The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C399 Let the Bai Clan Not be at Peace

C399 Let the Bai Clan Not be at Peace

Huo Tingshen said calmly, "I only found out recently that we were all deceived by the Bai's Member. Back then, after my second uncle died, Bai's Member said that Bai Yu had a serious illness due to guilt. Not long after, she also committed suicide.    


" Until these few days, the Bai Family was defeated. I got people to check the Bai's's accounts and found out that the Bai's Group would send a sum of money to a nursing home every year. Logically speaking, it was not strange for a company to do charity. But the problem was that the Bai Family only invested in this nursing home and had invested for nearly 20 years.    


After I got someone to investigate, I found out that there were no old people in the so-called nursing home, only Bai Yu and a group of servants who served her. My second uncle was killed by her, but she lived a carefree life for 20 years... "    


Thinking about this matter, Huo Tingshen felt full of anger.    


Wen Qing frowned. "Does my brother know about this?"    


"Of course he does. I asked someone to check the recent surveillance and found Bai Nancheng's car. It often goes back and forth there."    


Wen Qing remembered that they had talked many times after she found out that they were not brother and sister.    


One of them, Bai Nancheng said that the two of them were pitiful people without a mother.    


That was why they treated her exceptionally well these years.    


"No matter what, he did treat me well these years."    


"That is because he likes you and wants to possess you. If not for this, White South City is not a good person."    


Wen Qing wanted to say something but Huo Tingshen said again, "Don't defend that man. I am angry. He is the son of the woman who killed Second Uncle."    


Wen Qing looked at him and could understand the anger in his heart.    


She said, "Then what do you plan to do?"    


"What do I do?" His eyes narrowed slyly. "I have plenty of ways to make the Bai's Member fight inside its nest and never have peace for the rest of its life."    


Before Wen Qing could speak, Huo Tingren came over with a skewer and handed it to her.    


"Third Sister-in-Law, eat quickly. It's still hot."    


Huo Tingshen snorted, "Why don't you give it to me?"    


Huo Tingren could not help but laugh. "You don't like these things."    


Wen Qing gave the skewers to Huo Tingshen and said, "I don't eat the food that others give me."    


He rolled his eyes at Huo Tingren and said, "White-Eyed Wolf."    


"Third Brother, you are really hypocritical."    


"Why am I hypocritical?"    


"As long as I, Third Sister-in-Law, am happy, you are happier than anyone else. Why are you being so mean to me?"    


Wen Qing embarrassingly patted his arm. "Okay, you, quickly go and eat your food. Don't bother about us."    


Huo Tingren laughed and got up to leave.    


Wen Qing turned to Huo Tingshen and said, You really don't want to eat."    


"I don't want to eat. I will eat something else later when I am hungry. You can eat."    


Wen Qing stared at the skewer in her hand and could not help but laugh.    


He looked at her, "What's wrong?"    


"I remember the first time I went out with your family to play and eat barbecue."    


"What's there to be happy about?"    


Wen Qing touched her nose and said. "At that time, I was eating the meat in big bites, but everyone in your family was particular about getting the meat into the plate and eating it with a fork. I feel very embarrassed."    


"Are we really that funny?"    


"In the eyes of poor people like us, you guys are just being unreasonable. But at that time, all of you were like this. I felt that there was something wrong with my own eating method."    


She pointed at the students not far away. "Look, actually, everyone is the same as me. You guys are the minority. Even Tingren has been assimilated by us."    


Huo Tingshen could not help but ask, "Do you think I have been assimilated by you?"    


He raised his eyebrows. "I have eaten all kinds of strange things in my life. I ate them when I was with you."    


Wen Qing said with a faint smile. "This means that I have a lot of influence."    


"Yes, it has taken root in my heart. You do have a lot of influence on me."    


Wen Qing's face was slightly red. Who asked him to say this at this time...    


After dinner, a group of people gathered around the bonfire and danced, sang, and played games.    


Wen Qing felt that Huo Tingshen must be extremely bored, so she said, "How about you go in and rest?"    


Huo Tingshen looked at the crowd in the distance and said calmly, "No need. It's good to come out occasionally and watch a group of young people cause a ruckus. It feels like I'm a few years younger in an instant."    


"You have always been very young."    


Huo Tingshen looked at her and smiled dotingly.    


At night, Wen Qing felt that it was inappropriate for the two of them to sleep together. But to outsiders, if the couple did not sleep together, it did not seem appropriate either.    


Seeing Wen Qing's dilemma, Huo Tingshen said, "You sleep inside and I sleep outside so that others will not gossip."    


Just as Wen Qing was about to say thank you, a tour guide outside shouted, "Students, there are a lot of mosquitoes in the park at night. Try not to open the tent door frequently."    


The people outside answered all at once.    


Wen Qing said to Huo Tingshen, "You should come in and sleep. There are no mosquito netting outside."    


Huo Tingshen agreed. He took off his shoes and went inside. He pulled up the curtain of the tent.    


After the two of them laid down, Huo Tingshen held Wen Qing's hand.    


Wen Qing felt a little awkward. She was hesitating. When Huo Tingshen said, "Let's just hold hands and sleep like this. Good night."    


Wen Qing closed her eyes and pursed her lips. Her face was slightly red as she said, "Good night..."    


That night, Wen Qing held Huo Tingshen's hand. Listening to the sound of nature, she slept soundly.    


The next morning, when the rustling of footsteps and voices came from outside the tent, Wen Qing opened her eyes.    


She found herself extremely indecent. When she laid on half of Huo Tingshen's body, she quickly looked up.    


Huo Tingshen had already woken up.    


When the two of them looked at each other, Wen Qing only felt a little embarrassed.    


She quickly sat up and smoothed her hair. "Morning."    




She stood up and said: "I'll go wash up."    


Huo Tingshen could not help but laugh when he saw her leave dejectedly.    


The next night, because a girl had stepped on a snake in the bathroom, she was frightened. In order to prevent others from repeating the same mistake, she had to stop the four-day trip ahead of time.    


On the morning of the third day, the bus slowly stopped at the school gate.    


Huo Tingren and a few tour guides were responsible for ensuring that the students safely returned to the school, while Huo Tingshen took Wen Qing away.    


When they got home, Wen Qing took a hot bath and came out to see Huo Tingshen on the phone.    


She was afraid of delaying his work, so she planned to go downstairs to accompany Huohuo.    


When she reached the door, Huo Tingshen hung up the phone. He said to Wen Qing, "Let me tell you something interesting."    


Wen Qing turned back to look at him. "What?"    


"Bai Yue is processing luxury goods on a second-hand website."    


Wen Qing could not help but be surprised, "Have they already become like this?"    


Huo Tingshen Yang Eyebrows. "That's why I told you that Bai Nancheng is not a good person."    


"What does this have to do with him?"    


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