The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C604 Let's Get Together

C604 Let's Get Together

Let's be together.    


The two of them looked at each other. Huo Huaien's originally chaotic head seemed to have been pierced by a needle, and she instantly woke up.    


Mo Xinian also paused for a moment.    


Only then did he leave her lips.    


Huo Huaien blinked a few times but did not dare to look at Mo Xinian.    


Mo Xinian looked at her panicked expression and frowned.    


Just as he was about to speak, Huo Huaien closed her eyes again.    


He knew very well that Huo Huaien was frightened by his actions.    


Mo Xinian exhaled and sat down beside the bed.    




Huo Huaien swallowed her saliva but did not answer.    


Mo Xinian did not expect her to say anything. He just felt that since some things had already happened, he could not run away.    


Most importantly, he did not want to run away anymore.    


"Let's be together."    


Huo Huaien was frightened. She opened her eyes and looked at him.    


It was not as simple as just being frightened.    


Mo Xinian said, I know, it may be a little sudden for me to say that. But I'm not saying it on a whim. I'm serious. " I don't know when it started. My feelings for you... are a little different. Maybe you will think that at my age, Saying something like that is a little ridiculous, but that is the truth. "    


Huo Huaien did not say a word. She really did not know what to say now.    


Any man in the world would believe that he liked her. But Mr Xinian...    


In her life, she had never thought that she could hear a confession from Mr Xinian.    


Most importantly, didn't Mr Xinian like Su Yao?    


He was clearly not an abhorrent person. Why would he...    


Huo Huaien finally mustered up the courage to look at Mo Xinian. Her voice carried some doubt, "Mr Xinian, you... want me to be your lover? No matter how bad I, Huo Huaien, am, I will not destroy other people's feelings."    


"No, of course not. I am not that despicable. Su Yao and I do not think of that kind of relationship. We are just partners. We have already agreed that the engagement can be cancelled at any time."    


"But didn't you like her?"    


Mo Xinian could not help but smile. "Who said that?"    


"You..." Huo Huaien thought of that night when he kissed her, but she was mumbling Su Yao's name.    


"Could it not be?"    


"Never. From the beginning until now, I have never had any romantic feelings towards Su Yao. Could it be that you did not see that Su Yao also did not have any romantic feelings towards me?"    


Huo Huaien was a little confused. She did not know if she should believe Mo Xinian's words.    


Mo Xinian bent over and gently stroked her forehead.    


"Huaien, I will give you some time. Think about it carefully before you give me an answer. You must remember that Su Yao will not be an obstacle between you and me. En?"    


Huo Huaien's heart was originally very chaotic. Now... it was even more chaotic.    


So many things had happened in a day, she was really about to go crazy.    


Why did she open her eyes just now? She really regretted it.    


Mo Xinian rubbed her head lovingly. "Now, don't be in a hurry to think about these things. Have a good rest. We will talk seriously when your body recovers."    


Huo Huaien sighed in her heart.    


He had already said it to this extent. How much heart did she need to continue to rest as if nothing had happened?    


She could not do it.    


Huo Huaien had such a big problem, so the Huo Family naturally could not hide it.    


When Huo Tingshen received the news, he immediately called Mo Xinian.    


Mo Xinian felt guilty when he faced Huo Tingshen.    


"Tingshen, I don't have the face to see you anymore. You let me take care of you, but..."    


"It's not your fault," Huo Tingshen interrupted him. "I ask myself. If I took care of her myself, I might not be able to take care of her better than you. How is Huaien now?"    


Mo Xinian looked at Huo Huaien on the bed.    


"The wounds on her body are not fatal, but due to excessive bleeding, she is still very weak. She needs to rest well."    


"That's good. I have already bought today's plane ticket. We will arrive tomorrow."    


"You want to come?" Mo Xinian frowned. "Aren't you busy this month?"    


On the hospital bed, Huo Huaien heard Mo Xinian's words and also said, " Third Brother, you don't have to come here anymore. I'm fine now. I'll be able to get out of the hospital soon. "    


Mo Xinian said, I will take good care of Huaien. You don't have to go there again. Besides, Laosi is still here. Don't worry too much."    


Huo Tingshen frowned. "Huaien's heart..."    


"It's not a big problem. Don't worry."    


Huo Tingshen nodded. "Okay, I got it. Although I feel sad about what happened this time, at the same time, I feel very lucky. When Tingren called, he said that Huaien was the only person alive in the murderer's hands."    


Mo Xinian still felt a lingering fear when he thought of this matter.    


That Xiao Yeheng must have been hiding somewhere and looking at Huaien for more than a month.    


Otherwise, he would not have attacked when Huaien went to look for Tingren and the bodyguards left.    


If he did not talk to Huaien that night...    


The result was really unimaginable.    


"In the future, I will add bodyguards to Huaien's side. Don't worry."    


After hearing that, Huo Tingshen immediately said as if he had thought of something. "By the way, I heard from Yawei that your situation has stabilized. Then, shouldn't you return to your country after the new year?"    


Mo Xinian said, "There's no rush."    


Huo Tingshen said. Huo Tingshen said, "In fact, I have been discussing Huaien with Wen Qing these two days. After all, overseas is too far away from us. If you come back and Huaien stays there alone, it would be like having no relatives.    


Before this danger happens, I still feel that it does not matter. Anyway, Huaien is already used to it. But now... I am a little worried. We plan to have a good talk with Huaien and let her return to the country to study in university. "This way, even if you come back, we don't have anything to worry about. What do you think?"    


Mo Xinian looked at Huo Huaien with a serious expression.    


Huo Huaien was worried that Mo Xinian would talk nonsense, so she quickly waved her hand at Mo Xinian.    


Mo Xinian smiled. "Tingshen, we are not in a hurry to make a decision on this matter. Let Huaien rest well first. If I return to the country, I will definitely discuss it with you in advance. During this period of time... just give her to me first."    


Huo Tingshen had always trusted Mo Xinian. With Mo Xinian around, Huo Tingshen had always trusted him. Of course he wasn't too worried.    


The two of them chatted for a while before hanging up.    


Mo Xinian put his phone in his pocket and walked to Huo Huaien.    


Huo Huaien nervously pursed her lips and looked away from his face.    


Ever since she received Mo Xinian's confession last night, she no longer dared to look directly at Mo Xinian's face.    


What should she do if this goes on...    


Mo Xinian raised his hand and gently pinched Huo Huaien's chin. He gently turned it.    


This way, Huo Huaien had no choice but to look at Mo Xinian.    




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