The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C1023 Take Your Dirty Hands away

C1023 Take Your Dirty Hands away

Lin Zhanqing hesitated for a moment, then let go of her wrist and ran towards Shi Shi.    


Seeing this scene, Xiao Moli felt as if thousands of arrows had pierced her heart in an instant.    


She had liked men for ten years...    


Seeing Lin Zhanqing gently pick Shi Shi up and run towards his car, Xiao Moli closed her eyes.    


She let go of her tightly clenched fists and sat in the car.    


Before Lin Zhanqing's car left, she drove away first.    


Her heart was indeed painful, but no matter how painful it was, she had to leave her pride to herself.    


The moment the car left Jasmine Residences and drove onto the main road, Xiao Moli's eyes finally could not help but burst out.    


Her heart really hurt, it really hurt, it really hurt.    


Ten years of youth and ten years of deep love exchanged for such a deep betrayal.    


If something happened to Father, In the future... how would she face the future?    


Tears welled up in her eyes.    


The speed of the car increased without her realizing it.    


When she realized that something was wrong and wanted to brake, the front of the car had already reached the front of the car.    


The two cars stopped at the same time.    


The driver of the front car got down and saw the driver of the tail-chasing car through the window. He was stunned for a moment.    


Isn't this Xiao Moli?    


Xiao Moli did not look at the front car. Instead, he lay on his stomach on the steering wheel, crying.    


Seeing this, Kang Yawei, who had already walked closer, stopped in his tracks. He looked at Xiao Moli through the window.    


Xiao Moli... was crying?    


Could she be injured?    


Thinking of this, Kang Yawei immediately went to the car door and pulled it open.    


But he didn't open it.    


He raised his hand and knocked on the window.    


Xiao Moli exhaled. She knew that this was her problem.    


She secretly wiped her tears and looked up, but when she saw Kang Yawei, she was also stunned for a moment.    


Kang Yawei pulled the door. Although his expression was cold, his eyes were full of concern. "Open the door."    


Xiao Moli felt that today must be her bad day.    


She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car.    


She thought Kang Yawei would mock her like before.    


Unexpectedly, Kang Yawei pulled her by the wrist and brought her to him. It was a huge amount. "Injured?"    


Xiao Moli shook her head but did not say anything.    


Kang Yawei narrowed his eyes. "Are you mute?"    


"I'm fine." Xiao Moli's heart sank. "I'm in a hurry to go to the hospital. When you get back, tell me the repair fee and I'll call you."    


Kang Yawei smiled. "Why are you going to the hospital?"    


He looked Xiao Moli up and down. "Pregnant?"    


Xiao Moli's eyes filled with tears when she mentioned the word.    


She did not say anything and opened the car door to leave.    


Kang Yawei pressed down on the car door. "I'm talking to you."    


Xiao Moli shook off his hand and shouted, "I'm talking to you. "My dad is in the hospital. Are you satisfied? Can I go now?"    


Kang Yawei was stunned for a moment and let go of the hand that was pressing on the door.    


Xiao Moli was about to open the door when Lin Zhanqing's car stopped behind her.    


Lin Zhanqing got out of the car. He had just seen Kang Yawei and Xiao Moli standing together from afar and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.    


But when he got closer, he realized that it was a traffic accident.    


After he got out of the car, he quickly ran to Xiao Moli's side and looked coldly at Kang Yawei. He reached out and wrapped his arm around Xiao Moli's wrist. "Director Kang. Today's accident, whoever it is, I will transfer the repair fee to your card later."    


Kang Yawei looked coldly at Lin Zhanqing. "Do I need you?"    


Lin Zhanqing was about to say something when Xiao Moli threw his arm away without giving him any face. She looked at him coldly. "Take your dirty hands away."    


Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Yo, Qin Se and Ming's loving couple. This was awkward.    


Lin Zhanqing frowned unhappily. He just did not like Xiao Moli's straightforward personality.    


If there was a problem, he would settle it privately. There was no need to vent it in front of outsiders.    


In the back car, Shi Shi got out of the car and came to Lin Zhanqing's side. She covered her stomach with her hand and said in some pain, "Zhanqing, did something happen to Miss Xiao? My stomach... really doesn't feel well, I..."    


Xiao Moli saw Shi Shi and her face instantly turned cold. She clenched her fists again.    


Seeing Xiao Moli's barbed look, Kang Yawei's lips curled up.    


Xiao Moli's husband was accompanied by a pregnant woman. This woman even called Lin Zhanqing 'Zhanqing'.    


It was fine if they were so close, but Xiao Moli still said that Lin Zhanqing was... dirty!    


This... really caught him up to a good show.    


Lin Zhanqing said coldly, "Ask the driver to take you to the hospital first. I'll be there very soon."    


Shi Shi's eyes instantly turned red. "I... am afraid alone."    


When Xiao Moli saw the two of them looking like this, she immediately felt disgusted.    


She turned to Kang Yawei and hooked her arm around his arm. "Take me to the hospital."    


Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Moli.    


Although Xiao Moli looked at him coldly, the hand holding his arm was very tight.    


Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows mischievously and smiled. He handed the car keys to Xiao Moli and said, "Go to my car and wait for me."    


Xiao Moli took the car keys and walked towards Kang Yawei's car without hesitation.    


Lin Zhanqing said coldly, "Jasmine, get in my car. I'll take you there. "    


"There's no need. If I remember correctly, from now on, Boss Lin and I have nothing to do with each other!"    


She cast a cold glance at the couple before leaving.    


Kang Yawei cast a sidelong glance at Lin Zhanqing and then glanced at Shi Shi's stomach mockingly. He sneered and got into Xiao Moli's car. After driving her car to the roadside, he returned to his car and drove away.    


Shi Shi looked at Lin Zhanqing's serious face and pulled his arm. She asked worriedly, "What's wrong?" Zhanqing, didn't Miss Xiao already reject Director Kang before? Why are you so close to Director Kang now? Don't tell me... they have always been in contact with each other, just like... us? "    


Lin Zhanqing turned his head and looked at Shi Shi unhappily.    


Shi Shi quickly said guiltily, "Zhanqing, I don't mean anything else. Just... look at them..."    


"Get in the car. I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up." Lin Zhanqing did not scold her. He put his arms around her shoulders and went back to the car.    


Xiao Moli's matter. He would take his time with Xiao Moli's matter in the future.    


He did not want a woman, and he could not let Kang Yawei pick up a ready-made one!    


After Kang Yawei got into the car, he did not look at Xiao Moli and started the car.    


"Which hospital?"    


"He An."    


Kang Yawei went straight to the hospital.    


Kang Yawei didn't say anything along the way.    


Xiao Moli knew that Kang Yawei was a person who could not be idle. If he did not speak now, there must be a problem.    


But she did not think too much about it. After all, she could not take care of herself right now. How could she have the mood to care about other people's idle    


When the car arrived at the hospital, Xiao Moli took off her seatbelt and said, "Thank you for sending me to the hospital today. The cost of repairing the car, I will transfer it to your account on time."    


When she finished speaking, she had already gotten out of the car.    


Kang Yawei looked at her back in a hurry. He raised his eyebrows and got out of the car as well. He followed her.    


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