The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C831 Is She Trying to Piss Him off

C831 Is She Trying to Piss Him off

Zhou Se woke up. She thought Ouyang Duan should have gone to work overtime.    


However, she turned around and found that he was still sleeping beside her.    


She was shocked and quickly tucked the blanket around her body. She had not put on any clothes yet.    


Damn it, he had thrown her clothes on the ground.    


How could she go down and get her clothes?    


She pouted and stared at his sleeping face.    


At first, he had his back to her.    


Why did he turn around now? Tsk.    


"Have you seen enough?"    


Ouyang Duan suddenly closed his eyes and opened his mouth. It really gave Zhou Se a big fright.    


She immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.    


Ouyang Duan opened his eyes and smiled at her. "I know you're awake."    


Zhou Se narrowed one eye and looked at him.    


"Uncle, you're sleeping with your eyes closed, right?"    


Ouyang Jun sat up. This good figure made her blush.    


He turned back to look at her and she quickly looked away.    


Ouyang Duan said, "I've slept for more than three hours. Get up. I'm going to treat everyone to dinner in the canteen tonight. You have to come with me."    


"Tonight?" Zhou Se covered herself with the blanket and sat up. She was surprised and happy. "Are you going to admit to everyone that you are an old married man?"    


"Old man?" Ouyang Duan looked at her with a frown. Did this woman really not know how to talk or was she trying to make people angry?    


He thought she was trying to anger him on purpose.    


"Man, I was wrong." She smiled and pointed to the ground. "Uncle, help me pick up my clothes. I need to wash up and put on some makeup."    


Ouyang Duan got out of bed and helped her pick up the clothes. He handed them to her. After he dressed himself, he went to the living room first.    


When she saw him go out, she only put on her clothes and got off the bed. She opened the cabinet door and wanted to find something she liked.    


She had brought quite a lot of clothes. After searching, she chose a light yellow short skirt.    


Before she could put it on, Ouyang Duan had already walked in from outside.    


Zhou Se jumped back in fright. She used the cabinet door to block her body and exclaimed, "Uncle, why didn't you say hello when you came in?"    


Seeing her excited look, Ouyang Duan could not help but smile. "You also have times to be afraid."    


"Who is afraid? I am not prepared."    


"You are just afraid. I have already seen your body twice. You don't need to hide anymore."    


He walked to the wardrobe and Zhou Se exclaimed, "Ah, why are you walking over?"    


Ouyang Duan was speechless. He opened the cabinet on the other side. "That's enough. "I won't look at you. I'll just get a tie. I'll go to the cafeteria to make some arrangements. Call me when you're done. "    




Ouyang Duan put on his suit. He went out with his tie on.    


Zhou Se stuck her tongue out. Did she make a big fuss just now? She had really lost all her face.    


She quickly put on her clothes and started to wash her face and put on makeup.    


In order to win Ouyang Duan some face, she dressed very carefully.    


Looking at her face in the mirror that had instantly become delicate, she smiled in satisfaction.    


This time, the team members he brought out would definitely be envious of this boss finding a good wife.    


She shrugged her shoulders and smiled confidently at herself in the mirror. She took out her phone and took a look.    


Yo, it's already past five.    


She dialed Ouyang Duan's number. The call was connected. She said happily, "Uncle, I've packed up."    


"I'll pick you up."    


"No need, no need. I'll go by myself. I already know where the canteen is. See you later."    


After hanging up the phone, she went out and went straight to the canteen. From afar, she saw Ouyang Duan standing there waiting for her.    


Seeing her dress, the veins on Ouyang Duan's forehead bulged.    


Zhou Se ran to Ouyang Duan and giggled. "Uncle, look. I specially dressed up. How is it?"    


As she spoke, she recklessly spun a circle in front of him: "Can I?"    


Ouyang Duan's face was dark. "You might as well come out naked," he said angrily. "It's more attractive than now."    


Zhou Se felt something was wrong when she heard his voice. "Uncle, are you angry?"    


"You are wearing so little clothes. What are you doing?"    


"What part of my clothes are missing?" She looked down at herself. "The places that should be covered are all covered, okay?"    


Ouyang Duan gritted his teeth. When he went out this morning, she was wearing a short skirt that was almost to her knees.    


This one was good. It was short enough to make people angry.    


She knew what kind of place this was, but she still wore it like this. Was she trying to anger him to death?    


"Hurry up and take off this short skirt and wear pants. Otherwise, wear a long skirt that is as long as your knees."    


In a while, it was filled with young and strong men.    


If she wore it like this, they would keep staring at her.    


Zhou Se was a little unhappy in her heart. This man had a lot of things to do. She was just about to walk back when she saw a few team members walking over in a line in the distance.    


Someone stood in the distance and saw Zhou Se. They had already started to look at her in amazement.    


The fire in Ouyang Duan's heart burned even more fiercely.    


Zhou Se knew that Ouyang Duan was unhappy. Just when she was about to go back and change, Zhao Zhongyi walked over.    


Seeing Zhou Se, Zhao Zhongyi smiled. "Oh, our sister-in-law is too beautiful."    


"Forget it. Don't talk about her. She is going back to change," Ouyang Duan said as he looked at Zhou Se.    


Zhou Se nodded and said to Zhao Zhongyi, "Yes, she is." "Well, yes, I'm going back to change."    


"Isn't it already lunchtime? Why should I change? Isn't this good? It's so beautiful."    


"Really?" Zhou Se looked at Ouyang Duan with an unhappy expression. She said to Zhao Zhongyi, "Your boss doesn't think so. He must think that I am corrupt."    


Zhao Zhongyi smiled. "Boss, this is your fault. Girls nowadays are dressed like this. Isn't it pretty? Besides, sister-in-law has such a good figure. She looks good in everything."    


"Come on, don't say it. Zhou Se, are you going to change your clothes or not? I will give you five minutes. I will accompany you. Old Zhao, you go in first."    


He grabbed Zhou Se's wrist and returned to the dormitory.    


Entering the house, Zhou Se was depressed," I thought it was very hot in the south, so I brought only short skirts. "    


Ouyang Duan opened it and looked. It was true.    


"I don't think you have any good intentions this time."    


Zhou Se was angered to death and refuted. "What do you mean by not having good intentions? I am really wronged. My summer clothes are all like this. Besides, "All the young girls are dressed like this."    


"You're no longer a young girl. You're a married woman. Women have to have some self-awareness. Let me tell you, I will bring you to buy clothes tomorrow. You are not allowed to wear these short skirts in the future."    


You're a tyrant, a typical control freak. "    


Ouyang Duan's face turned cold. "Say it again."    


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