The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C868 The Heart Is Always Concerned about

C868 The Heart Is Always Concerned about

Ouyang Duan raised his eyebrows. He stopped and asked, "How have I been?"    


Zhou Se thought about it and said, "It has changed a little."    


He was so cold before.    


He went to visit his relatives and tried every possible way to chase him away.    


Ouyang Duan was suspicious.    


Change? Did he? He didn't feel it at all.    


However... in the past, he had never contacted a woman. Even though he was his family and friends, he rarely made calls in the past one or two years.    


Anyway, he knew that everyone was doing very well. He didn't need to worry about it.    


But recently, he frequently called Zhou Se. Because in his heart... he always missed her.    


"Aren't you the one who forced me to do this? You're in a daze. You don't make me worry at all. "    


Zhou Se yawned and lectured him again. "Okay, I know. Can't you not do it again?"    


"Are you tired?"    


"It's already this time. It would be weird if I'm not tired."    


"You should go to bed early. Don't stay up all night. The more you stay up late, the less energetic you will be. If you are not in good spirits, you won't be able to work efficiently. If you stay up too long, it will become a vicious cycle. Be careful. Don't make yourself too tired. I've already said it. If you're unhappy, you won't do it. I'll support you. "Hmm?"    


"Okay, I know." Zhou Se nodded and laid on the bed lazily. She did not want to wash up.    






"Thank you for tonight. I suddenly feel... it's so good to have you."    


Ouyang Duan smiled. "Yes, go to sleep. Good night."    


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Se rolled over and fell asleep.    


Ouyang Duan could not fall asleep. He was thinking about Zhou Se's words and was very serious.    


Ever since he started chatting with Zhou Se, he felt that his life was not so dull anymore.    


People had to walk out of the haze of the past step by step.    


He seemed to have changed because of Zhou Se now.    


Slowly, he believed that he would get better and better. The better his and Zhou Se's life would be.    


The next day, Zhou Se woke up late. She really rushed all the way to the company.    


She was only three minutes late. It felt very dangerous.    


She sat in her seat and let out a breath. It was okay.    


group leader Liu rolled her eyes at her through so many people.    


Zhou Se pouted and pretended not to see.    


She sat forward and was about to continue to translate the unfinished documents from yesterday when she suddenly found that the documents on the table had disappeared.    


Yesterday when she left the company, the documents were clearly on the table and she did not move at all.    


But now... they were gone!    


Zhou Se flipped a few times on the table. How could they be gone?    


Zhou Se stood up, "Has anyone touched the things on my table?"    


Everyone in the office looked at her but no one said anything.    


Zhou Se lightly patted her table. "The documents I checked yesterday were placed on the table. They are missing. Whoever moved, hand them over."    


Su Zhe, who was sitting opposite her, stood up and went to her seat to help her take a look. "Where did you put them?"    


"I... I put it on the table."    


group leader Liu got up and said unhappily, "Why didn't you put away such important documents?"    


Zhou Se raised her hand and touched her forehead. She was a little annoyed.    


If someone wanted to steal something, Even if she put the documents in the drawer, they would still be stolen.    


Besides, Last night, she was shocked. When she saw that she had a savior, she immediately left with him.    


She really didn't expect that the documents would disappear in just one night.    


After all, she had never heard of anyone throwing documents in the office before.    


group leader Liu got up and walked to her desk, "Let me tell you Zhou Se, it's not a big deal if you don't finish translating the documents. If you lose the documents, you will be in big trouble. The members I lead have never made such a mistake before. You better find the documents quickly. Otherwise... or I will report this to the president."    


Zhou Se bit her lips. She also knew what kind of documents she translated yesterday. It was very important.    


Now that the documents were gone, she really did not know what to do.    


She stood in place and did not even have the strength to retort.    


After group leader Liu finished speaking, she turned around and returned to her seat with a cold snort.    


Zhou Se turned her head and asked Su Zhe, "Brother Su, what will happen if the documents are lost?"    


"Losing the documents is not a small matter. If it is light, we will be fired. If it is serious... the consequences will be unimaginable."    


Zhou Se bit her lips and lowered her eyes. It was impossible to lose the documents for no reason. Someone must be targeting her.    


Thinking carefully, she did not offend anyone after she came to the company. The only thing was that she quarreled with group leader Liu yesterday.    


She looked up at group leader Liu. Right now, she definitely wanted her to make a fool of herself so that she could chase her out.    


But she could not be chased out just like that.    


From last night until now, it had only been eight hours.    


When she left, there were still some documents. In other words, the documents were after she left last night. Today, she entered the hands of the people in the office.    


She bit her lips and walked out of the office. group leader Liu shouted, "Where are you going?"    


"I'm going to the security room to watch the surveillance."    


group leader Liu smiled in disdain. "Do you think a small character like you can watch the surveillance just by looking?"    


"Compared to the company's documents being stolen, it is a big deal. " Even a small character like me has a good reason to look at the surveillance. "    


After she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Su Zhe followed and pulled her back. "Se, don't be impulsive. If you want to watch the surveillance camera, you have to first contact the department. This is a rule set by the security department. You have to get group leader Liu to sign for you first. After that, you can look for the manager to sign and enter the security department."    


"What kind of stupid rule is this? There are thieves in the company and there are quite a lot of procedures. You don't    


Su Zhe shrugged helplessly. "The company system is like this."    


She bit her lips and exhaled. She went back to the office and took out her phone, asking her to beg group leader Liu, who was waiting to see her embarrass herself. She did not want to.    


She took the phone to the entrance of the translation department and dialed her father-in-law's number.    


After the call was picked up, Zhou Se said somewhat anxiously, "Dad, I'm sorry, I have to give you some trouble."    


Ouyang Ximing calmly said, "Okay, go ahead."    


"Well, my documents were placed on the office table, but they disappeared. I want to go to the monitoring room to see who took my documents."    


Ouyang Mingxi raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong? Did you offend anyone in the translation department?"    


"I did not offend anyone. It's just that... I didn't do it myself. I worked late last night, so I put the documents on the table. It might be... a little conspicuous. "    


Ouyang Mingxi smiled. This kid knew how to admit his mistakes. It was better than trying to justify himself.    


"Alright, you can go to the security department now. I'll give their manager a call."    


"Thank you, Dad."    


It was indeed not good for her to use this relationship to deal with such small matters, but it was her fault that she could use this relationship. She could not be too stubborn.    


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