The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C887 She's in Love with You

C887 She's in Love with You

Zhou Se's words made Ouyang Duan fall silent again.    


Yes, what that family lacked was love.    


She pulled her wrist out of his hand.    


"Uncle, love can't be forced. I know... I understand what you're thinking. You think that as long as you and I are willing to live a good life, this family will be able to maintain it for the rest of our lives. But I really thought about it for a long time. This is not right.    


Being with you, I am also very happy, but I can't find happiness on your face. Thinking carefully, isn't it because you don't love me? Because you don't love me. So you feel that living with me is just barely possible.    


I don't want a man who doesn't love me to run amok in my life for the rest of his life. The question I asked just now might have been a little sudden. But a sudden question shows your sincerity, doesn't it?    


Uncle, I don't owe you and Lyi Bingxin, so I don't want to be a legitimate third party in your true love. This child... I will take good care of him. When you want to see him, you can call me anytime. "But the only thing is that I won't live with you anymore."    


Zhou Se turned around and left after she finished speaking. Ouyang Duan stood still and looked at Zhou Se who was walking away.    


He did not know if he should chase after her.    


Zhou Se wanted to stop the car. But damn it, there wasn't a car to rent.    


In the end, Ouyang Duan drove to catch up with her. He asked her to get in the car, but Zhou Se was not willing.    


Ouyang Duan parked the car and got out of the car to pester her again. "Don't be like this. Let's go home first and talk about this after the Lunar New Year."    


"Nothing will change after the Lunar New Year." Zhou Se looked at him. "I have made up my mind."    


"But there are no cars on the road now. Where do you want to go with a big belly?"    


"I will go to a hotel." Zhou Se's voice was very calm.    


"Then get in the car. I'll take you to the hotel."    


Zhou Se looked at the empty road and finally decided not to hurt herself.    


She pulled the door to the back of the car into the car. Ouyang Duan helped her close the door and got in the car to start the car and leave.    


Seeing that his car was heading home, Zhou Se became a little anxious. "I'm not going home with you."    


"I know you don't want to see me now. Go home. I'll go to a hotel these few days."    


Zhou Se looked at his back and hesitated. "I will go to the city's house. You go back to the base to stay."    


Ouyang Duan did not resist. When the car drove to the entrance of the residential area, Zhou Se got out of the car with her bag.    


He followed her to the door of the house. Zhou Se went in and closed the door.    


Ouyang Duan, who was locked outside the door, sighed slightly. He knocked on the door. "I'll bring you dinner tonight. Don't go wandering around alone."    


Zhou Se did not respond. Ouyang Duan turned around and left.    


He did not go to the base. Instead, he went to the normal bar.    


Gao Huaiqin rarely went home. He knew he would find him here.    


As expected, Gao Huaiqin was still discussing business with overseas customers during the Lunar New Year.    


Seeing him come, Gao Huaiqin was obviously surprised. "Why are you here during the Lunar New Year? It's not time to celebrate the Lunar New Year yet, is it?"    


Ouyang Duan sat beside him with a sullen face. Gao Huaiqin broke the connection and crossed his legs to look at him. "What's going on? It's so lifeless. Did something happen?"    


Ouyang Duan was silent for a moment. "My marriage is going to end soon."    


"What's going on? Bingxin thought of something."    


Ouyang Duan shook his head. It's Se. Se doesn't want to have this kind of love marriage anymore. She wants to divorce me. "    


"It can't be. Gao Huaiqin hugged her." Se doesn't look like that kind of person. Tell me. "What's the matter? Let me analyze it for you."    


Ouyang Duan had a serious expression on his face as he recounted what had happened after dinner.    


"I really don't understand. From the day she found out about Bingxin's existence, she knew my feelings for Bingxin. Why is it that until now, she wants to cause trouble instead? The child is born in four months. Is there any meaning in this?"    


Gao Huaiqin held up the red wine glass in front of him." Ouyang, in my opinion, Se has already been very patient. Actually, think about it carefully. Although she is young, she is very patient. How far can a marriage without love go? Have you thought about it?    


Why don't I believe in marriage? "Because I don't believe in love. Actually, this is the same as Se's theory. Se's request is not too much. She just wants you to love her."    


Ouyang Duan was helpless. But you know, I can't give you this love."    


"Why can't I give it to you? Just because you loved Lyi Bingxin? Just because you had a past? To be honest, Se did not do anything wrong. In your marriage, she was forced to become a third party by you. She was right. Wasn't she a legal third party?    


Who does this have to do with? No one will be happy. Furthermore, Se was actually not a bad girl. She asked you this kind of question and even told you the results of the two answers. If I were you, in order to maintain this marriage, I would tell her that what I care about is the child that hasn't been born yet. "Even if you are lying to her, you have to make her feel a little more comfortable."    


But I don't want to lie to her. It's not right to lie to her. "    


Gao Huaiqin nodded helplessly. "I know why Se divorced you. You're just a simpleton. Why do you have to be so rigid when you think about things? You can't lie to her for everything. Relationships can't be forced. If you really don't feel anything for her, her life with you will be very painful."    


Ouyang Duan was very annoyed. He was originally fine, but why did it become like this?    


He really did not know that Zhou Se had these thoughts recently.    


He did not think about it either. Today the two of them would be in such a mess over such a question.    


"If you want me to say it, don't worry. Just tell me if you want to divorce Zhou Se."    


"Isn't this nonsense? If you want a divorce, why would I come to you?"    


Gao Huaiqin raised his eyebrows. "That's good. I will analyze a question for you and you can answer it. Have you ever thought about why Se wanted to divorce you after being married for so long?"    


Ouyang Duan thought for a moment. "I think... I don't feel safe."    


"Wrong. Because... In the past, she didn't care, but now she does. What does she care about? "Think about it carefully."    


Ouyang Duan looked at Gao Huaiqin. The sadness in his eyes became clear. "It's me?"    


"It's you. That's right, it's you. Then why does she care? I don't need you to answer. I'll tell you on Se's behalf because her mentality has changed. "She has changed from liking you to liking you. She has fallen in love with you. It is that simple."    


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