Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C792 How dare You

C792 How dare You

Until the lights in the operation room lit up, Sheng Yeting's heart was still in suspense and he couldn't find the slightest direction.    


He had never felt this way for a woman before. He was anxious, terrified, uneasy, and even worried.    


He hated Sheng Chenfeng so much that he couldn't wait to tear his corpse into ten thousand pieces. He also wished that the one suffering now was him and not the woman he loved.    


Originally, he was very busy with his work, but in his heart, he had always been thinking about that woman Xia Xingcheng. That was why he had taken some time out from his busy schedule to rush over.    


When Sheng Yeting just got close to Xia Xingcheng's sickroom, he unexpectedly heard the man's voice and Xia Xingcheng's scream.    


He had a bad premonition at that time. As expected, when he walked into the room, he saw the whole process of how Sheng Chenfeng violently assaulted Xia Xingcheng.    


At that time, Sheng Yeting only felt exceptionally angry, which was why he beat Sheng Chenfeng to death.    


If it wasn't for Xia Xingcheng's pained groan that brought him back to his senses, he might have directly killed Sheng Chenfeng before he was willing to give up.    


But even so, Sheng Yeting still felt guilty and guilty as he looked at the lights in Xia Xingcheng's operating room still on.    


He was originally so proud, but now he began to resent himself.    


He resented that he had to go out to busy himself, and why he was careless and didn't send more people to Xia Xingcheng's ward, which gave Sheng Chenfeng an opportunity.    


Thinking about Sheng Chenfeng, Sheng Yeting was furious. He lowered his face and called his men over: "You don't need me to tell you how to deal with him."    


The underling understood and stepped forward to answer respectfully, "Yes, I understand." Then he left.    


As for whether or not Sheng Chenfeng was actually a member of the Sheng Family, he did not care about his identity at all.    


After Sheng Yeting finished dealing with Sheng Chenfeng, the depressed feeling in Sheng Yeting's heart finally disappeared. He looked at the lights of the operation room that were still on, feeling anxious.    


Three hours later, the lights in the operation room finally dimmed.    


With the end of the operation, Sheng Yeting finally felt relieved.    


Sheng Yeting walked to the door of the operation room quickly and looked at the doctor nervously, "Doctor, how is the person inside?"    


The doctor came out of the operating room. Feeling relieved, he took off his mask. "The operation is over. The patient is fine."    


"The child is also fine. It was clear to see how desperately Mrs Sheng was protecting her child when she was being brutalized.    


Sheng Yeting started to look happy after hearing what the doctor said. He was about to rush into the ward to visit Xia Xingcheng.    


At the same time, he felt both touched and guilty about Xia Xingcheng's action of protecting her child, and only felt extremely uncomfortable.    


At this time, the doctor continued, "It's just that the patient was extremely shocked. She is currently unconscious, so it would be best for her to let the patient rest. "    


When Sheng Yeting heard this, he was filled with eagerness to see Xia Xingcheng. However, because of Xia Xingcheng's body, he could only bitterly give up.    


"I know."    


Sheng Yeting stood at the door of the ward, looking at the unconscious body in the distance.    


That night, because of Xia Xingcheng's injuries, almost the entire hospital was brightly lit. Everyone's heart couldn't help but to be on edge.    


Sheng Yeting was worried about Xia Xingcheng's body. He still stood at the door of the ward looking at Xia Xingcheng even though it was late at night.    


The surrounding subordinates were worried that Sheng Yeting's body wouldn't be able to take any more if this went on. They couldn't help but come over and say worriedly, "Boss Sheng, why don't you go take a rest? We'll guard here.    


Sheng Yeting shook his head and said without a doubt, "Don't worry about me."    


He would stay with her until she woke up. No matter how long he had to wait, he was willing to do so.    


The subordinate knew Sheng Yeting's temper, so he didn't dare to say anything more. He could only secretly stand to the side and give up.    


In the blink of an eye, it was already late at night. Sheng Yeting could now enter the ward to visit Xia Xingcheng.    


Sheng Yeting walked into the ward and frowned when he saw Xia Xingcheng's restless sleep.    


He gently held Xia Xingcheng's hand, which she had placed on the bed, and gently caressed his cheek. His movements were exceptionally gentle.    


"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer even a little bit from now on."    


"I won't let a single one of those people who hurt you get away with it. Absolutely not."    


Sheng Yeting muttered to himself. He was extremely focused.    


"I will make others pay for the harm you've suffered."    


Xia Xingcheng, who was still unconscious, seemed to be able to feel the power Sheng Yeting gave her. Her nightmare disappeared and she gradually calmed down.    


Sheng Yeting looked at Xia Xingcheng and felt his heart ache and pity.    


In the blink of an eye, dawn arrived.    


To Xia Xingcheng, time might have passed in the blink of an eye. However, to Sheng Yeting, it felt like a century had passed.    


When Xia Xingcheng opened her eyes, she saw Sheng Yeting's figure reflected in her line of sight.    


"Yeting, so you really are here."    


Xia Xingcheng asked Sheng Yeting in confusion without even thinking.    


The reason why she asked that was because she dreamt that Sheng Yeting had come to save her in the most critical of times and then stayed by her side.    


However, as she gradually regained consciousness, the events from last night began to play back in her mind.    


Sheng Chenfeng's aggression, violence, her fear, her despair, and finally, Sheng Yeting's critical moment.    


Xia Xingcheng recalled everything that had happened.    


Knowing that she misunderstood Sheng Yeting, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel embarrassed.    


She paused for a moment, and seeing that Sheng Yeting was still looking at her in silence, she could only bitterly open her mouth and say: "Err …" Was it you who saved me last night? "    


"Thank you, Yeting."    


Due to her body's discomfort, her voice sounded exceptionally weak.    


She had just leaned her body against the pillow more comfortably. Seeing that Sheng Yeting was still standing there in silence, she couldn't help but have some doubts.    


She was about to ask Sheng Yeting what was going on. Before he could say anything, Sheng Yeting bent down and hugged Xia Xingcheng tightly in his arms.    


"You …"    


Xia Xingcheng saw Sheng Yeting's actions and asked nervously. She was about to ask, but was interrupted by Sheng Yeting.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you."    


Sheng Yeting held Xia Xingcheng, and even his voice was slightly trembling.    


Xia Xingcheng was shocked by what Sheng Yeting said.    


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