The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C484 How Results

C484 How Results

Wen Qing returned home. Not long after she played with Huohuo, Huo Tingshen returned.    


He walked to Wen Qing's side and hugged Huohuo.    


Wen Qing said, "You came back so early?"    


"Morning. I still think it's too late. This group of annoying people delayed my time with my wife and children."    


Hearing what he said, Wen Qing was very happy.    


"I am not idle either. I am going to have dinner with Tong Hao tonight."    


Huo Tingshen looked at her. "You're busier than me. You have to accompany everyone every day."    


Wen Qing was speechless. "Come on," she said. Do you think I'm willing to go?"    


"I think you're very willing." With her personality, if she wasn't willing, who could force her?    


Hmph, you're still trying to be obedient after getting a bargain.    


Wen Qing said seriously, "Of course I'm happy to have a meal with Tong Hao. But when I went out today, didn't I run into Tingren? Tingren didn't want to eat alone, so he had to come with me. Then, after this meal, I heard those two people fighting at the side. It was really a headache. "    


Huo Tingshen pulled the corner of his mouth.    


Wen Qing said again, "Didn't I say before that these two were enemies of each other in their previous lives? It's true."    


Huo Tingshen smiled.    


Wen Qing touched him. "What are you smiling about?"    


"I don't think they are enemies."    




Huo Tingshen stood up with Huohuo in his arms. Based on his understanding of Huo Tingren, there was something wrong with this kid.    


"Do you want to take a bath with Huohuo?"    


Wen Qing nodded. The two of them took Huohuo upstairs to the bathroom.    


Huohuo had a good time in the water. Wen Qing sat at the side and asked, "Is Huaien back?"    




"Why did you treat Huaien like that today?"    


Huo Tingshen's face was cold. "Because she was stupid and treated her well. She abandoned her. She treated the people who showed false fear to her as treasures. She is an idiot. "    


Wen Qing suddenly understood. So it was because of herself.    


She said," Actually, before Second Sister-in-Law got into trouble, my relationship with Huaien had already eased a lot. "    


"Okay. Her matter. You don't have to say anything. I know. "    


Wen Qing pouted. "Don't be too harsh on your own sister. Since you think she is stupid, why don't you give her some advice?"    


Huo Tingshen looked at her. "I find that you are the most forgiving to Huo Huaien."    


"Nonsense. I am clearly forgiving to you because Huaien is your younger sister."    


Huo Tingshen could not help but smile and put one hand on her shoulder.    


After bathing Huohuo, Wen Qing carried the child back to the room to coax him to sleep.    


Huo Tingshen went downstairs and called Butler Tong.    


Not long after, Butler Tong entered the living room. "Third Young Master."    


Huo Tingshen turned around and entered the study room.    


Butler Tong followed him in.    


Huo Tingshen calmly sat down and looked at him. "Tell me, how's the investigation going?"    


"Second Master went to the paternity test center to do the paternity test. He will modify the results of the appraisal between you and your wife because he happened to meet you."    


Huo Tingshen raised his eyebrows. "How was Second Brother's appraisal?"    


"His relationship with young master Zhilian is not valid."    


Huo Tingshen clenched his fist and his expression became much more serious.    


He stood up and said to Butler Tong, "I have already called Tingren and asked him to take back Second Brother's villa. Go to the hospital tomorrow and inform Ye Wanluo to find the house as soon as possible. After she is discharged from the hospital, don't show up in the Huo Family and the previous villa. Our Huo Family does not welcome her. "    


Butler Tong said respectfully, "Yes." Third Young Master, I have three worries."    




We have not confirmed whether Second Madame is really depressed. If she is, we will chase her out like this. What if she... "    


Huo Tingshen frowned. "What about the second worry?"    


"To the public, no one knows that young master Zhilian is not Second Master's child. " The public will think that you do not care about your brotherhood. "    


Huo Tingshen's eyes were cold.    


Butler Tong continued, "Besides, I'm afraid we don't know what to say about Fourth Miss."    


Huo Tingshen snorted. "You don't have to take her opinion."    


"But the previous two points were hard to deal with, unless we publicize this matter. This way, even if something happens to Second Madame or the public opinion says something, we will not be too passive. " It is just that... this way, it does not seem to be good for the deceased Second Master. "    


Huo Tingshen walked to the window, hugged his arms and thought for a long time.    


Butler Tong stood behind him and did not move.    


After a long time, Huo Tingshen said, "You don't need to see Ye Wanluo. Tomorrow morning, you will go to the appraisal center and find a way to get them to show you another set of appraisal results. Send it to my company. I am useful."    


In short, Ye Wanluo could not stay in Huo Family no matter what.    


This was an insult to Huo Family.    


The next morning, when Tong Hao woke up, she found herself sleeping in an unfamiliar room.    


After she sat up, the first thing she did was look at her clothes.    


Fortunately, all her clothes were there.    


She was puzzled. Didn't she drink at Huo Tingren's bar last night?    


Was she drunk again?    


Where was this place?    


She got out of bed and went to the door.    


Seeing the decoration style in the corridor, she instantly heaved a sigh of relief. It was still Huo Tingren's bar.    


Fortunately, it was fine.    


The staff of the bar came forward. "Miss Tong, you're awake."    


"Hello, where is Tingren?"    


"After the boss sent you to your room last night, he left first. He told us not to disturb you and told you to leave after breakfast this morning."    


Tong Hao could not help but smile. This kid was quite considerate.    


She did not eat breakfast. After greeting the staff, she left first.    


After getting into the car, she called Huo Tingren. However, Huo Tingren did not pick up.    


She thought that he should have gone to school at this time.    


Wasn't it the start of school today?    


She put her phone back in her bag and started the car to leave.    


At noon, Huo Tingshen came to the hospital himself.    


Seeing him, Ye Wanluo's expression brightened a little.    


She sat up and looked at Huo Tingshen. Her voice was gentle. "Tingshen, you're here."    


Huo Tingshen looked at her coldly.    


Ye Wanluo saw his expression and felt a chill in her heart. However, she still asked, "Why are you here at this time? Is there something you need me for?"    


Huo Tingshen asked expressionlessly. "Tell me, what is the reason for your suicide?"    


Ye Wanluo felt guilty. "I, I don't know. Recently, I have been feeling a lot of pressure. I don't know why I always let my imagination run wild. " I always feel that living is meaningless, so I acted on impulse... "    


When she said that, her expression also became a bit painful.    


Huo Tingshen sneered. "Humph, hiding such a big secret, of course you will be under a lot of pressure. Not only are you under a lot of pressure, you also have a lot of guts. Ye Wanluo, I really underestimated you."    


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