The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C832 Wait and See

C832 Wait and See

Zhou Se could not help but shiver when she saw him like this.    


"Woah, if you let me say it again, I will say it again. I will not."    


"Hurry up and change your clothes. Pick up the longest one and change it." Ouyang Duan snorted coldly and turned around to leave.    


She made a face at his back. She was not happy with him.    


It was not that she did not want to wear long clothes. She really did not wear that kind of clothes.    


She was a person who was afraid of the heat to begin with. In summer, she would most likely wear short skirts and shorts.    


Looking at the clothes in the cabinet, she sighed and found a slightly longer red dress to put on.    


This was less than ten centimeters longer than the previous one.    


After changing her clothes, she walked out of the house. Ouyang Duan's face was still gloomy.    


He looked at her legs. "Is this the longest?"    


"The longest one is the one I wore this morning. I thought it was dirty and not washed yet."    


Ouyang Duan snorted and walked to the door.    


Zhou Se ran after him. "Hey, I'm not angry yet. Why are you angry? I dressed myself up beautifully to give you face. In the end, I didn't even hear a word of praise. Just look at how angry you are."    


"Alright, that's all for today's matter. Go in later and don't stand up. Shame on you. "    


Zhou Se gritted her teeth. He thought she was embarrassing, right? Good Ouyang Duan, wait and see.    


Before entering the canteen, she quickly walked two steps forward and held his arm.    


He stood still and looked at her. "Go by yourself."    


"We're husband and wife. I want to walk by arm with my husband. Either you chase me out, or you walk hand in hand with me. "    


Ouyang Duan was helpless. This child was really stubborn.    


He could not be bothered with her. He walked forward with a victorious smile on her face.    


As soon as the two of them entered the canteen, the entire room was filled with people. No one dared to look around in front of Ouyang Duan.    


Zhao Zhongyi stood up. "Tonight, boss brought sister-in-law to get to know everyone. Everyone applauded and let boss talk to us."    


There was a round of applause in the canteen. Ouyang Duan walked to the seat beside Zhao Zhongyi and Zhou Se held his arm.    


He looked around with a sharp gaze and looked as serious as usual. "Let me introduce you to everyone. This is my lover. She will stay in the base for a few days during this period of time and cause trouble for everyone. I hope everyone will take good care of her."    


Zhou Se raised her hand, "Big... Woo, boss, I also want to say a few words."    


Ouyang Duan glared at her. She grinned. How could he eat her in front of so many people?    




"Hello, everyone. My name is Zhou Se. Everyone can call me Se in the future. I will try my best not to cause trouble for everyone while I am visiting here. If anyone needs my help, feel free to come to me."    


Zhao Zhongyi took the lead and a round of applause sounded in the canteen.    


"Our boss is treating tonight because it is a good thing. So we made a special request for you. You can drink if you want to, but you're not allowed to overdo it. " If the boss is in a bad mood and he asks you guys to gather tonight, you'll have to bear the consequences of not coming out. "    


Ouyang Duan looked at Zhao Zhongyi. "Alright, let everyone start eating."    


Zhao Zhongyi nodded. "Let's start eating."    


Ouyang Duan and Zhou Se sat down.    


Zhou Se asked Zhao Zhongyi through Ouyang Duan, "Brother Zhao, is there a program?"    


"Sister-in-law can watch whatever program she wants. We can act on the spot. Don't think that we are all men here. We have a lot of things to do in our spare time."    


"Then let's just perform a few of them."    


Ouyang Duan stared at her. "Why do you have so many things to do?"    


"Aren't you treating tonight? Can't we have some fun? Brother Zhao, in return, I will also perform a show for everyone."    


"Oh, that's good, boss. We've never had a girl perform here before. Sister-in-law's suggestion was really great. " I'll go organize it right away. "    


Zhao Zhongyi got up and organized a few people to perform. Ouyang Duan looked at Zhou Se. : "You sure know how to show off."    


Zhou Se stuck out her tongue and said, "You guys can only sing when you guys perform. The most powerful people are also only able to sing love songs. I am a woman. If I go up and tell a joke, everyone will be happy."    


Ouyang Duan rolled his eyes at her. Bringing her out for dinner was definitely the last time. It was too infuriating.    


Very quickly, Zhao Zhongyi organized more than ten people. They sang a few songs together.    


There was also a young man with a good voice who came out to sing a song called Liu Dehua and "Chinaman.    


There was no distinction between good and bad. Zhou Se did her best to applaud anyway.    


After the performance ended, Zhao Zhongyi said happily, "Alright, let's have some good news. Sister-in-law, in order to thank everyone for tonight's performance, decided to bring a performance to liven things up. Come, come, come. Sister-in-law, what show are you going to perform for everyone?"    


Zhou Se smiled and looked at Ouyang Duan. She stood up and took out her phone as she walked towards Zhao Zhongyi. "If everyone sings, I won't sing anymore. Because my voice is not good, I have learned dance for more than ten years. Why don't I dance for everyone?"    


Ouyang Duan frowned. Dance?    


Zhao Zhongyi took the lead and cheered.    


Zhou Se looked at the crowd. "I don't know what kind of dance you guys like to watch. I'll do it according to what I'm best at. I'll give you guys a hot dance."    


After she finished speaking, she looked at Ouyang Duan. She saw that Ouyang Duan seemed to be about to get angry again.    


However, she didn't care. She did it to make him angry, because he thought she was embarrassing.    


Zhou Se turned on the music on her phone and played an explosive dance song. The rhythm and rhythm were very fast.    


She immediately started to move along with the music. Her waist was flexible and her movements were sexy. She was not any worse than the group of girls that appeared frequently on TV.    


The team members watched. Don't mention it. There was no need to mention it.    


Ouyang Duan closed his eyes, his anger swirling around his body.    


This woman... what nonsense was she trying to do? He was so angry that he almost died of anger.    


When the dance ended, everyone applauded.    


Zhou Se waved her hand at everyone, "It's been a long time since I've danced. Thank you everyone."    


With that, she returned to her seat.    


Zhao Zhongyi praised her. "Sister-in-law, your dancing skills are not average."    


Zhou Se laughed. "Not at all. I have been learning for years. It is not good to dance like this."    


"For us laymen, this is already very good. Right, boss."    


Ouyang Duan rolled his eyes at him. "Eat your food."    


"Oh, yes."    


After Ouyang Duan finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Se. She pursed her lips and looked at him with a smile. She said softly, "Uncle, eat more. If angry people don't eat more, it will hurt their liver."    


Ouyang Duan looked at her and smiled slyly. He did not look like he was about to explode.    


"I'm almost done eating, but you, eat more. If people who want to be bullied don't eat more, I'm afraid they won't be able to take it at night."    


His voice was not loud, but Zhou Se looked at his eyes and could not help but shrink.    


Damn it, what does this man mean? He scared her, okay?    


Enraged? Can't take it? He, he, he, he wouldn't want to rape her, would he?    


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