The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C867 Uncle I'm Scared

C867 Uncle I'm Scared

Ouyang Duan immediately woke up when the phone rang.    


He picked up the phone. He thought it would be an important call from the base, but when he took it, he saw Zhou Se's number.    


He frowned and looked at the time. It was 11: 40.    


He quickly picked up his phone. If it wasn't for something, she wouldn't have called him so late.    


The moment the phone was picked up, a sobbing voice came from the other end of the phone. "Uncle... I'm afraid."    


"What's wrong?"    


Hearing these four words, Ouyang Duan's heart immediately rose to his throat. His fingers, which were holding the phone, were clearly knuckles.    


"Uncle, I accidentally fell asleep while working in the office. When I woke up, I found that the lights were not on and could not be switched on. It was so dark outside and the corridor was so long. I didn't dare to go out alone. Uncle, I'm afraid. Talk to me."    


Ouyang Duan frowned. "Don't be afraid. I'll call someone to take you downstairs."    


Zhou Se heard him and quickly said, "Uncle, don't hang up. I'm afraid."    


She said she was scared several times in a row. Ouyang Duan's heart was twisted.    


Medial colors never showed weakness to her.    


Unless she was really scared to the extreme.    


He immediately comforted her, "Okay, okay, okay, I'm not hanging up. Listen to my voice."    


He got up and walked to the fixed phone. He dialed his father's secretary's number.    


He asked his secretary to inform the security guards and immediately went up to take Zhou Se downstairs.    


After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Duan said, "Why are you working overtime again tonight? Is this job so tiring?"    


"Isn't it because of the Audi you bought for me? Our team leader always targeted me because I drove the Audi to work. There were a few newcomers in the same batch, but she always arranged the most jobs for me. "I really can't finish it, so I have to work overtime."    


Actually, Zhou Se did not plan to complain from the beginning.    


But now she really could not hold it in anymore.    


If this continued, she felt that she would definitely go crazy.    


When Ouyang Duan heard this, his face turned a little darker. "What is your team leader's name?"    


Zhou Se frowned. "I really forgot. She introduced herself once after I came here. I can't remember her name. " But everyone called her group leader Liu. I heard that she has support in our group. "    


Ouyang Duan's face was dark. "Okay, I got it. I will take care of it."    


"You'll handle it? " How are you going to take care of it? "    


"I'll let her go."    


Zhou Se felt guilty for a moment. She heard that group leader Liu's business ability was not bad.    


If her complaints caused the company to lose a good employee, it would not be worth it.    


"Aiya, forget it. It's fine. I'm just complaining. " Although she did give me a lot of work, it was my own lack of ability. After a few more months of training, even if she wanted to make things difficult for me, she would not be able to make things difficult for me. "Moreover, we even had a fight this morning. Counting it, I didn't suffer any losses."    


You don't have to be so easy to talk to. You also have someone backing you. You don't have to swallow your anger. In the future, this company will all be yours.    


Zhou Se thought that if her mother-in-law heard this, she would probably go crazy.    


"Uncle, don't, don't, don't. Promise me that you won't make things difficult for group leader Liu I don't want Dad and Mom to talk about me. I can't even bear this bit of suffering."    


"Are you sure?" Ouyang Duan asked.    


"Yes, I am."    


"What if she continues to bully you?"    


"Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. I am not that easy to bully. " Besides, even if we take ten thousand steps back, I really can't beat that woman. But... I still have you, don't I? If you help me then, I've only been in the company for a month and I don't want to make too many enemies for myself. "    


Ouyang Duan nodded and smiled. "How is it? Are you still afraid?"    


"I'm not afraid. Uncle will accompany me. I'm not afraid of anything. Uncle, there seems to be footsteps outside."    


Someone should have gone up to pick you up. "    


Sure enough, the door was pushed open. The night duty security guard went upstairs with a flashlight and asked if there was anyone there.    


Zhou Se immediately stood up and raised her hand, shouting loudly. "Yes, yes, yes. Master, there are people here."    


Being successfully led out of the company by the security guards, Zhou Se felt that she was really relieved.    


After getting into the car, Zhou Se stuffed the Bluetooth earpiece into her ear, "Uncle, I am saved."    


Ouyang Duan heard her relaxed tone and felt much better. "Remember next time. No matter how busy you are, you have to go home early. The company does not lack an employee like you."    


Zhou Se pouted. "Oh, you don't understand. This is not a base that obeys orders and commands. This is a workplace. The workplace is very scary. It is not as simple as you think."    


"That's why you have to hide your identity and go to work. If you let people know who you are from the beginning, we will see who dares to bully you. No matter how strong someone else's backing is, it's impossible for them to be stronger than you in the Ouyang Group."    


Zhou Se refuted. But I just don't like this kind of life. I feel more at ease like I am now. Furthermore, I rely on my work ability to eat. "If others know who I am, No matter how hard I try, everyone will say that I am basking in your glory. "    


Ouyang Duan smiled. This girl lived well.    


Zhou Se looked at the time. "Uncle, you should rest. I'm already on my way."    


Ouyang Duan replied and said, "Don't call if you are driving. I am not going to sleep. I will wait for you. When you return home, tell me that you are safe."    




Zhou Se smiled slightly. She did not know why she was the first to think of him when she was so scared.    


Could it be that this was the so-called husband and wife effect?    


Because he was her husband, that was why she subconsciously looked for him when she was afraid.    


But how miraculous was it that she knew him? Not long after, she actually wanted to rely on him...    


This sort of habit of relying on one person, actually, It was really quite good.    


When she got home, she sent him a message. I'm safely home, don't worry.    


But then he called her.    


Zhou Se raised her eyebrows and smiled as she picked up the phone. "Hello, Uncle."    


"I just opened the phone traffic and also tried to get a WeChat number. You can add me later. In the future when you work overtime at night, I can accompany you."    


"Ah?" Zhou Se was really surprised. This uncle who never went online actually opened WeChat to work overtime with her?    


Really... The sun was setting in the west. This was too shocking.    


Ouyang Duan found her reaction funny. "What is it? Is it strange?"    


Although Ouyang Duan could not see it, Zhou Se still nodded without thinking. "Isn't it strange? Uncle, you are telling the truth. Haven't you noticed that recently..."    


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