

C1048 Weimar Can You Come Back as Soon as Possible?

chapter 1048. Video, can you come back earlier?    


Auntie Yun's expression loosened when she heard her daughter say this. "Is that so?"    


This was really a difficult choice question!    


She looked at Xia Lv for a while, then glanced at the two playing babies outside. Finally, her brows knitted together.    


Tong Tong lightly smiled. "Auntie, you don't have to feel troubled. If you don't think about it in a day, you can think about it for a few more days. " When are you going to think about it? Ask Xia Lv to tell me. I will send Luo Li to pick you up. "    


Auntie Yun lightly sighed.    


Xia Lv silently hugged Auntie Yun and sincerely said, "Mom, a rich person is not that scary. Really."    


"Sigh!" Auntie Yun helplessly focused on her daughter, "Those who do not know are fearless. Little Green, how old are you? You only have so little experience. What can you know?"    


Then, she pushed Xia Lv away and walked towards the kitchen with complex emotions.    


Tong Tong watched Auntie Yun's back disappear and silently glanced at Xia Lv.    


"My mom doesn't like to leave her own circle, so I can't do anything about it." Xia Lv propped her chin up and stared blankly at the ceiling, "She also doesn't allow me to change."    


Tong Tong glanced at Xia Lv. "Don't find an excuse. Just say it directly. Do you not like Yin Shaofan? Or is it because your mother is unhappy?"    


... "" Xia Lv, who was usually pure, had a complicated look in her eyes.    


Then, she put her hands on her cheeks and fell into deep thought.    


After a long while, Xia Lv muttered: "Tongtong, I really don't want to grow up."    


Tong Tong could not help but support her cheeks with her hands as she stared blankly at the ceiling. "Xia Lv, I feel that 18 years old is the best age."    


"Yes!" Xia Lv said in a muffled voice, "Although I was bullied at that time, my heart was simple."    


Tong Tong did not reply and gradually fell into her memories.    


When she was 18 years old, she was still obsessed with her childhood sweetheart.    


At that time, she did not know the immensity of heaven and earth and dared to go on a flat field. She dared to thicken her skin and pursue what she wanted.    


But now, she had to consider this and that. After enduring so many brain cells, she realized that there were still many aspects that she hadn't considered...    


After a long time, Tong Tong finally came to a conclusion. "Xia Lv, your mother lacks a sense of security."    


"Is that so?" Xia Lv was stunned and stared at Tong Tong in surprise.    


Tong Tong nodded her head vigorously.    


"Now my mother is very satisfied with my salary and feels that we can live very well." Xia Lv muttered, "How can that be?"    


Tong Tong looked at Xia Lv with a complicated expression and carefully reminded, "Maybe... it is just that we have been single for too long."    


"Wu!" Xia Lv facepalmed, "Tongtong, I can't go and find a future father now and let a strange man give my mother a sense of security, right?"    


Tong Tong suddenly got up. "Let's not talk about this anymore. I think Tao will go..."    


Tao Tao and Tao were extremely happy that they had decided to return to Banshan Garden.    


Especially Tao Tao, he almost flew into the air.    


Until the night when they sat at the dining table, Tao Tao still couldn't close his mouth.    


"Mummy, I can play my piano tomorrow."    


"Mummy, my brother and I can go to our own football field to play football tomorrow."    


"Mummy, Qiuqiu will definitely be very happy when she sees us go back."    




The entire restaurant was filled with Tao Tao's fluttering voice.    


In the fiery atmosphere, Tong Tong quietly glanced at Tao.    


She saw the little guy looking at her brother with admiration, his little face full of happiness. There was also some unnoticeable envy.    


Tong Tong focused on Tao and thought about going to see the appraisal results tomorrow. Her heart slowly floated in the air.    


If Madame Qu knew that she hoped in her heart that Tao was not a child of the Qu Family, Madame Qu would most likely be angered out of her brain thrombosis again. ...    


At night, Xia Lv indeed stayed overnight.    


But she did not squeeze into her mother's bed but squeezed into Tong Tong's bed.    


"I'm afraid that my mother will ask for marriage." Xia Lv pitifully lied beside Tong Tong.    


"Then you will get married!" Tong Tong said, "It's not like you can't find it."    


"I just can't find it." Xia Lv was in a dilemma, "She urged me to get married quickly and also had to find a son-in-law according to her standards. " I can't do it. "    


Tong Tong sighed leisurely at the side.    


"You also feel sad for me, right?" Xia Lv muttered, "Forget it, let's just drag it on like this."    


Tong Tong silently glanced at Xia Lv. "Drag on your own youth."    


Xia Lv blankly stared at the ceiling, "When dragging it down to a thirty year old female youth, my mother might loosen her request."    


Tong Tong grunted. "When you are 30 years old, Yin Shaofan will really become an uncle. He was now a husky with hormones in turmoil. He could not wait that long."    


... "Who said I want to marry him?" Xia Lv muttered, "Marriage cannot go according to plan."    


After a pause, Xia Lv emphasized, "Just like you, your original plan was not Boss Qu."    


Tong Tong gave Xia Lv a sideways glance, "Can you still talk happily?"    


"Hehe." Xia Lv immediately smiled and tried to smooth things over, "Alright. Let's not talk about this anymore."    


As she spoke, Xia Lv's face moved closer to Tong Tong. "I know. You and Boss Qu had a conflict because of Tao..."    


Before Xia Lv finished speaking, Tong Tong raised the bed sheet. "Sleep -"    


After turning off the lights, Tong Tong did not feel sleepy at all.    


Was Qu Yihong still in Paris?    


The hidden danger that Lin Panxue mentioned was firmly engraved in her heart. Now, as long as she calmed down a little, she would imagine that Qu Yihong might encounter danger.    


She should remind him that if the branch company did not have any major issues, he could try to change the schedule and return early.    


But for a workaholic like him, he probably wouldn't listen to her suggestion...    


After thinking for a while, Tong Tong crawled out of bed and reached out to grab her phone.    


"Tong Tong, are you thinking about Boss Qu?" Xia Lv's soft voice came from the blanket.    


Tong Tong grunted and said in all seriousness: "Who missed him?"    


"Women like to lie." Xia Lv nagged, "Don't think I don't know. You are clearly thinking about Boss Qu. You don't even have the patience to talk to me..."    


Tong Tong directly smashed a pillow over and successfully blocked Xia Lv's fragmented thoughts.    


Tong Tong leaned against the pillow and opened WeChat. After thinking for a while, she sent out a few words.    


Two dimensional code, it was better to come back earlier.    




In Paris, France, Yin Shaofan suddenly looked up. "Second Young Master, your phone is ringing. WeChat is coming."    


"Wait and see." Qu Yihong did not even raise his head. "It's not too late to look after this matter is settled first."    


"That..." Zhan Qing lazily said by the side. "What if it is information about your beloved Second Young Madam?"    


Qu Yihong immediately looked up and glanced at Zhan Qing. "You are smart."    


"Smart is a good thing. Thank you for the compliment. " Zhan Qing lazily walked to the side. "I'm going to the bathroom."    


Zhan Qing's footsteps gradually faded away.    


Yin Shaofan had long since smiled and handed the phone to Qu Yihong. "Look! Wei Ren said that a woman's text cannot be ignored."    


Qu Yihong looked at him coldly. "Tell me, who said that?"    


Yin Shaofan was thick-skinned and serious. "Second Young Madam said so..."    


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