The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C508 Usb Drive with Password

C508 Usb Drive with Password

Because there were too many locks, it took a lot of effort to open the cabinet.    


At seven o'clock in the evening, all the locks were finally opened.    


Huo Tingshen asked the Lockpicking Masters to leave first.    


He stood in front of the cabinet and stared at a small safe and a few rows of gold bars.    


He could understand Second Brother collecting gold bars.    


After all, he would store some.    


However, it would be strange if he kept the gold bars outside the safe.    


He took out the small safe and placed it on the study table.    


Sitting in front of the desk, he stared at the safe and entered a few passwords. The results were all wrong.    


After pondering for a moment, he tried to enter the date of his brother's death.    


Unexpectedly, the safe opened with a click.    


At this moment, Huo Tingshen's mood suddenly became somewhat heavy.    


It was as if his brother had passed away. That day, he and Second Brother sat in his big brother's room, lost in thought.    


He sighed and took out the things in the safe.    


There were a few file bags in the safe.    


At the top. The top one, as he expected, was indeed Zhilian's father's information.    


When Huo Tingshen saw the man's personal message, he took a picture of the information and sent it to Lin Shaokang. He also sent him a voice message.    


"Shaokang, find this man based on the information in this information and bring him to see me."    


After sending the message, he put his phone aside and opened the second bag.    


Inside the bag was a notarized inheritance document.    


Second Brother left everything he had to Huaien.    


He raised his eyebrows. This was probably why Huaien loved Second Brother so much.    


He took out the document and put it aside. He planned to go back and give it to Huaien.    


There was also a document at the bottom. It was a marriage agreement signed on the same day as the previous document.    


The content was that all of Huo Tingchi's assets had nothing to do with Ye Wanluo and the children Ye Wanluo gave birth to.    


The two of them did not divide their assets during the marriage. If there was a divorce or any problems arising on one side, Ye Wanluo would not be able to get a single cent.    


Ye Wanluo signing this document surprised Huo Tingshen.    


To her, this was simply an unfair agreement.    


What had happened between them? Second Brother was suddenly so heartless to this woman that he had never doubted.    


Huo Tingshen picked up the document with a serious expression.    


There were a few folders in succession. They were all the contracts of various small companies that he had opened in private.    


There were no documents in the bottom bag. Instead, there was a USB drive.    


Huo Tingshen turned on the computer and inserted the USB.    


But there was a password on the USB.    


Huo Tingshen frowned. There was a layer of security compartment and a layer of safety deposit box. Now, he added another layer of password.    


Second Brother was really meticulous when he hid things.    


Just as he was about to try to crack it, his phone rang.    


Seeing that it was Wen Qing calling, he picked it up.    


Wen Qing asked, "Why aren't you back yet? It's already eight o'clock."    


Huo Tingshen looked at the time. "Is it already so late? "I forgot. Wait for me. I'll be right back."    


After hanging up the phone, he packed the things on the table, stuffed them back into the safe, and left with the safe.    


After he left the house, he called Butler Tong and told him to come to Second Brother's place. He took all the gold bars that Second Brother had hidden and gave them to Huo Huaien to take care of.    


When he returned home, in order to not let Wen Qing think too much, Huo Tingshen did not take the safe out of the car.    


Wen Qing had already finished bathing Huohuo and was about to let him sleep.    


Seeing Huo Tingshen come in, Wen Qing could not help but say, "Why are you so late today? Are you very busy? Have you eaten?"    


Huo Tingshen went up and kissed the two of them. Then he said, "I am a little busy. I haven't eaten yet. What about you? "    


"I haven't either. I've been waiting for you."    


Huo Tingshen rubbed her head. "Call me if I don't come back in time. I might be too busy to check the time. You can eat if you can't get through."    


"I want to call, but I'm afraid you will be busy."    


"No matter how busy you are, it's not as important as your wife    


As he spoke, he said to the auntie beside him, "Take Huohuo to rest. I want to eat with Third Mrs. Huo."    


When the child was carried away, Wen Qing said with some resistance, "It's so late. I don't even want to eat anymore."    


"What's wrong? Are you hungry?"    


"No." She rubbed her stomach. "Why do I feel like I'm getting fatter recently?"    


"Nonsense. You're getting fatter this way? Are you going to let another woman live?"    


As he spoke, he forcefully pulled her hand and came to the dining table.    


"I won't allow you to lose weight. Hmm?"    


Wen Qing pouted. It's always said that a man's mouth is a lie, "she said. Which man in front of his wife says that his wife's figure is just right? But if his wife is really fat. "They also tried everything they could to find another woman."    


"You are talking about another man. I'm not that shallow. If you're really fat, I'll remind you. " I also hope that you'll be in a good mood when you go out because you have a good figure. "    


Wen Qing could not help but be happy when she heard him say so.    


She served him soup and also picked up her chopsticks and said, "Before you came back just now, I had a video with Tong Hao. I feel that Tong Hao seems to be somewhat shaken by Tingren. Because when she mentioned Tingren, she would not firmly say that the two of them were not suitable. She just kept asking me. Sister and sister-in-law are not reliable."    


"Is there something missing in your heart if you don't contact her for a day?"    


Wen Qing knew that he was upset, so she deliberately asked, "How do you know?"    


"Humph, I know you better. If Tong Hao was a man, perhaps she would have taken you away long ago."    


Wen Qing also nodded seriously. If Tong Hao was a man, perhaps we would have married a long time ago. "    


Huo Tingshen glared at her.    


Wen Qing smiled happily. "So you should be glad that Tong Hao is not a man."    


Huo Tingshen Bai "I think I should find a way to kick Tong Hao back to her hometown. Her presence is affecting the harmony of my family."    


"Then your brother is going crazy."    


"He will not be so useless."    


Wen Qing laughed and said, "Then you are wrong. Your brother. He is completely trapped now."    


"Tong Hao said that?"    


Wen Qing frowned. "Do you still need Tong Hao to say that? Don't tell me you can't feel it? Tingren saw me now, so there's nothing else. It's just asking about Tong Hao's preferences. A man likes a woman to this extent. "It's also commendable."    


"Compared to my love for you, Huo Tingren is still far from it."    


Wen Qing smiled faintly. He really did not forget to confess his love.    


However, she liked Huo Tingshen like this.    


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