The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C877 This Child must be Preserved

C877 This Child must be Preserved

Zhou Se clenched her teeth and clenched her fists. "Who were you with that day? Did you see Lawyer Gao and me eating together? What's your relationship with that Manager Huo you're holding? " As far as I know, his wife isn't you, right? "    


She originally didn't want to do this, but now she was really provoked quite a bit.    


She couldn't stand it when she was being patient. Others splashed hot water on her.    


Her heart, which could have calmed down, was now boiling even more.    


She couldn't bear it any longer.    


Once Zhou Se finished speaking, group leader Liu pounced forward and pushed her to the ground. "Zhou Se, you madman. I will fight you to the death."    


Zhou Se did not want to be outdone and turned over to suppress group leader Liu.    


She was young after all. When it came to fighting, she would not lose to group leader Liu at all.    


She flipped over and pressed group leader Liu under her.    


group leader Liu wanted to slap her but was held back by Zhou Se.    


Zhou Se originally planned to follow the woman and make gestures.    


But on her stomach, there was suddenly a wave of pain.    


Zhou Se frowned and group leader Liu took the opportunity to knock her down again. At this time, Ms Tan came back from a meeting outside.    


Seeing that the two of them were fighting but no one was fighting, Ms Tan angrily shouted. "What are you guys doing? Do you still want to do it or not? If you don't want to do it, then pack your bags and leave."    


group leader Liu stopped when she heard that. She quickly stood up but Zhou Se gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She covered her stomach with her hands and curled into a ball.    


group leader Liu looked down at Zhou Se's appearance and angrily shouted. "Stop pretending. Hurry up and get up."    


Ms Tan went forward, "What's going on?"    


"This woman... deserves a beating." group leader Liu lowered her head and pointed at Zhou Se. "Ms Tan, I can't bring this employee with me. From now on, This translation department has me and not her. She will not be able to bring me to the translation department. "    


"Alright, both of you come to my office."    


Ms Tan turned around and walked to the office angrily.    


Zhou Se felt her stomach hurt. It was as if her abdomen had been stabbed twice.    


She laid on the ground and moaned, "It hurts, it hurts..."    


group leader Liu said in disdain, "Your acting is really good. Why? Are you going to let the whole world accuse me of bullying you? Let me tell you, I am bullying you. How about it? Today's matter is not over."    


Just as group leader Liu was speaking, Ms Tan heard the painful roar and walked back.    


She walked to Zhou Se and squatted down. Seeing that her forehead was full of sweat and her facial features were twisted together, she hurriedly patted Zhou Se's shoulder nervously, "Se, what's wrong with you?"    


"My stomach... my stomach... It hurts."    


"My stomach hurts?" Ms Tan took out her phone and immediately dialed the emergency number. "It's okay. Wait a moment. The ambulance will be here soon."    


group leader Liu walked back to Zhou Se's side with an unhappy expression. "Ms Tan, this is this woman's trick. Don't be fooled by her. Do you know that this woman is already married and is still pretending to be single here? She is really too cunning."    


"Married?" Ms Tan seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Se, are you pregnant?"    


The moment Ms Tan's voice fell, group leader Liu who was at the side immediately fell silent.    


Zhou Se shook her head in pain. "No... I don't know. Quickly call an ambulance. My stomach hurts. I can't take it anymore."    


Ms Tan saw her current appearance and felt that something was not right.    


She was worried that something would happen, so she immediately walked to the side and called the CEO's secretary.    


After all, it was the CEO secretary who asked her to take care of Zhou Se.    


In less than three minutes, the CEO personally brought the CEO's secretary over.    


When everyone saw the CEO come, they were all frightened.    


Especially group leader Liu. She never thought that this matter would alert the CEO.    


At this time, Zhou Se had already fainted from the pain.    


Ouyang Mingxi squatted in front of Zhou Se and patted her shoulder. He said anxiously, "Se? Se? What's going on?"    


President, Se should have fainted, "Ms Tan walked over and reported truthfully.    


"Can't I see? I am asking what is going on. Where is the ambulance?"    


"The ambulance should be here soon." Just as Ms Tan finished speaking, the staff from the Emergency Medical Center rushed over and took Zhou Se away.    


Ouyang Mingxi, the CEO's secretary, and Ms Tan left together.    


group leader Liu stood where she was for a long time and did not recover.    


Even Su Zhe was a little frightened. He did not expect Zhou Se to know the president.    


It was over. It was really over. He should not have acted so impulsively.    


He had obviously taken the wrong position this time.    


If he had known earlier, he would have tolerated it. It's over, it's really over.    


Zhou Se was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.    


Ms Tan suspected that Zhou Se might be pregnant, so when the doctor checked, he avoided all the tests that pregnant women could not do.    


After the examination, the doctor told Ouyang Mingxi very clearly.    


Zhou Se was indeed pregnant. According to the ultrasonography results, it should be around eight weeks.    


Ouyang Mingxi's face immediately turned serious. "How is it now? Are the adults and the children in danger?"    


"The child has signs of a premature abortion. He must be hospitalized and have an abortion."    


Ouyang Mingxi looked serious. "Then he will stay. No matter what method he uses, he must protect the child."    


Lyi Bingxin lost a child back then. Ouyang hated his mother for so many years.    


If there were any more problems with this child, he really did not dare to imagine that his son would break off with the Ouyang family from now on.    


Ms Tan had been in the workplace for more than 20 years. She definitely had this kind of eyesight.    


She was now very sure that Zhou Se did not have any relationship with the CEO's secretary, but with the CEO.    


It was just that this level of relationship... she really did not dare to rashly guess.    


Ouyang Ming hoped to speak to Ms Tan, "About Zhou Se's matter, go back and investigate it now. Write everything that happened today into a report and hand it to me."    




After Ms Tan left, Ouyang Mingxi immediately took out his phone and called Ouyang Duan. No matter what the result was, Ouyang Duan had to know about this matter.    


No one answered the phone at the beginning. Ouyang Mingxi was really anxious. He called the office of the base.    


Ouyang Duan had gone on a mission. He did not bring his phone.    


He asked someone to leave a message for Ouyang Duan. He said that there was an urgent matter and asked him to call his father as soon as he came back.    


In order to prevent Ouyang Duan from taking this matter seriously, he specially told Ouyang Duan that it was Se's matter. It was very important.    


Ouyang Mingxi still had an important meeting that could not be delayed. He had no choice but to ask his secretary to stay and he would go back to handle the official matters.    


After an hour and a half, Ouyang Duan called.    


It was his son's number. Ouyang Mingxi interrupted the meeting and walked to the door to pick up the phone.    


"Dad, what's going on? You asked me to call you and tell you about Se. What is it?"    


"Ouyang, Se is pregnant. She seems to be giving birth."    


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