The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C1009 Homophile

C1009 Homophile

Lee Jingqiu said in a deep voice, "I really like Ouyang, but what's the use of me liking Ouyang? Ouyang's mom doesn't like our daughter. We can't let her live her life alone after coming out of Ouyang family, right? Look at how pitiful she is now? "    


Zhou Haocheng understood the logic, but he still said, "I think that child Ouyang still has feelings for our daughter. I just want to wait if she can't do it."    


"Wait for what? Wait for Ouyang's mother to agree? "Let me tell you, my daughter also has dignity. Even if Ouyang's mother agrees, I still won't agree. What is my daughter lacking compared to her son? "What right do they have to bully others!"    


Lee Jingqiu said and threw the knife on the chopping board, "Let me tell you, I can't listen to you in the future. I listened to you too much before, that's why I harmed my daughter."    


Zhou Haocheng narrowed his eyes. "How can it be a disaster? ... What if Ouyang's mother really regrets it?"    


"Do you think it's possible?" Lee Jingqiu looked at him unhappily.    


"I am saying that I am just in case."    


Lee Jingqiu said in disdain, "I don't care if she will regret it or not. She deserves it. Anyway, I can't let my daughter enter the sea of fire again."    


Zhou Haocheng was quiet for a while. "What does this man do? "Are you sure our daughter didn't follow him into the sea of fire? I don't think he's the first wife at his age, right? If it wasn't the first marriage, could it also be a divorce? Did he have a child? If it was the first marriage, there would definitely be more problems. There must be something wrong with not getting married at such an old age. "    


Lee Jingqiu immediately became interested and began to talk about Yue Chen's situation.    


He was the nephew of an old colleague of Lee Jingqiu's. He was a good person and had been teaching at a university in Singapore.    


He was married six years ago and also had a daughter. Her daughter was four years old this year.    


He was not divorced. It was when his lover gave birth that he had an accident and left.    


He had also been alone for four years.    


The child wasn't with him. His father-in-law and mother-in-law had lived in America.    


Because the old couple only had one daughter. After the daughter left, the old couple felt very uncomfortable, so they discussed with him to take the child away.    


Now the two of them were raising the child, and he would go to America to see the child twice a year.    


This time, it was his mother-in-law who dragged his aunt to find a suitable woman for him to marry.    


The two of them probably pitied him as well. That was why they wanted to help him arrange the marriage.    


In order to dispel the worries of the family, the other party said that the old couple were very reasonable. When Yue Chen married in the future, they would attend as parents.    


They would also wish him good luck in his future life.    


After all, their daughter's accident back then was all fate.    


Lee Jingqiu said as she said, "I have carefully observed. This child is really not bad. I have eaten with him twice. He is very polite. Anyway, I am quite satisfied."    


Zhou Haocheng also felt a little anxious when he heard how hot her hair was when she shaved.    


She now felt that the child called Yue Chen outside was not bad.    


But what if Se did not like it?    


In the end, she had to listen to her daughter.    


Actually, he did not like Liu Cheng's behavior.    


But if Liu Cheng could turn over a new leaf, he was still willing to let Se follow Ouyang.    


After all, it was not easy for a girl to go out of a house and enter a house.    


Lee Jingqiu used her elbow to hit him. "Why aren't you saying anything? Do you not agree with my idea?"    


Zhou Haocheng said in a low voice, "I am. Think about it. Yue Chen has children in name. But now, it was no different than not having a child. "What about our Se? She is the second wife of a child. I was thinking... this is still not going to happen."    


Lee Jingqiu rolled her eyes at him," What do you know? I have already asked. Yue Chen said it. He wasn't here for fun, he was looking for a better woman to live with. Before he came, I told him that Se had children and burdens.    


But after understanding Se's specific situation, he said that he did not mind. It's useless for us to worry about this now. Let the two of them get along first. They might not even take a liking to your daughter. "    


Zhou Haocheng's face was cold. "Bah, he doesn't take a liking to my daughter? "Then I don't like him. "Let me tell you, you can't just matchmake him. It depends on their attitudes. If that kid shows any dissatisfaction with my daughter, then this matter will have to be put aside. "Don't wait to force Se into his hands. In the future, Se will be unhappy. If she divorce again, it will be a third marriage."    


Seeing that he seems to have loosened up a little, Lee Jingqiu felt that this matter will most likely succeed.    


In the living room, Zhou Se still felt a little uncomfortable, "Mr. Yue, have some tea."    


Yue Chen smiled. "Se, I am not very good at drinking tea. After drinking tea, I can't sleep at night."    


"I see. Then let me pour you a cup of water." She got up and poured a cup of water for Yue Chen and placed it in front of him.    


Yue Chen picked up the cup and smiled. "Thank you."    


Zhou Se smiled gently. "You are welcome, Mr. Yue. You are our guest. This is what I should do."    


Yue Chen looked at Zhouzhou. "Zhouzhou is two years old."    


Zhou Se shrugged and smiled. "Yes."    


"That's a good time to play."    


Zhou Se's face was full of happiness. "Yes. When you are in a bad mood, you can feel comfortable watching her for a while."    


After Zhou Se finished speaking, she felt that she might have said too much. She scratched her forehead. "Am I talking too much?"    


Yue Chen shook his head and said politely. "No. I just remembered my daughter when she was young."    


Zhou Se was a little surprised and asked, "Mr. Yue's family is also a daughter. How old is your daughter?"    


"Four and a half years old."    


"Wow, that is a big girl." Zhou Se smiled and asked, "A four year old girl should love to be beautiful."    


"She lives with her grandparents in America. I don't see her often. However, her grandmother often calls me and says that she has to match her clothes with her own color. She is very assertive."    


Zhou Se nodded. "Then won't you and your lover miss the child?"    


Yue Chen's expression froze at the mention of this. "My lover is gone. She left during childbirth."    


Zhou Se felt guilty for a moment. "I'm sorry. I didn't know about this."    


Yue Chen looked at her and said gently and calmly. "It doesn't matter. It has been more than four years. Although I can't feel relieved, "But I can accept that fact."    


Yue Chen looked at Zhou Se, who looked guilty. "It seems Professor Li didn't tell you why I came here."    


Zhou Se nodded and said, "She only said that there will be guests at home today."    


Yue Chen smiled and said, "I am here for a blind date."    


Zhou Se was stunned. "What?"    


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