Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C205 Start to Care about Him

C205 Start to Care about Him

Unlike before, the assistant felt that Jiang Chengyao was unusually silent today, as if he had something on his mind. The assistant hesitated for a moment, but in the end, the assistant did not say anything.    


The assistant guessed that Jiang Chengyao Xu was hurt because of what happened a few days ago. If it was him, he would probably jump into the river and commit suicide.    


Jiang Chengyao had been looking out of the window. No one knew what he was thinking, but even his assistant was starting to get a little confused. It was rare to see him look so serious.    


Not long later, Jiang Chengyao took out his phone as if he had already made a huge decision.    


He dialed the number he had been keeping. He had not taken the initiative to call before.    


The call quickly connected. That person seemed to be surprised and asked, "Mr. Jiang, you're looking for me?"    


Jiang Chengyao responded with a faint "En" and went straight to the point, "Lawyer Liu, help me sort out the property rights of the land east of the city and then send it to me tomorrow."    


Liu Wei was even more surprised now. He couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Jiang, are you planning to sell that land? Have you decided?"    


It had to be known that Jiang Chengyao didn't agree with the number of people who wanted to buy that piece of land. He actually agreed at this time?    


Lawyer Liu was gradually curious in his heart. Who exactly could move Jiang Chengyao?    


While still in a daze, he heard Jiang Chengyao continue: "Yes, Lawyer Liu. I've already thought about it. Thank you for arranging the property and bringing me the transfer procedures."    


Lawyer Liu, who was on the other side of the phone, quickly answered, "Alright, Mr. Jiang, I'll do it right away."    


After saying that, he hurriedly hung up the phone and didn't even dare to ask the question that was pressing against his heart.    


He understood Jiang Chengyao's temper. Although he looked warm on the surface, he didn't want anyone to interfere with the things that he had decided.    


After hanging up the phone, the assistant, who had been driving, couldn't help but reveal a surprised expression. He asked uncertainly, "Director Jiang, are you really going to sell that piece of land?"    


Seeing Jiang Chengyao nod without denying anything, the assistant's expression became even more surprised and a little confused.    


The assistant couldn't help but sigh, "But that land, before, someone offered a price of 300 million but didn't sell it. Why are you thinking of selling it now?"    


Others might not know, but he, as an assistant, did. That piece of land held extraordinary meaning to Jiang Chengyao. Even when Jiang Chengyao was faced with something difficult, he had never thought of selling off that piece of land.    


And now, why had Director Jiang changed his mind?    


Jiang Chengyao looked out of the window towards the lights in the room. His eyes were filled with a gentle glow. In the end, he said softly, "It's worth it to save a person."    


At this point, the assistant stopped talking and suddenly understood Director Jiang's meaning.    


What Director Jiang said was probably Xia Xingcheng's woman, but why would a woman like her buy such a large piece of land?    


Seeing that Jiang Chengyao did not want to say anything more, the assistant pursed her lips and did not say anything, staring at the side of her mistress' face in a daze.    


On this side, Ruan Meng didn't show any signs of waking up after she got drunk. Gu Xingxi originally planned to send Ruan Meng home by himself so that Xia Xingcheng wouldn't have to work too hard.    


Here, even after Ruan Meng was drunk, she showed no sign of waking up. Gu Xing Xi had originally planned to send Ruan Meng home alone. Like this, Xia Xing didn't have to work too hard to reach success.    


However, after Gu Xingxi drank the wine, Xia Xingcheng still felt a little worried. In the end, she still chose to send the two of them back herself.    


But after Gu Xingxi finished drinking, Xia Xingcheng was still a bit worried. In the end, she decided to send them both back.    


When Xia Xingcheng sent Ruan Meng and Gu Xingxi back to their respective residences, it was already late.    


By the time Xia Xing City sent Ruan Meng and Gu Xing Xi back to their respective residences, it was already very late.    


When she returned to the Imperial Golden Palace, for some reason, Xia Xingcheng suddenly looked at the time with a guilty conscience.    


When he returned to the Gold Imperial Hall, for some reason, Xia Xingcheng suddenly looked at the time with a guilty conscience.    


When she saw that the needle was pointed at 10, Xia Xingcheng's heart skipped a beat for no reason.    


When he saw that it was already 10 o'clock, Xia Xingcheng's heart began to race.    


It was already so late. Would Sheng Yeting notice that he had just returned at this time? He also didn't come back. After all, working overtime was a common occurrence.    


At such a late hour, would the Sheng Ye Pavilion realize that he had just returned? Or did he not come back? After all, working overtime was a common occurrence.    


Xia Xingcheng let her imagination run wild as she walked through the dark door of the villa. Her heart was in her throat, but even she did not realize it.    


When she entered the villa's pitch black door, she let her imagination run wild. Xia Xingcheng's heart unconsciously tensed up. In fact, not even she was aware of it.    


At this time, she was actually worried about Sheng Yeting's opinion.    


At this moment, she was actually worried about what Sheng Ye Pavilion was thinking.    


It was already late in the night and most of the servants outside the villa had already gone down to rest. Only a gatekeeper wanted to call out to Young Madam when he saw Xia Xingcheng, but he was stopped by her hand.    


It was already late at night. Almost all of the servants outside the villa had already gone downstairs to rest. Only one of the gatekeepers, who was about to call out to the young madam after seeing Xia Xing City, was stopped by her hand.    


Xia Xingcheng was shocked for a moment. Fortunately, she did not make any sound and heaved a sigh of relief before slowly entering the room.    


Xia Xingcheng jumped in fright, luckily she didn't make any sound. She took a long breath and walked slowly into the room.    


Sheng Yeting had once given her a key, so she opened the door gently. When she saw that there was only a dim light in the living room and no one else, she couldn't help but to let out a sigh of relief.    


Sheng Ye Pavilion had given her a key once, so she gently opened the door. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was no one else in the living room.    


Luckily, Sheng Yeting wasn't here, he probably didn't find out he came back so late.    


Fortunately, Sheng Ye Pavilion was not there. He might not have realized that he had come so late.    


With this thought, Xia Xingcheng's courage was raised. She stood up and was about to head upstairs.    


Thinking of this, Xia Xingcheng's courage rose. She stood up and was about to head straight up the stairs.    


When they got upstairs, Xia Xingcheng had long since given up on defending herself.    


By the time they reached the staircase, Xia Xingcheng's vigilance had long since vanished into thin air.    


There was no one upstairs either. Xia Xingcheng knew that Xiaobao must have slept with Nanny Chen by now, so she wasn't too worried.    


It was very quiet upstairs. No one. Xia Xingcheng knew that Xiaobao was probably sleeping with her at this moment. So she wasn't very worried.    


As for Sheng Yeting …    


As for the Sheng Ye Pavilion...    


Ye Zichen snuck a glance at the location of the study. Sheng Yeting usually wouldn't rest at this time, he would be in the study room.    


She stole a glance at the study. Normally, Shengye Pavilion would not be resting at this time of day. He would be in the study room.    


However, there was something strange today. There was no light shining from inside the study room. It was obvious that there was no one inside.    


However, something strange happened today. There was no light in the study. It was clear that there was no one inside.    


Xia Xingcheng secretly shook her head as she couldn't be bothered to think about what Sheng Yeting was going to do. She just wanted to go back to her room and take a shower to have a good rest.    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't be bothered to think about what exactly was going on at Sheng Ye Pavilion, so he could only shake his head. All she wanted now was to go back to her room and take a shower and rest.    


When she opened the door, Xia Xingcheng was surprised to find that her room was not locked. She didn't have time to think about it carefully before she saw someone leaning against the sofa, looking at her blandly.    


Opening the door, Xia Xingcheng was surprised to find that her room wasn't locked. Before she could think about it, she looked up and saw someone leaning against the sofa, looking at her indifferently.    


Xia Xingcheng jumped in shock. She held onto her chest and pointed at Sheng Yeting in surprise. "You, why are you here?"    


Xia Xingcheng was so scared that he jumped up and hurriedly pointed at the Shengye Pavilion. As he did so, he covered his chest, "You, why are you here?"    


Wasn't this supposed to be her room? How did Sheng Yeting barge in!    


Wasn't this her room? How did the Shengye Pavilion break in!    


The person who trespassed the house did not notice her at all. After glancing at Xia Xingcheng coldly, he snorted coldly.    


However, the person who had barged into his house was unmoved. He coldly glanced at Xia Xingcheng and snorted.    


"Now that you're willing to come back, I thought you weren't planning to come back tonight." Sheng Yeting's voice was filled with impatience.    


"You can come back now. I thought you weren't coming back tonight." The voice from Shengye Pavilion was filled with impatience.    


Xia Xingcheng was slightly stunned and a hint of awkwardness flashed across her face. She quickly explained, "About that, I went to have a meal with Jiang Chengyao and the others, and didn't do anything else."    


Xia Xing City was a little surprised, but soon revealed an awkward expression and quickly explained, "Yes, I'm going to eat with Jiang Cheng Yao and the rest, I didn't cook anything else."    


After saying that, Xia Xingcheng was also a bit confused. She helplessly twitched her mouth. She didn't do anything wrong. Why did Sheng Yeting look like a parent investigating a primary school student's home at night?    


After saying this, Xia Xingcheng was also a bit puzzled. She pursed her lips helplessly because she had done nothing wrong. Why does Sheng Ye Court look like a parent investigating the whereabouts of a primary school student?    


Sheng Yeting saw all the expressions on Xia Xingcheng's face. The dark look in his eyes deepened as he sat there without saying a word.    


When the Magnificent Business Courtyard saw all the expressions on the faces of Xia Xingcheng, the undercurrents in their eyes became somewhat deeper, because he sat there and did not say a single word.    


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