The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C827 Uncle You're so Considerate

C827 Uncle You're so Considerate

Uncle, You're so considerate.    


Ouyang Duan couldn't help but snicker. It seemed like she was afraid of something.    


Zhou Se caught up to him and blocked his way.    


"Uncle, I beg of you. Come with me."    


Ouyang Duan said coldly. "It will rain later. I don't want to walk to town."    


"Ah? There's still rain. Do you have a French Sea here?"    


Ouyang Duan looked at her. "Fa Hai?"    


"Didn't Fa Hai hide Xu Xian? Bai Suzhen only knew how to use water to fill the mountains."    


Ouyang Duan smiled speechlessly. Kids nowadays are really interesting to talk about.    


"I don't know if there is a sea of magic here, but I do know that there is a disaster here."    


Zhou Se felt that if it was not because of anemia, she should be able to vomit three liters of blood.    


"So you came down to tell me that you don't want me to send the goods?"    


Ouyang Duan did not say anything. Zhou Se turned around and left. Forget it, she could not be bothered with him.    


Seeing that she had gone back, Ouyang Duan turned around and looked at her. "Wolf."    


"Take me away. I don't want to live anyway."    


Ouyang Duan sighed and turned back. This woman did not know how to play cards according to the rules.    


Seeing him come out, Zhou Se snorted. "Why did you come out with me?"    


"Let's see how wolves bite people. I haven't seen them before. Today, I plan to go out and broaden my horizons."    


She raised her foot and was about to kick him, but he agilely dodged it.    


Zhou Se was unhappy in her heart, "This old bone of yours is quite flexible."    


"Old bone?" Ouyang Duan looked at her with a frown.    


Zhou Se was pleased with herself. Even men could not stand this.    


"Isn't it? You have already run four times. Don't tell me you're a little bone?"    


Ouyang Duan snorted coldly and walked in front of her.    


She followed him unhappily. The two of them walked out of the base one after the other.    


Seeing him walk into the village, Zhou Se said unhappily, "Where are you going?"    


"I have to go find my hometown to borrow a motorcycle. Are you really going to walk to town?"    


"Huh?" Zhou Se was surprised. "You have to go with me."    


Ouyang Duan glared at her.    


"But why do you need to borrow a motorcycle?"    


"It rained yesterday. The landslide in front of us was blocked. We can't drive."    


Zhou Se smiled happily. She did not care how to get out. It was fine as long as she could get out.    


Because he spent most of his time here, he would occasionally bring his team out to train.    


That was why the surrounding villagers were very warm to them.    


Seeing him borrow a car, the villager very readily lent out his motorcycle.    


But Zhou Se was a little confused. If she had known earlier that she would make a motorcycle and go to town, she would have done so. She won't be wearing a short skirt, will she?    


It had just rained yesterday and the ground was full of mud. It was fine if her new shoes were already dirty.    


Now, did she have to sit on a motorcycle with her legs crossed?    


Seeing her hesitant expression, Ouyang Duan sat on the motorcycle and took off his jacket for her.    


"Sit on the side."    


"Okay." She took the coat and smiled. See? He was still human.    


"Uncle, can your skills be good?"    


"You'll know if you try. Sit tight."    


Zhou Se rolled her eyes. It's kind of... weird.    


Ouyang Duan started the car. Zhou Se sat down and wrapped her arms around his waist. The motorcycle moved forward on the muddy road.    


At first, she was a little nervous. Slowly, she felt more at ease when she saw that he was riding steadily.    


She rested her head on Ouyang Duan's shoulder. It was different from her first love. This uncle was actually quite good.    


Ouyang Duan felt her face resting on his back. His brows slightly raised. It was rare that she finally stopped talking.    


Arriving in town, Zhou Se got out of the car and handed her coat to him. "Uncle, are you cold?"    


"I'm fine." Actually, the wind after the rain was a bit bone-piercing.    


"Go in and send your express delivery. I'll wait for you here."    


"Okay." Zhou Se carried the plastic bag into the express delivery station. In fact, it was a small store's delivery point.    


Seeing that she did not come out for a long time, Ouyang Duan walked in as well.    


In this short time, it was time to finish sending three packages.    


But when he went in, he was a little speechless.    


How was this lady sending packages? She was choosing snacks.    


Seeing him come in, Zhou Se waved her hand and said, "Uncle quickly come over. See if you have anything to eat. I will help you buy it."    


"I don't eat snacks."    


Zhou Se pouted. It was really disappointing.    


It was a kind of enjoyment to watch a movie and eat snacks together at night.    


Her arms were full. After she bought the snacks and paid for them, she carried the bag out of the store.    


"Can you finish all the junk food you bought?"    


"I definitely can't finish it in a day. I can eat it in three days. It's not like I have to finish it in one breath."    


He got on the motorcycle and handed her the jacket again.    


She waved her hand. "No need. I used snacks to block it. It's what they do in idols. It's just that they ride bicycles."    


Ouyang Duan was too lazy to care about him. He started the motorcycle and drove her away.    


When they returned to the village, Ouyang Duan helped his fellow villagers fill up the motorcycle. He even left a hundred yuan for the ride.    


Zhou Se felt that this person was very kind when it came to doing things.    


The two of them walked towards the base. The roads in the village were all muddy.    


She hissed as she walked. Sometimes she jumped two steps and sometimes she took a detour.    


Seeing her carrying things slowly, Ouyang Duan simply took the bag from her.    


Zhou Se giggled, "Uncle, you're so considerate."    


"You'd better keep your mouth shut."    


Zhou Se smiled. Zhou Se pursed her lips. "Then let me say one more thing. In an idol drama, the male lead would carry the female lead under such circumstances. Uncle, why don't you carry me?"    


Ouyang Duan tilted him. "Don't look at those useless things in the future."    


"Hey, carry me. My shoes are dirty. New shoes."    


Zhou Se immediately stopped. She pouted and looked at him adorably.    


But he did not turn his head and walked with big strides.    


She really felt that she had met her nemesis. He was simply too inconsiderate.    


Helpless, she could only lower her head and look at her little white shoes, which had already turned black, with a pained expression.    


"Baby, Mommy made you suffer. When we get back, I'll definitely give you a good bath."    


Hearing her muttering, Ouyang Duan smiled speechlessly.    


Was this woman a mute in her previous life? She could actually talk to a pair of shoes.    


After entering the base, he passed the snacks to her. "Go back by yourself."    


"What about you?"    


"Go back to the office."    


Her face was full of disappointment: "Uncle, Do you really hate me? "I allow you to speak the truth. I came here. "Are you not happy at all?"    


Ouyang Duan looked away when he saw her pitiful look. He could not bear to hurt her.    


"What are you thinking about? I just want to work. Go back. I will call you back at noon."    


"Are you coming back to eat with me? " I don't want to eat alone. "    


He didn't say anything.    


Zhou Se was even more disappointed.    


But at this moment, the uncle said indifferently, "I will go back and eat with you."    


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